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Contents 1 Performances 1. Performers Chad Hoopes violin , Matthew Lipman viola. Boston: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Javascript is required for this feature. Performers MIDI. These file s are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection. Performers Tomoe. Pub lisher. According to the scholar of Western esotericism Jan A. Snoek: “the best way to characterize Freemasonry is in terms of what it is not, rather than what it is. During these three rituals, the candidate is progressively taught the Masonic symbols, and entrusted with grips or tokens, signs, and words to signify to other Masons which degrees he has taken.

The dramatic allegorical ceremonies include explanatory lectures, and revolve around the construction of the Temple of Solomon , and the artistry and death of the chief architect, Hiram Abiff. The degrees are those of “Entered apprentice”, “Fellowcraft” and “Master Mason”. While many different versions of these rituals exist, with various lodge layouts and versions of the Hiramic legend, each version is recognizable to any Freemason from any jurisdiction.

In some jurisdictions, the main themes of each degree are illustrated by tracing boards. These painted depictions of Masonic themes are exhibited in the lodge according to which degree is being worked, and are explained to the candidate to illustrate the legend and symbolism of each degree.

The idea of Masonic brotherhood probably descends from a 16th-century legal definition of a “brother” as one who has taken an oath of mutual support to another. Accordingly, Masons swear at each degree to keep the contents of that degree secret, and to support and protect their brethren unless they have broken the law.

In Progressive continental Freemasonry, books other than scripture are permissible, a cause of rupture between Grand Lodges. Since the middle of the 19th century, Masonic historians have sought the origins of the movement in a series of similar documents known as the Old Charges , dating from the Regius Poem in about [42] to the beginning of the 18th century. Alluding to the membership of a lodge of operative masons, they relate it to a mythologised history of the craft, the duties of its grades, and the manner in which oaths of fidelity are to be taken on joining.

There is no clear mechanism by which these local trade organisations became today’s Masonic Lodges. The earliest rituals and passwords known, from operative lodges around the turn of the 17th—18th centuries, show continuity with the rituals developed in the later 18th century by accepted or speculative Masons, as those members who did not practice the physical craft gradually came to be known. Alternatively, Thomas De Quincey in his work titled Rosicrucians and Freemasonry put forward the theory that suggested that Freemasonry may have been an outgrowth of Rosicrucianism.

The theory had also been postulated in by German professor; J. Over the next decade, most of the existing Lodges in England joined the new regulatory body, which itself entered a period of self-publicity and expansion.

New lodges were created and the fraternity began to grow. During the course of the 18th century, as aristocrats and artists crowded out the craftsmen originally associated with the organization, Freemasonry became fashionable throughout Europe and the American colonies.

Between and , the Grand Lodge endorsed several significant changes that some Lodges could not endorse. These two Grand Lodges vied for supremacy until the Moderns promised to return to the ancient ritual.

The Grand Lodge of Ireland and the Grand Lodge of Scotland were formed in and , respectively, although neither persuaded all of the existing lodges in their countries to join for many years. The earliest known American lodges were in Pennsylvania. The Collector for the port of Pennsylvania, John Moore, wrote of attending lodges there in , two years before the putative formation of the first Grand Lodge in London. Other lodges in the colony of Pennsylvania obtained authorisations from the later Antient Grand Lodge of England , the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and the Grand Lodge of Ireland , which was particularly well represented in the travelling lodges of the British Army.

After the American Revolution , independent U. Grand Lodges developed within each state. Some thought was briefly given to organising an overarching “Grand Lodge of the United States,” with George Washington , who was a member of a Virginian lodge, as the first Grand Master, but the idea was short-lived.

The various state Grand Lodges did not wish to diminish their own authority by agreeing to such a body. Freemasonry was imported to Jamaica by British immigrants who colonized the island for over years. According to the Jamaican census, that potentially included 5, free black men and 40, free people of colour mixed race.

Jamaican Freemasonry historian Jackie Ranston, noted that:. On 25 May , Masons around the world celebrated the th anniversary of the fraternity. Jamaica hosted one of the regional gatherings for this celebration. Prince Hall Freemasonry exists because of the refusal of early American lodges to admit African Americans. In , an African American named Prince Hall , [66] along with 14 other African-American men, was initiated into a British military lodge with a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Ireland , having failed to obtain admission from the other lodges in Boston.

When the British military Lodge left North America after the end of the Revolution, those 15 men were given the authority to meet as a Lodge, but not to initiate Masons. When the two English grand lodges united in , all U.

Thus, separated from both English jurisdiction and any concordantly recognised U. This lodge is not to be confused with the various Grand Lodges in Africa. As with the rest of U. Widespread racial segregation in 19th- and early 20th-century North America made it difficult for African Americans to join Lodges outside of Prince Hall jurisdictions — and impossible for inter-jurisdiction recognition between the parallel U.

Masonic authorities. By the s, such discrimination was a thing of the past. Today most U. Grand Lodges recognise their Prince Hall counterparts, and the authorities of both traditions are working towards full recognition. English Freemasonry spread to France in the s, first as lodges of expatriates and exiled Jacobites , and then as distinctively French lodges that still follow the ritual of the Moderns.

From France and England, Freemasonry spread to most of Continental Europe during the course of the 18th century. Briefly eclipsed during the French Revolution , French Freemasonry continued to grow in the next century, [71] at first under the leadership of Alexandre Francois Auguste de Grasse , Comte de Grassy-Tilly. A career Army officer, he lived with his family in Charleston, South Carolina from to the early s, after leaving Saint-Domingue , now Haiti, during the years of the Haitian Revolution.

After the failure of the Italian revolution , a number of Italian Freemasons were forced to flee. They secretly set up an approved chapter of Scottish Rite in Alexandria , a town already inhabited by a large Italian community. Meanwhile, the French freemasons publicly organised a local chapter in Alexandria in Many Young Turks affiliated with the Bektashi order were members and patrons of freemasonry. They were also closely allied against European imperialism.

Many Ottoman intellectuals believed that Sufism and Freemasonry shared close similarities in doctrines, spiritual outlook and mysticism. The ritual form on which the Grand Orient of France was based was abolished in England in the events leading to the formation of the United Grand Lodge of England in However the two jurisdictions continued in amity, or mutual recognition, until events of the s and s drove a seemingly permanent wedge between them.

In the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the State of Louisiana appeared in the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, recognised by the Grand Orient de France, but regarded by the older body as an invasion of their jurisdiction.

The new Scottish Rite body admitted blacks. The resolution of the Grand Orient the following year that neither colour, race, nor religion could disqualify a man from Masonry prompted the Grand Lodge to withdraw recognition, and it persuaded other American Grand Lodges to do the same.

A dispute during the Lausanne Congress of Supreme Councils of prompted the Grand Orient de France to commission a report by a Protestant pastor, which concluded that, as Freemasonry was not a religion, it should not require a religious belief.

The new constitutions read, “Its principles are absolute liberty of conscience and human solidarity”, the existence of God and the immortality of the soul being struck out. It is possible that the immediate objections of the United Grand Lodge of England were at least partly motivated by the political tension between France and Britain at the time. The result was the withdrawal of recognition of the Grand Orient of France by the United Grand Lodge of England, a situation that continues today.

Not all French lodges agreed with the new wording. In , lodges favouring the compulsory recognition of the Great Architect of the Universe formed the Grande Loge de France. There are now three strands of Freemasonry in France, which extend into the rest of Continental Europe The term Continental Freemasonry was used in Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry to “designate the Lodges on the Continent of Europe which retain many usages which have either been abandoned by, or never were observed in, the Lodges of England, Ireland, and Scotland, as well as the United States of America”.

The majority of Freemasonry considers the Liberal Continental strand to be Irregular, and thus withhold recognition. The Continental lodges, however, did not want to sever masonic ties.

Included in the list of over 70 Grand Lodges and Grand Orients are representatives of all three of the above categories, including mixed and women’s organisations. The United Grand Lodge of England does not communicate with any of these jurisdictions, and expects its allies to follow suit. This creates the distinction between Anglo-American and Continental Freemasonry. In the early 20th century Freemasonry was an influential semi-secret force in Italian politics with a strong presence among professionals and the middle class across Italy, as well as among the leadership of the parliament, public administration, and the army.

They had 25, members in or more lodges. Freemasons took on the challenge of mobilizing the press, public opinion and the leading political parties in support of Italy’s joining the Allies of the First World War in — Traditionally, they promoted Italian nationalism focused on unification, and undermining the power of the Catholic Church.

In they dropped the traditional pacifistic rhetoric and used instead the powerful language of Italian nationalism. Freemasonry had always promoted cosmopolitan universal values, and by onwards they demanded a League of Nations to promote a new post-war universal order based upon the peaceful coexistence of independent and democratic nations. The status of women in the old guilds and corporations of medieval masons remains uncertain. The principle of “femme sole” allowed a widow to continue the trade of her husband, but its application had wide local variations, such as full membership of a trade body or limited trade by deputation or approved members of that body.

At the dawn of the Grand Lodge era , during the s, James Anderson composed the first printed constitutions for Freemasons , the basis for most subsequent constitutions, which specifically excluded women from Freemasonry. The French officially abandoned the experiment in the early 19th century.

Maria Deraismes was initiated into Freemasonry in , then resigned to allow her lodge to rejoin their Grand Lodge. Having failed to achieve acceptance from any masonic governing body, she and Georges Martin started a mixed masonic lodge that worked masonic ritual. Meanwhile, the French had re-invented Adoption as an all-female lodge in , only to cast it aside again in The lodges, however, continued to meet, which gave rise, in , to a body of women practising continental Freemasonry.

In general, Continental Freemasonry is sympathetic to Freemasonry amongst women, dating from the s when French lodges assisted the emergent co-masonic movement by promoting enough of their members to the 33rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite to allow them, in , to form their own grand council, recognised by the other Continental Grand Councils of that Rite.

While they were not, therefore, recognised as regular, they were part of Freemasonry “in general”. In guidance was released by the United Grand Lodge of England stating that, in regard to transgender women, “A Freemason who after initiation ceases to be a man does not cease to be a Freemason”. Anti-Masonry alternatively called Anti-Freemasonry has been defined as “opposition to Freemasonry”, [98] [99] but there is no homogeneous anti-Masonic movement.

Anti-Masonry consists of widely differing criticisms from diverse and often incompatible groups who are hostile to Freemasonry in some form. Critics have included religious groups, political groups, and conspiracy theorists , in particular, those espousing Masonic conspiracy theories or the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory.

Certain prominent Anti-Masons, such as Nesta Helen Webster — , have exclusively criticized “Continental Masonry” while considering “Regular Masonry” an honorable association. These often lack context, [] may be outdated for various reasons, [] or could be outright hoaxes on the part of the author, as in the case of the Taxil hoax.

The political opposition that arose after the American ” Morgan Affair ” in gave rise to the term Anti-Masonry , which is still in use in America today, both by Masons in referring to their critics and as a self-descriptor by the critics themselves. Freemasonry has attracted criticism from theocratic states and organised religions for supposed competition with religion, or supposed heterodoxy within the fraternity itself and has long been the target of conspiracy theories , which assert Freemasonry to be an occult and evil power.

Although members of various faiths cite objections, certain Christian denominations have had high-profile negative attitudes to Masonry, banning or discouraging their members from being Freemasons.

The denomination with the longest history of objection to Freemasonry is the Catholic Church. The objections raised by the Catholic Church are based on the allegation that Masonry teaches a naturalistic deistic religion which is in conflict with Church doctrine.

The Code of Canon Law explicitly declared that joining Freemasonry entailed automatic excommunication , and banned books favouring Freemasonry. In , the Church issued a new code of canon law. Unlike its predecessor, the Code of Canon Law did not explicitly name Masonic orders among the secret societies it condemns. It states: “A person who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty; one who promotes or takes office in such an association is to be punished with an interdict.

The faithful who enrol in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion. Those Grand Lodges in amity with the United Grand Lodge of England deny the Church’s claims, stating that “Freemasonry does not seek to replace a Mason’s religion or provide a substitute for it. In contrast to Catholic allegations of rationalism and naturalism, Protestant objections are more likely to be based on allegations of mysticism , occultism , and even Satanism.

His writings represented his personal opinion only, and furthermore an opinion grounded in the attitudes and understandings of late 19th century Southern Freemasonry of the US.

Notably, his book carries in the preface a form of disclaimer from his own Grand Lodge. No one voice has ever spoken for the whole of Freemasonry. Free Methodist Church founder B. Roberts was a vocal opponent of Freemasonry in the mid 19th century. Roberts opposed the society on moral grounds and stated, “The god of the lodge is not the God of the Bible.

Freedom from secret societies is one of the “frees” upon which the Free Methodist Church was founded. In recent decades, however, reservations about Freemasonry have increased within Anglicanism, perhaps due to the increasing prominence of the evangelical wing of the church.

The former archbishop of Canterbury , Dr Rowan Williams , appeared to harbour some reservations about Masonic ritual, whilst being anxious to avoid causing offence to Freemasons inside and outside the Church of England.

In he felt it necessary to apologise to British Freemasons after he said that their beliefs were incompatible with Christianity and that he had barred the appointment of Freemasons to senior posts in his diocese when he was Bishop of Monmouth. In , the Orthodox Church of Greece officially declared that being a Freemason constitutes an act of apostasy and thus, until he repents, the person involved with Freemasonry cannot partake of the Eucharist.

This has been generally affirmed throughout the whole Eastern Orthodox Church. The Orthodox critique of Freemasonry agrees with both the Catholic and Protestant versions: “Freemasonry cannot be at all compatible with Christianity as far as it is a secret organisation, acting and teaching in mystery and secret and deifying rationalism. Regular Freemasonry has traditionally not responded to these claims, beyond the often repeated statement that Freemasonry explicitly adheres to the principle that “Freemasonry is not a religion, nor a substitute for religion.

There is no separate ‘Masonic deity,’ and there is no separate proper name for a deity in Freemasonry. Christian men, who were discouraged from joining the Freemasons by their Churches or who wanted a more religiocentric society, joined similar fraternal organisations, such as the Knights of Columbus and Knights of Peter Claver for Catholics, and the Loyal Orange Institution for Protestants, [] although these fraternal organisations have been “organized in part on the style of and use many symbols of Freemasonry”.

There are some elements of Freemasonry within the temple rituals of Mormonism. Many countries with a majority Muslim population do not allow Masonic establishments within their borders.

However, countries such as Turkey and Morocco have established Grand Lodges, [] while in countries such as Malaysia [] [] and Lebanon [] there are District Grand Lodges operating under a warrant from an established Grand Lodge. Lodge buildings were confiscated by the government. However, the position changed following the revolution, and all lodges were forced to close in In , English Freemasonry almost came to a halt due to Parliamentary proclamation.

In the wake of the French Revolution , the Unlawful Societies Act banned any meetings of groups that required their members to take an oath or obligation. The Grand Masters of both the Moderns and the Antients Grand Lodges called on Prime Minister William Pitt who was not a Freemason and explained to him that Freemasonry was a supporter of the law and lawfully constituted authority and was much involved in charitable work.

As a result, Freemasonry was specifically exempted from the terms of the Act, provided that each private lodge’s Secretary placed with the local “Clerk of the Peace” a list of the members of his lodge once a year. This continued until , when the obligation of the provision was rescinded by Parliament. Freemasonry in the United States faced political pressure following the kidnapping of William Morgan by Freemasons and his subsequent disappearance.

Reports of the “Morgan Affair”, together with opposition to Jacksonian democracy Andrew Jackson was a prominent Mason , helped fuel an Anti-Masonic movement. The short-lived Anti-Masonic Party was formed, which fielded candidates for the presidential elections of and In Italy, Freemasonry has become linked to a scandal concerning the Propaganda Due lodge a. This lodge was chartered by the Grande Oriente d’Italia in , as a lodge for visiting Masons unable to attend their own lodges.

Under Licio Gelli ‘s leadership, in the late s, P2 became involved in the financial scandals that nearly bankrupted the Vatican Bank. However, by this time the lodge was operating independently and irregularly, as the Grand Orient had revoked its charter and expelled Gelli in Conspiracy theorists have long associated Freemasonry with the New World Order and the Illuminati , and state that Freemasonry as an organisation is either bent on world domination or already secretly in control of world politics.

Historically Freemasonry has attracted criticism, and suppression from both the politically far right e. Freemasonry is viewed with distrust even in some modern democracies. Straw stated that the rule was considered disproportionate, since no impropriety or malpractice had been shown as a result of judges being Freemasons.

Freemasonry is both successful and controversial in France. As of the early 21st century, membership is rising, but reporting of it in popular media is often negative. In some countries anti-Masonry is often related to antisemitism and anti- Zionism. For example, in , the Iraqi legal and penal code was changed by Saddam Hussein ‘s ruling Ba’ath Party , making it a felony to “promote or acclaim Zionist principles, including Freemasonry, or who associate [themselves] with Zionist organisations”.

The preserved records of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt the Reich Security Main Office show the persecution of Freemasons during the Holocaust. While the number of victims is not accurately known, historians estimate that between 80, and , Freemasons were killed under the Nazi regime.

The small blue forget-me-not flower was first used by the Grand Lodge Zur Sonne in , as a Masonic emblem at the annual convention in Bremen , Germany. In , a forget-me-not badge, made by the same factory as the Masonic badge, was chosen for the Nazi Party’s Winterhilfswerk , the annual charity drive of the National Socialist People’s Welfare the welfare branch of the Nazi party.

This coincidence enabled Freemasons to wear the forget-me-not badge as a secret sign of membership. The badge is now sometimes worn in the coat lapel by Freemasons around the world to remember all who suffered in the name of Freemasonry, especially those during the Nazi era.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Group of fraternal organizations. For the ghost town, see Masonic, California. For other uses, see Freemason disambiguation. For the house music producers, see Freemasons band. Masonic bodies. Views of Masonry. People and places. By country. Main article: Masonic lodge. Main article: Grand Lodge.

Main article: Regular Masonic jurisdictions. See also: Masonic bodies and List of Masonic rites. Main article: Masonic ritual and symbolism. Main article: History of Freemasonry. Main article: Prince Hall Freemasonry. See also: Ottoman Empire.

Further information: Freemasonry in the Middle East. Main articles: Freemasonry and women and Co-Freemasonry. Main article: Anti-Masonry. Main article: Opposition to Freemasonry within Christianity.

See also: Anti-Masonry and Suppression of Freemasonry.

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Opus/Catalogue Number Op./Cat. No. K ; part of Op I-Catalogue Number I-Cat. No. IWM Key G major Movements/Sections Mov’ts/Sec’s: 3 movements: I. Allegro II. Adagio III. Rondeau. Allegro Year/Date of Composition Y/D of Comp. First Pub lication. – Vienna: Artaria: Average Duration Avg. Duration: Insane Clown Posse, often abbreviated as ICP, is an American hip hop duo. Formed in Detroit in as a gangsta rap group, ICP’s best known lineup consists of rappers Violent J (Joseph Bruce) and Shaggy 2 Dope (originally 2 Dope; Joseph Utsler). Insane Clown Posse is known for its elaborate live performances and theatrical horror-inspired duo has earned two . For non-emergency issues, you can also contact Amadeus Hospitality Support by sending an email to When submitting your email, please provide the following information: Your name and property; Amadeus product needing support; Details of your inquiry including screenshots and/or images.

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Firaxis delays Marvel’s Midnight Suns, maybe until The game was previously scheduled to launch this October. Fingas , Dent , Steam is finally adding support for Nintendo Joy-Con controllers You can use the gamepads individually or as a matched pair.

Microsoft helps game devs pull more performance from the Xbox Series S More access to memory could overcome limitations for some games. Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country. Creative Commons Attribution 3.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4. Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 3. Creative Commons Attribution 4. Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial 3.

Allegro II. Adagio III. Duration 16 minutes Composer Time Period Comp. Murder Dog Archives. Archived from the original on April 30, Boston: The Boston Channel. February 3, Archived from the original on February 23, Retrieved August 16, February 4, Rocky Mountain News.

Archived from the original on October 14, Archived from the original on March 24, Retrieved July 22, Mail Tribune. Medford, Oregon. Archived from the original on August 10, Retrieved February 6, Democrat and Chronicle. Rochester, New York. The Forum. Retrieved January 1, PR Web. February 11, Retrieved February 23, Retrieved July 18, Torch Daily Blitz. Episode December 8, Detroit Free Press. Retrieved November 4, Detroit, Michigan: Reel Life Productions. Archived from the original MP3 on April 18, Retrieved September 28, Retrieved September 9, Archived from the original on July 16, Retrieved August 20, Retrieved 31 January PR Newswire.

February 17, Retrieved March 27, New York. Retrieved April 28, Retrieved April 26, Detroit Music Awards. April 17, Archived from the original on September 29, Retrieved April 17, MTV News.

Archived from the original on April 20, Retrieved April 20, Hatchet Herald. October 9, Detroit, Michigan: Psychopathic Video. Event occurs at Retrieved October 13, LA Weekly.

Los Angeles. Retrieved March 17, The A. Retrieved June 20, The Detroit News. Retrieved November 1, May 4, Archived from the original on November 8, Archived from the original on December 16, Federal Bureau of Investigation. NY Times. Retrieved January 8, Retrieved Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. The music journalist and author Dan Sicko describes certain strains of Detroit hip-hop as ‘an extreme, almost parodied’ version of inner city life, which he links to the extremities of urban decline in the city: ‘both the horrorcore of hip-hop outfits such as Insane Clown Posse, Esham and to a lesser extent the multi-platinum-selling Eminem, utilize shocking and blatantly over the top narratives to give an over-exaggerated, almost cartoon-like version of urban deprivation in Detroit’ cited in Cohen and Strachan, Retrieved June 2, Carnival of Carnage.

Liner notes. The Great Milenko. The Amazing Jeckel Brothers. The Wraith: Shangri-La. The Opening song. The United States of Insanity Documentary film. Strike Back Studios. Event occurs at to Michael Jackson is, without a doubt, the biggest influence. A and throw some Pearl Jam in there, [ Retrieved June 10, The Sydney Morning Herald. May 9, Retrieved June 5, Willamette Week.

Retrieved November 9, Omnibus Press. Retrieved November 11, Retrieved November 14, Washington Post. Insane Clown Posse announce farewell tour amid rapper’s heart failure”. SK Pop. Dallas Observer. Retrieved December 17, Retrieved April 19, Associated Press.

December 19, Kill Your Stereo. January 30, Retrieved August 15, Real Detroit Weekly.

Insane Clown Posse, often abbreviated as ICP, is an American hip hop duo. Formed in Detroit in as a gangsta rap group, ICP’s best known lineup consists of rappers Violent J (Joseph Bruce) and Shaggy 2 Dope (originally 2 Dope; Joseph Utsler). Insane Clown Posse is known for its elaborate live performances and theatrical horror-inspired duo has earned two . Find in-depth news and hands-on reviews of the latest video games, video consoles and accessories. Freemasonry or Masonry refers to fraternal organisations that trace their origins to the local guilds of stonemasons that, from the end of the 13th century, regulated the qualifications of stonemasons and their interaction with authorities and clients. Modern Freemasonry broadly consists of two main recognition groups: Regular Freemasonry insists that a volume of .
Channel Management. TravelClick Channel Management. This section only applies if Customer is using TravelClick Channel Management Services. Customer will provide or cause each Property to provide all necessary information and content, on a timely basis, required for the building of initial Channel Management system database and the user interface for Channel Management . von Ergebnissen für Blitzangebote oder Angebote & Aktionen: Aktuell oder Abgelaufen. Sortieren nach. Insane Clown Posse, often abbreviated as ICP, is an American hip hop duo. Formed in Detroit in as a gangsta rap group, ICP’s best known lineup consists of rappers Violent J (Joseph Bruce) and Shaggy 2 Dope (originally 2 Dope; Joseph Utsler). Insane Clown Posse is known for its elaborate live performances and theatrical horror-inspired duo has earned two .


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Channel Management. TravelClick Channel Management. This section only applies if Customer is using TravelClick Channel Management Services. Customer will provide or cause each Property to provide all necessary information and content, on a timely basis, required for the building of initial Channel Management system database and the user interface for Channel Management . von Ergebnissen für Blitzangebote oder Angebote & Aktionen: Aktuell oder Abgelaufen. Sortieren nach. Find in-depth news and hands-on reviews of the latest video games, video consoles and accessories. For non-emergency issues, you can also contact Amadeus Hospitality Support by sending an email to When submitting your email, please provide the following information: Your name and property; Amadeus product needing support; Details of your inquiry including screenshots and/or images.

Duo for Violin and Viola, K. Naxos Javascript not enabled. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3. It may not be public domain elsewhere, however. More information about this can be found here. Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country. Creative Commons Attribution 3. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.

Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 3. Creative Commons Attribution 4. Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial 3. Allegro II. Adagio III. Duration 16 minutes Composer Time Period Comp. Duets ; For violin, viola ; Scores featuring the violin ; Scores featuring the viola ; For 2 players ; For 2 recorders arr ; Scores featuring the recorder arr ; For 2 players arr ; For flute, alto flute arr ; Scores featuring the flute arr ; Scores featuring the alto flute arr ; For 2 clarinets arr ; Scores featuring the clarinet arr ; For clarinet, viola arr ; Scores featuring the viola arr ; For 2 guitars arr ; Scores featuring the guitar arr ; For clarinet, violin arr ; Scores featuring the violin arr ; For piano arr ; For 1 player arr ; Scores featuring the piano arr.

Contents 1 Performances 1. Performers Chad Hoopes violin , Matthew Lipman viola. Boston: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Javascript is required for this feature. Performers MIDI.

These file s are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection. Performers Tomoe. Pub lisher. Plate W. Originally scanned at dpi grayscale, converted to dpi monochrome. Editor Dietrich Berke Marius Flothuis — Plate BA Editor Tino. Arranger Arnold den Teuling.

Arranger Hideo Kamioka b. Arranger Reinier Jacobus van der Wal. Arranger Tom van der Grinten. Transposed to C major If performed I would look forward toward a small reference to my efforts. New version Transposed to A major.

If performed I would look forward toward a small reference to my efforts. Arranger Tom Van der Grinten. Arranger Roberto Novegno b. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Also in 2 Duos for Violin and Viola , K.

Find in-depth news and hands-on reviews of the latest video games, video consoles and accessories. For non-emergency issues, you can also contact Amadeus Hospitality Support by sending an email to When submitting your email, please provide the following information: Your name and property; Amadeus product needing support; Details of your inquiry including screenshots and/or images. Insane Clown Posse, often abbreviated as ICP, is an American hip hop duo. Formed in Detroit in as a gangsta rap group, ICP’s best known lineup consists of rappers Violent J (Joseph Bruce) and Shaggy 2 Dope (originally 2 Dope; Joseph Utsler). Insane Clown Posse is known for its elaborate live performances and theatrical horror-inspired duo has earned two .

The preserved records of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt the Reich Security Main Office show the persecution of Freemasons during the Holocaust. While the number of victims is not accurately known, historians estimate that between 80, and , Freemasons were killed under the Nazi regime.

The small blue forget-me-not flower was first used by the Grand Lodge Zur Sonne in , as a Masonic emblem at the annual convention in Bremen , Germany. In , a forget-me-not badge, made by the same factory as the Masonic badge, was chosen for the Nazi Party’s Winterhilfswerk , the annual charity drive of the National Socialist People’s Welfare the welfare branch of the Nazi party. This coincidence enabled Freemasons to wear the forget-me-not badge as a secret sign of membership.

The badge is now sometimes worn in the coat lapel by Freemasons around the world to remember all who suffered in the name of Freemasonry, especially those during the Nazi era. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Group of fraternal organizations. For the ghost town, see Masonic, California. For other uses, see Freemason disambiguation.

For the house music producers, see Freemasons band. Masonic bodies. Views of Masonry. People and places. By country. Main article: Masonic lodge. Main article: Grand Lodge. Main article: Regular Masonic jurisdictions. See also: Masonic bodies and List of Masonic rites. Main article: Masonic ritual and symbolism.

Main article: History of Freemasonry. Main article: Prince Hall Freemasonry. See also: Ottoman Empire. Further information: Freemasonry in the Middle East. Main articles: Freemasonry and women and Co-Freemasonry. Main article: Anti-Masonry. Main article: Opposition to Freemasonry within Christianity. See also: Anti-Masonry and Suppression of Freemasonry. Paul Royster ed. The Constitutions of the Free-Masons Philadelphia ed.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Benjamin Franklin. Retrieved 12 August The Persons admitted Members of a Lodge must be good and true Men, free-born, and of mature and discreet Age, no Bondmen, no Women, no immoral or scandalous Men, but of good Report.

Revolutionary brotherhood: Freemasonry and the transformation of the American social order, — ISBN OCLC Retrieved 14 June Freemasons for Dummies. Indianapolis: Wiley, Handbook for Candidate’s Coaches excerpt. Grand Lodge F.

Retrieved 8 May Retrieved 17 June In Magee, Glenn A. The Arcane Schools. The Origins of Freemasonry. Cambridge University Press. Courier Corporation. United Grand Lodge of England. Retrieved 12 June Weiser Books. Casanova: The World of a Seductive Genius. Simon and Schuster. Brent Morris The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry. John’s Lodge No. Baigent and R. Google Books: Jamaica Government. Jamaica Gleaner Newspaper.

And other well known Prince Hall Masons”. Archived from the original on 2 June Retrieved 14 November Landau, Jacob Middle Eastern Studies.

Freemansonry and the Orient: Esotericisms between the East and the West. Edizioni Ca’ Foscari-Digital publishing. The Guardian. Retrieved 1 August Retrieved 8 September Craig; Parfrey, Adam Feral House. Brent New York: Alpha Books. A Pilgrim’s Path. New York: M. Brent Morris 18 August Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. Retrieved 7 July Lists many books which perpetuate Masonic ritual hoaxes. Bishops Concerning Masonry”. Retrieved 9 July Transactions of Texas Lodge of Research.

Retrieved 29 September Archived from the original on 2 December Hugo; Scottish Rite Masonic order. Washington, DC: House of the Temple. In preparing this work [Pike] has been about equally Author and Compiler. The teachings of these Readings are not sacramental, so far as they go beyond the realm of Morality into those of other domains of Thought and Truth. The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite uses the word “Dogma” in its true sense of doctrine, or teaching; and is not dogmatic in the odious sense of that term.

Everyone is entirely free to reject and dissent from whatsoever herein may seem to him to be untrue or unsound p. Populist Saints. Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Masonic Quarterly Magazine Retrieved 7 May The Daily Telegraph. Archived from the original on 23 November Retrieved 15 January Retrieved 2 November Northern Ireland: Society Under Siege. Transaction Publishers. The Washington Times.

Retrieved 18 June Retrieved 18 December Archived from the original on 18 August The Star Online. Retrieved 13 February Scanlan, ed. XI, March No. Retrieved 31 October Stuart Hughes Contemporary Europe: A History.

New York: Leon Amiel Publisher. Retrieved 7 November Mill Valley Lodge Archived from the original on 10 December Retrieved 21 May In Israel Gutman ed.

It may not be public domain elsewhere, however. More information about this can be found here. Please obey the copyright laws of your country. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.

Creative Commons Attribution 3. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4. Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 3. Creative Commons Attribution 4. Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial 3. Allegro II. Adagio III. Duration 16 minutes Composer Time Period Comp. Duets ; For violin, viola ; Scores featuring the violin ; Scores featuring the viola ; For 2 players ; For 2 recorders arr ; Scores featuring the recorder arr ; For 2 players arr ; For flute, alto flute arr ; Scores featuring the flute arr ; Scores featuring the alto flute arr ; For 2 clarinets arr ; Scores featuring the clarinet arr ; For clarinet, viola arr ; Scores featuring the viola arr ; For 2 guitars arr ; Scores featuring the guitar arr ; For clarinet, violin arr ; Scores featuring the violin arr ; For piano arr ; For 1 player arr ; Scores featuring the piano arr.

For GMS, TravelClick will provide routine maintenance and support services for the systems and services with regard to: 4. Connectivity to source operating systems; 4.

Interfaces for acquiring required data from source systems 4. Processes for cleansing and formatting source data; 4. Building, maintaining, and updating databases; and 4. Designing and producing standard reports. Customer is required to approve design and business rules prior to the system being enabled to send messages to consumers. Importing of comprehensive non-database lists provided by Customer is included during implementation but additional costs may apply on these non-database lists if they do not comply with the standard format provided by TravelClick.

See point 7 below for more details. Project timing will be scoped upon request. For GMS Billing: 8. Setup fees will be billed upon the Effective Date, including fees for Custom Services.

If Guest Management Solution is sold as part of a bundle, the billing rules on that Bundle agreement override the standalone billing clause above in Section 8. Guest Management Solutions Implementation. Where the Customer uses Clickstream Marketing functionality of the TravelClick Guest Management Solutions and any other online behavioral advertising functionality as part of the Services or Digital Alchemy Services, the Customer shall obtain all end user consents and provide any notices required by applicable law including the European E-Privacy Directive to enable TravelClick to place cookies and similar technologies on the device of end users and serve ads on the devices of end users.

Functional Elements. Custom Pro comes with many standard functional elements. There are enhanced functional elements that are available for an additional cost. Custom Pro does not include custom development work to create new functional elements. Website Design Stages.

Subject to the number of Rounds of Revisions specified above, TravelClick will incorporate any requested revisions from Customer in a Round of Revision to produce another version of the website design.

Customer must submit all changes in a Round of Revisions through one email. Website Development Stages. After having received the final Round of Revisions to the website design and execution by Customer of the Design Phase Approval Statement, TravelClick will build the final production-ready version of the website.

Change Requirements. Customer must complete a change requirements form anytime i there is a change to the website requested that is outside the scope of the website statement of work or is a material change or ii there is any change requested after the last Round of Revision.

Terms of Payment for Website Services and Termination. If Customer elects to refresh their website, the buyout fee schedule as specified above in this section will reset. Ownership of the Website. Multilingual SEO. If contracted Multilingual SEO page counts and SEO page counts are not equal, Customer understands and agrees that only the contracted number of pages will be serviced and the selection of pages is done at the discretion of TravelClick.

If additional pages are requested to be optimized, Customer must execute an amendment to this Agreement or Customer must purchase a specific number of hours at the standard hourly rate from TravelClick Web Solutions. Google Analytics. This one-time setup does not include any custom segments, goals, events, or filters. The Initial Term of this Agreement begins on the Effective Date and expires 24 months following the date the Website s is launched.

Customer must complete a change requirements form anytime i there is a change to the website requested that is outside the scope of the website statement of work or is a material change or ii there is any change requested after the beta version. Customer will pay the Fees for Website Development Services as follows: i Upfront Fees will be divided into two payments, the first payment is due upon the Effective Date of this Agreement and the second payment is due upon completion of the beta version by TravelClick but by no later than days after the Effective Date; ii the Monthly Fees will start billing upon delivery of beta version and are due immediately upon receipt of invoice.

Outstanding invoices will bear interest at a rate of the lesser of 1. Maintenance and Enhancements are included in the Fees but they are not unlimited and restrictions apply, see the Maintenance and Enhancements section for details.

TravelClick grants Customer a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use the CMS during the Term and, upon payment in full of the Upfront Fees, a perpetual, revocable, non-exclusive license to use the Web Site. If contracted Multilingual SEO page counts and SEO page counts are not equal, the Customer understands that only the contracted number of pages will be serviced and the selection of pages is done at the discretion of TravelClick.

Customer will pay the Fees for Website Development Services as follows: i Upfront Fees will be divided into two payments, the first payment is due upon the Effective Date of this agreement and the second payment is due upon completion of the beta version by TravelClick but by no later than days after the Effective Date; ii the Monthly Fees will start billing upon delivery of beta version and are due immediately upon receipt of invoice.

Website Redesign i consists of the same services and functionality that the customer contracted with TravelClick, including but not limited to the number of pages and functionality, ii does not include the creation of any new content, copy, or translation services, iii is limited to one design and one round of revision, iv customer will have the ability to select from a pre-determined set of templates based on their existing functionality and content, and v is limited to one round of revision.

Pro Responsive comes with many standard functional elements. Pro Responsive does not include custom development work to create new functional elements. Customer must complete a change requirements form anytime i there is a change to the website requested that is outside the scope of the website statement of work or is a material change, or ii there is any change requested after the last Round of Revision. Should the Customer elect to refresh their website the buyout fee schedule as specified above will reset.

If contracted Multilingual SEO page counts and SEO page counts are not equal, the Customer understands that only the contracted number of pages will be serviced and the selection of pages is done at the discretion of the operations team.

If additional pages are requested to be optimized, an amendment must be submitted in addition to this contract or a specific number of hours can be purchased at the standard hourly rate from TravelClick Web Solutions.

Any specific profile customization requests can be submitted to TravelClick Web Solutions and will be charged at our standard rates. Website Management. Customer is responsible for the management and upkeep of all content and images on their TravelClick WebBuilder Website and Customer understands that Customer has full access to and ability to add or remove valuable content, features, and functionalities within its WebBuilder Website, including the ability to alter widgets such as the booking mask, which could result in the loss of direct bookings through its WebBuilder Website.

Customer may terminate its Agreement for WebBuilder or remove WebBuilder services from a bundle agreement by giving 30 days prior written notice to TravelClick. WebBuilder Websites and use of the content management system are also governed by the Weebly terms and conditions. The website will include the built-in platform functionalities, design options, and features listed in the Order Form and Agreement.

Customer understands and agrees that the Essential Website design package does not include any custom development work or styling outside of built-in options. Custom Websites The Custom Website package includes a custom website design and, if applicable, a defined set of customized functionalities and features listed in the Order Form and Agreement.

Customer understands and agrees that i except as specifically listed in the Order Form and Agreement, the Custom Website design package does not include any other custom development work, ii the parties will execute an amendment to the Order Form and Agreement to change any aspects of the design, including but not limited to, additional enhancements, functionalities, or features. Customer will indemnify and hold harmless TravelClick for any costs, expenses, claims, or allegations, including legal fees, arising from any actual or alleged breach of the Third-Party Design Warranty in accordance with Section 8 of the TravelClick General Terms and Conditions.

Usage of a third-party design will extend the timeline of the project. The TravelClick Web Team will start the project when a web project manager is assigned to the project after receiving the signed contract. Each TravelClick deliverable, including the website itself, may go through a limited number of Rounds of Revisions as determined by TravelClick.

The below table shows the standard number of Rounds of Revisions for TravelClick deliverables. For deliverables not listed on this table, the web project manager will provide the corresponding standard number of Rounds of Revisions after the start of the project.

The proposal will be built incrementally through the above successive Rounds of Revision. The design and flexibility for possible adjustments is fully determined by the built-in options of the chosen Essential product at the time the site is created. Project Timeline. The web project manager will build an estimated project timeline at the start of the project. If contracted, activation of the integration of additional products from the TravelClick portfolio on the new website may affect the timeline.

Deliverables and languages As part of the project timeline, the web project manager will also specify the deliverables and the dates by which TravelClick and Customer will complete the respective deliverables. Customer understands and agrees that the delivery of the website in accordance with such timeline depends upon many factors, including but not limited to the responsiveness of Customer in providing feedback and requested Customer Content defined below , the amount of requested changes, and completing the assigned deliverables.

Deliverable completion is blocking to the continuation of the project and will cause a timeline extension if delayed. Secondary languages are activated and added to the website when Customer completes translated content for the languages contracted. Customer is responsible for providing all translated content to TravelClick. TravelClick will help upload translated content but does not write, proofread or make any revisions to the translated content itself.

Delay and Resource Allocation. If any Customer deliverable is delayed, resources will be assigned to another active project until the Customer responds with the deliverable in question.

Once the Customer responds with the deliverable in question, resources will be reallocated back to the project. Relocation of resources may not be immediately available. Additionally, Customer understands and agrees that any delays in providing the complete deliverables may cause delays in the delivery of the website, and Customer may incur additional fees resulting from such delay.

Customer is fully liable for any and all Customer Changes, including the loss of direct bookings. TravelClick will provide maintenance and support free of charge to address website functionality bugs for the duration of the Term. Customer understands and agrees that any widget, code, script, or tool provided by Customer or a third-party for incorporation, link, or connection to the Services provided to Customer is considered a third-party service.

TravelClick may reject a request to incorporate, link, or connect with a third party at its sole discretion. Upon acceptance, the Parties may enter into a mutually agreed statement of work, which may include any applicable fees payable by Customer to TravelClick.

Customer confirms it has entered into a written agreement with all applicable third-party vendors prior to requesting any incorporation, link, or connection between a third-party and the Services. Customer agrees to notify TravelClick prior to the termination of any applicable third-party services agreement and either disable or request TravelClick to disable the third-party service no later than the termination date of the applicable agreement.

Customer further understands and agrees that TravelClick has no responsibility or liability for any third-party service including any website downtime or degradation caused thereby.

If Customer or TravelClick encounters any issues related to or in any way impacting the security or performance of the Services or any other customer, TravelClick may cease providing the third-party service immediately upon prior written notice without liability or amendment to this Agreement.

All requests for installation of third-party applications may be sent to Web Support at websupport. Customer understands and agrees that TravelClick will only produce a website for the Hotel listed on the Agreement. Customer may not i assign the Agreement, website, or deliverables to another Hotel; or ii share the website with any Hotel not listed in the Agreement.

TravelClick supports the following browsers and versions of those browsers :. Any post live updates can be requested by the client with the TravelClick Web Support team on an ad hoc basis as required.

As new versions of these browsers are released, TravelClick will deprecate the support of older versions of these browsers. The Branded Video is a 90 seconds video following the video guidelines jointly defined by the Hotel and TravelClick and is a compressed file.

If requested, hero videos and still images extracted from the Branded Video are considered as Branded Videos. The Branded Video does not include any unedited or raw footage. Notwithstanding Section 9 of the General Terms and Conditions, Customer will defend, indemnify, and hold TravelClick and its third-party providers harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, and damages which are asserted against or incurred in connection with the Releases.

TravelClick may provide music for the Branded Video. Customer may also provide TravelClick with music for the Branded Video, but Customer will be responsible for obtaining and paying for appropriate license rights. Scouting specific music or composing original music is not included in the Monthly Fee and will be priced separately. The Hotel is responsible for negotiating and paying the broadcasting rights for the music, if applicable.

In order to make the Player and the Videos available on the Sites, TravelClick will provide the Hotel with the access code to display the Branded Video on each specific page of the Sites in accordance with the integration rules and design agreed upon on a case-by-case basis.

TravelClick develops, maintains, and integrates a technical module necessary to optimize video-generated SEO traffic from the Google search engine onto the Sites. In particular, TravelClick will develop and maintain a video sitemap including the Videos displayed on the Sites and the associated metadata to help display a video on Google Video result pages.

Together with the hotel, TravelClick will also monitor the following performance indicators:. Sharing a Video will create within the personal Facebook pages of users, a Facebook module that displays a video player and a merchandising space customized for the Hotel.

Media Management and reporting. TravelClick will provide the Hotel with analytical and administration tools to follow key video distribution metrics, such as:. TravelClick will begin invoicing for videos when the crew sets foot on the property, not when the videos are delivered. Customer must pay for all crew and material transportation costs. Customer must also ensure all accommodations for crew members are covered during scouting and filming. If necessary for the performance of the Production Services, Customer will provide each crew member with a single room and cover all meals and WiFi expenses for the duration of the Production Services.

If there are no restaurants on the property, hotels can choose an external provider and provide each crew member with a reasonable stipend.

All other expenses mini bar, VOD service, etc. If Customer cancels within 72 hours of the start of filming, the Customer is responsible for any travel costs incurred by TravelClick. Customer hereby grants TravelClick a limited, non-exclusive, and royalty-free right and license to use the Hotel Marks and Hotel Content solely for the purpose of producing Branded Videos and TC Videos in accordance with the Video Guidelines.

Notwithstanding Section 9 of the General Terms and Conditions, Customer will defend, indemnify, and hold TravelClick and its third-party providers harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, and damages which are asserted against or incurred in connection with the Hotel Marks and the Hotel Content.

Notwithstanding the Term section above, in the event that Customer chooses to Re-Shoot, their renewal period will be a minimum of 24 months. Notwithstanding the above Term section, Customer may terminate the Order Form and Agreement at any time after the first anniversary of the End of Filming Date by giving 90 days written notice to TravelClick.

If such payment is not timely made, Customer has no ownership or licensing rights to the Branded Video. Following payment of all fees due to TravelClick pursuant to the Agreement including as applicable the Ownership Fees for the full Initial Term and any then-current Renewal Term, Customer will own all right, title, and interest to the Branded Video.

The parties further agree that TravelClick at all times owns and will own all rights, titles, and interest to all TC Videos and Mini Videos.

Upon transfer of ownership of the Branded Video to Customer pursuant to the Video Ownership section above, Customer grants TravelClick a limited, non-exclusive, perpetual, non-revocable, and non-transferable license to access and use the Branded Video. Description of Service. TripAdvisor shall use good faith efforts to deliver the desired number of click-throughs or impressions within the time period stated, but shall not be liable at all for failing to do so.

Insertion Order Rules.

Microsoft helps game devs pull more performance from the Xbox Series S More access to memory could overcome limitations for some games.

Blizzard may have canceled a ‘World of Warcraft’ mobile spinoff updated The project had been in the works for three years. By Engadget , Buckley , Notwithstanding Section 9 of the General Terms and Conditions, Customer will defend, indemnify, and hold TravelClick and its third-party providers harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, and damages which are asserted against or incurred in connection with the Releases.

TravelClick may provide music for the Branded Video. Customer may also provide TravelClick with music for the Branded Video, but Customer will be responsible for obtaining and paying for appropriate license rights. Scouting specific music or composing original music is not included in the Monthly Fee and will be priced separately. The Hotel is responsible for negotiating and paying the broadcasting rights for the music, if applicable. In order to make the Player and the Videos available on the Sites, TravelClick will provide the Hotel with the access code to display the Branded Video on each specific page of the Sites in accordance with the integration rules and design agreed upon on a case-by-case basis.

TravelClick develops, maintains, and integrates a technical module necessary to optimize video-generated SEO traffic from the Google search engine onto the Sites. In particular, TravelClick will develop and maintain a video sitemap including the Videos displayed on the Sites and the associated metadata to help display a video on Google Video result pages.

Together with the hotel, TravelClick will also monitor the following performance indicators:. Sharing a Video will create within the personal Facebook pages of users, a Facebook module that displays a video player and a merchandising space customized for the Hotel.

Media Management and reporting. TravelClick will provide the Hotel with analytical and administration tools to follow key video distribution metrics, such as:. TravelClick will begin invoicing for videos when the crew sets foot on the property, not when the videos are delivered.

Customer must pay for all crew and material transportation costs. Customer must also ensure all accommodations for crew members are covered during scouting and filming. If necessary for the performance of the Production Services, Customer will provide each crew member with a single room and cover all meals and WiFi expenses for the duration of the Production Services. If there are no restaurants on the property, hotels can choose an external provider and provide each crew member with a reasonable stipend.

All other expenses mini bar, VOD service, etc. If Customer cancels within 72 hours of the start of filming, the Customer is responsible for any travel costs incurred by TravelClick.

Customer hereby grants TravelClick a limited, non-exclusive, and royalty-free right and license to use the Hotel Marks and Hotel Content solely for the purpose of producing Branded Videos and TC Videos in accordance with the Video Guidelines.

Notwithstanding Section 9 of the General Terms and Conditions, Customer will defend, indemnify, and hold TravelClick and its third-party providers harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, and damages which are asserted against or incurred in connection with the Hotel Marks and the Hotel Content.

Notwithstanding the Term section above, in the event that Customer chooses to Re-Shoot, their renewal period will be a minimum of 24 months. Notwithstanding the above Term section, Customer may terminate the Order Form and Agreement at any time after the first anniversary of the End of Filming Date by giving 90 days written notice to TravelClick.

If such payment is not timely made, Customer has no ownership or licensing rights to the Branded Video. Following payment of all fees due to TravelClick pursuant to the Agreement including as applicable the Ownership Fees for the full Initial Term and any then-current Renewal Term, Customer will own all right, title, and interest to the Branded Video. The parties further agree that TravelClick at all times owns and will own all rights, titles, and interest to all TC Videos and Mini Videos.

Upon transfer of ownership of the Branded Video to Customer pursuant to the Video Ownership section above, Customer grants TravelClick a limited, non-exclusive, perpetual, non-revocable, and non-transferable license to access and use the Branded Video. Description of Service. TripAdvisor shall use good faith efforts to deliver the desired number of click-throughs or impressions within the time period stated, but shall not be liable at all for failing to do so.

Insertion Order Rules. Customer will use these services in accordance with applicable law and in a manner which does not interfere with, disturb, or disrupt other network users, services, or equipment, as determined by TripAdvisor or TravelClick in its sole discretion.

TripAdvisor may redesign its site at its sole discretion at any time. Failure by TripAdvisor to publish any requested advertisement does not constitute a breach of contract or otherwise entitle Customer to any legal remedy. Customer shall be solely responsible for the content of its advertisements and any website linked to such advertisements and shall indemnify TripAdvisor and TravelClick for all loss, costs, and damages in connection with any claims of infringement of any third party rights.

Public Announcements. Customer hereby grants TripAdvisor and TravelClick permission to publicize the fact that it is a client of TripAdvisor in a press release. Privacy and Compliance.

Both parties shall ensure that any collection, use, and disclosure of information obtained pursuant to the related IO comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and privacy policies, including all of the requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act. Customer agrees not to send any unsolicited, commercial email or other online communication e.

This section shall survive the completion, expiration, termination, or cancellation of this IO for a period of five 5 years. Payment Terms and Calculations. Customer will pay Fees immediately upon receipt of invoice or Effective Date, as applicable, but within 30 days outstanding invoices will bear interest at a rate of the lesser of 1.

All Fees payable by Customer to TravelClick under this Agreement are exclusive of any sales tax, indirect or similar taxes chargeable on any supply to which those sums relate. All unpaid advertising fees shall accrue interest at the rate of 1. All billing calculations are based solely on the ad impression or quick count metrics as calculated by TripAdvisor including, but not limited to CPM and CPC , not Customer or third party calculations, unless otherwise agreed to in writing in the TripAdvisor IO or Schedule Detail page.

Term and Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by Customer only if a material breach of this Agreement remains uncured after the non-breaching party has given thirty 30 days prior written notice to the breaching party specifying the breach. So long as any IO remains in effect, these Terms and Conditions shall also remain in effect. If any IO is canceled for any reason, Customer shall pay to TravelClick, within thirty 30 days after such cancellation, all amounts not yet paid for such delivered ad requests up to the effective date of cancellation.

General Provisions. Customer consents to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts of Boston, Massachusetts, for all disputes related to the subject matter hereof. No joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between Customer and TripAdvisor. TripAdvisor or TravelClick will not be deemed to have waived or modified any of these Terms and Conditions except in writing signed by its duly authorized representative.

Customer may not assign its rights hereunder to any third party unless TripAdvisor or TravelClick expressly consents to such assignment in writing, not to be unreasonably withheld. Modifications to the originally submitted IO will not be binding unless signed by both parties.

If any provision of these standard Terms and Conditions is found invalid or unenforceable pursuant to judicial decree or decision, the remaining provisions will remain valid and enforceable, and the unenforceable provisions will be deemed modified to the extent necessary to make them enforceable.

These Terms and Conditions will be deemed to be controlling over all other writings or agreements of any kind between the parties covering the subject matter of the IO, except for alternate a payment or b cancellation language, as specifically provided in the business terms in the IO or Schedule Detail Page.

If TripAdvisor and Customer have entered into a Non-Disclosure Agreement, TripAdvisor and Customer agree that the terms of such agreement will be deemed incorporated herein and further, that all Terms and Conditions of this Agreement will be deemed Confidential Information as defined therein.

The parties acknowledge and agree that TripAdvisor may archive an electronic copy of the fully executed Agreement. No change, amendment, or modification of any provision of this Agreement or waiver of any of its terms will be valid unless set forth in writing and mutually agreed to by the parties. Hotel retains all right, title, and interest in and to its Hotel Content and all intellectual property rights relating thereto, subject to the license granted herein to KAYAK.

The following terms and conditions apply for Expedia advertising:. Media Company may place software code e. Any other use is strictly prohibited. In no event shall such software code or Sites on which Ads appear include spyware, drive-by-download or adware. Any violation of the foregoing will result in immediate cancellation of this IO without penalty to or further obligation of Advertiser or Agency.

All Advertising Materials and software code e. Media Company shall be liable for any financial implications, data privacy violations and other impacts resulting from failure to remove tags.

All iHotelier Services Exclusivity and Implementation. Voice Pro Voice Pro. Demand Services Demand Services. Amadeus Hotel Metasearch Metasearch. Consolidating data in duplicate guest masters; and 4. Designing and producing standard reports 5. Custom Premium Term. WebBuilder Websites Website Management. Project Start. Retrieved October 30, September Archived from the original on December 22, Archived from the original on May 29, Retrieved July 14, Metro Times.

Retrieved August 22, ICP on Howard Stern 9. The Howard Stern Show. Sirius Satellite Radio. Howard Archived from the original on Pure Grain Audio. Murder Dog Archives. Archived from the original on April 30, Boston: The Boston Channel.

February 3, Archived from the original on February 23, Retrieved August 16, February 4, Rocky Mountain News. Archived from the original on October 14, Archived from the original on March 24, Retrieved July 22, Mail Tribune. Medford, Oregon. Archived from the original on August 10, Retrieved February 6, Democrat and Chronicle. Rochester, New York. The Forum. Retrieved January 1, PR Web. February 11, Retrieved February 23, Retrieved July 18, Torch Daily Blitz.

Episode December 8, Detroit Free Press. Retrieved November 4, Detroit, Michigan: Reel Life Productions. Archived from the original MP3 on April 18, Retrieved September 28, Retrieved September 9, Archived from the original on July 16, Retrieved August 20, Retrieved 31 January PR Newswire.

February 17, Retrieved March 27, New York. Retrieved April 28, Retrieved April 26, Detroit Music Awards. April 17, Archived from the original on September 29, Retrieved April 17, MTV News. Archived from the original on April 20, Retrieved April 20, Hatchet Herald. October 9, Detroit, Michigan: Psychopathic Video. Event occurs at Retrieved October 13, LA Weekly.

Los Angeles. Retrieved March 17, The A. Retrieved June 20, The Detroit News. Retrieved November 1, May 4, Archived from the original on November 8, Archived from the original on December 16, Federal Bureau of Investigation.

NY Times. Retrieved January 8, Retrieved Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. The music journalist and author Dan Sicko describes certain strains of Detroit hip-hop as ‘an extreme, almost parodied’ version of inner city life, which he links to the extremities of urban decline in the city: ‘both the horrorcore of hip-hop outfits such as Insane Clown Posse, Esham and to a lesser extent the multi-platinum-selling Eminem, utilize shocking and blatantly over the top narratives to give an over-exaggerated, almost cartoon-like version of urban deprivation in Detroit’ cited in Cohen and Strachan, Customer Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, days a year.

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Freemasonry or Masonry refers to fraternal organisations that trace their origins to the local guilds of stonemasons that, from the end of the 13th century, regulated the qualifications of stonemasons and their interaction with authorities and clients. Modern Freemasonry broadly consists of two main recognition groups:. The basic, local organisational unit of Freemasonry is the Lodge. These private Lodges are usually supervised at the regional level usually coterminous with a state, province, or national border by a Grand Lodge or Grand Orient.

There is no international, worldwide Grand Lodge that supervises all of Freemasonry; each Grand Lodge is independent, and they do not necessarily recognise each other as being legitimate.

The degrees of Freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds , those of Entered Apprentice , Journeyman or fellow now called Fellowcraft , and Master Mason. The candidate of these three degrees is progressively taught the meanings of the symbols of Freemasonry and entrusted with grips, signs, and words to signify to other members that he has been so initiated.

The degrees are part allegorical morality play and part lecture. These three degrees form Craft or Blue Lodge Freemasonry, and members of any of these degrees are known as Freemasons or Masons.

There are additional degrees, which vary with locality and jurisdiction , and are usually administered by their own bodies separate from those who administer the Craft degrees. Freemasonry has been subject of continuous conspiracy theories throughout the years, many of which have been labelled as unfounded and at times anti-semitic. The Masonic lodge is the basic organisational unit of Freemasonry.

In addition to such business, the meeting may perform a ceremony to confer a Masonic degree [6] or receive a lecture, which is usually on some aspect of Masonic history or ritual. The bulk of Masonic ritual consists of degree ceremonies. Candidates for Freemasonry are progressively initiated into Freemasonry, first in the degree of Entered Apprentice. At some later time, in separate ceremonies, they will be passed to the degree of Fellowcraft ; and then raised to the degree of Master Mason.

In each of these ceremonies, the candidate must first take the new obligations of the degree, and is then entrusted with secret knowledge including passwords, signs and grips secret handshakes confined to his new rank. Another ceremony is the annual installation of the Master of the Lodge and his appointed or elected officers. Most Lodges have some sort of social functions, allowing members, their partners and non-Masonic guests to meet openly.

This occurs at many levels, including in annual dues, subscriptions, fundraising events, Lodges and Grand Lodges. Masons and their charities contribute for the relief of need in many fields, such as education, health and old age. Private Lodges form the backbone of Freemasonry, with the sole right to elect their own candidates for initiation as Masons or admission as joining Masons, and sometimes with exclusive rights over residents local to their premises.

There are non-local Lodges where Masons meet for wider or narrower purposes, such or in association with some hobby, sport, Masonic research, business, profession, regiment or college. The rank of Master Mason also entitles a Freemason to explore Masonry further through other degrees, administered separately from the basic Craft or “Blue Lodge” degrees described here, but generally having a similar structure and meetings.

There is much diversity and little consistency in Freemasonry, because each Masonic jurisdiction is independent and sets its own rules and procedures while Grand Lodges have limited jurisdiction over their constituent member Lodges, which are ultimately private clubs. The wording of the ritual, the number of officers present, the layout of the meeting room, etc.

Almost all officers of a Lodge are elected or appointed annually. Every Masonic Lodge has a Master, two Wardens, a treasurer and a secretary. There is also always a Tyler , or outer guard, outside the door of a working Lodge, who may be paid to secure its privacy.

Other offices vary between jurisdictions. Each Masonic Lodge exists and operates according to ancient principles known as the Landmarks of Freemasonry , which elude any universally accepted definition. Candidates for Freemasonry will usually have met the most active members of the Lodge they are joining before being elected for initiation. The process varies among Grand Lodges, but in modern times interested people often look up a local Lodge through the Internet and will typically be introduced to a Lodge social function or open evening.

The onus is upon candidates to ask to join; while they may be encouraged to ask, they may not be invited. Once the initial inquiry is made, a formal application may be proposed and seconded or announced in open Lodge and a more or less formal interview usually follows. If the candidate wishes to proceed, references are taken up during a period of notice so that members may enquire into the candidate’s suitability and discuss it.

A minimum requirement of every body of Freemasons is that each candidate must be “free and of good repute”. For example, in England the standard minimum age to join is 21, but university lodges are given dispensations to initiate undergraduates below that age. Additionally, most Grand Lodges require a candidate to declare a belief in a Supreme Being although every candidate must interpret this condition in his own way, as all religious discussion is commonly prohibited.

In a few cases, the candidate may be required to be of a specific religion. The form of Freemasonry most common in Scandinavia known as the Swedish Rite , for example, accepts only Christians. During the ceremony of initiation, the candidate is required to undertake an obligation, swearing on the religious volume sacred to his personal faith to do good as a Mason.

In the course of three degrees, Masons will promise to keep the secrets of their degree from lower degrees and outsiders, as far as practicality and the law permit, and to support a fellow Mason in distress. Some will simply enjoy the dramatics, or the management and administration of the lodge, others will explore the history, ritual and symbolism of the craft, others will focus their involvement on their Lodge’s social side, perhaps in association with other lodges, while still others will concentrate on the lodge’s charitable functions.

Grand Lodges and Grand Orients are independent and sovereign bodies that govern Masonry in a given country, state or geographical area termed a jurisdiction. There is no single overarching governing body that presides over worldwide Freemasonry; connections between different jurisdictions depend solely on mutual recognition.

Freemasonry, as it exists in various forms all over the world, has a membership estimated at around 6 million worldwide. The largest single jurisdiction, in terms of membership, is the United Grand Lodge of England with local organisation into Provincial Grand Lodges possessing a combined membership estimated at around a quarter million. Relations between Grand Lodges are determined by the concept of Recognition.

Each Grand Lodge maintains a list of other Grand Lodges that it recognises. When two Grand Lodges are not in amity, inter-visitation is not allowed. There are many reasons one Grand Lodge will withhold or withdraw recognition from another, but the two most common are Exclusive Jurisdiction and Regularity. Exclusive Jurisdiction is a concept whereby normally only one Grand Lodge will be recognised in any geographical area.

If two Grand Lodges claim jurisdiction over the same area, the other Grand Lodges will have to choose between them, and they may not all decide to recognise the same one. In , for example, the Grand Lodge of New York split into two rival factions, each claiming to be the legitimate Grand Lodge.

Other Grand Lodges had to choose between them until the schism was healed [29]. Exclusive Jurisdiction can be waived when the two overlapping Grand Lodges are themselves in Amity and agree to share jurisdiction. For example, since the Grand Lodge of Connecticut is in Amity with the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut, the principle of Exclusive Jurisdiction does not apply, and other Grand Lodges may recognise both, [30] likewise the five distinct kinds of lodges in Germany have nominally united under one Grand Lodge, in order to obtain international recognition.

Regularity is a concept based on adherence to Masonic Landmarks , the basic membership requirements, tenets and rituals of the craft. Each Grand Lodge sets its own definition of what these landmarks are, and thus what is Regular and what is Irregular and the definitions do not necessarily agree between Grand Lodges.

Essentially, every Grand Lodge will hold that its landmarks its requirements, tenets and rituals are Regular, and judge other Grand Lodges based on those. If the differences are significant, one Grand Lodge may declare the other “Irregular” and withdraw or withhold recognition.

The most commonly shared rules for Recognition based on Regularity are those given by the United Grand Lodge of England in Master Masons are able to extend their Masonic experience by taking further degrees, in appendant or other bodies whether or not approved by their own Grand Lodge.

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is a system of 33 degrees, including the three Blue Lodge degrees administered by a local or national Supreme Council. In Britain, separate bodies administer each order. In the Nordic countries , the Swedish Rite is dominant; a variation of it is also used in parts of Germany. Freemasonry describes itself as a “beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols”.

Moral lessons are attributed to each of these tools, although the assignment is by no means consistent. The meaning of the symbolism is taught and explored through ritual, [7] and in lectures and articles by individual Masons who offer their personal insights and opinions. According to the scholar of Western esotericism Jan A. Snoek: “the best way to characterize Freemasonry is in terms of what it is not, rather than what it is. During these three rituals, the candidate is progressively taught the Masonic symbols, and entrusted with grips or tokens, signs, and words to signify to other Masons which degrees he has taken.

The dramatic allegorical ceremonies include explanatory lectures, and revolve around the construction of the Temple of Solomon , and the artistry and death of the chief architect, Hiram Abiff.

The degrees are those of “Entered apprentice”, “Fellowcraft” and “Master Mason”. While many different versions of these rituals exist, with various lodge layouts and versions of the Hiramic legend, each version is recognizable to any Freemason from any jurisdiction. In some jurisdictions, the main themes of each degree are illustrated by tracing boards. These painted depictions of Masonic themes are exhibited in the lodge according to which degree is being worked, and are explained to the candidate to illustrate the legend and symbolism of each degree.

The idea of Masonic brotherhood probably descends from a 16th-century legal definition of a “brother” as one who has taken an oath of mutual support to another. Accordingly, Masons swear at each degree to keep the contents of that degree secret, and to support and protect their brethren unless they have broken the law. In Progressive continental Freemasonry, books other than scripture are permissible, a cause of rupture between Grand Lodges. Since the middle of the 19th century, Masonic historians have sought the origins of the movement in a series of similar documents known as the Old Charges , dating from the Regius Poem in about [42] to the beginning of the 18th century.

Alluding to the membership of a lodge of operative masons, they relate it to a mythologised history of the craft, the duties of its grades, and the manner in which oaths of fidelity are to be taken on joining. There is no clear mechanism by which these local trade organisations became today’s Masonic Lodges.

The earliest rituals and passwords known, from operative lodges around the turn of the 17th—18th centuries, show continuity with the rituals developed in the later 18th century by accepted or speculative Masons, as those members who did not practice the physical craft gradually came to be known. Alternatively, Thomas De Quincey in his work titled Rosicrucians and Freemasonry put forward the theory that suggested that Freemasonry may have been an outgrowth of Rosicrucianism.

The theory had also been postulated in by German professor; J. Over the next decade, most of the existing Lodges in England joined the new regulatory body, which itself entered a period of self-publicity and expansion.

New lodges were created and the fraternity began to grow. During the course of the 18th century, as aristocrats and artists crowded out the craftsmen originally associated with the organization, Freemasonry became fashionable throughout Europe and the American colonies. Between and , the Grand Lodge endorsed several significant changes that some Lodges could not endorse.

These two Grand Lodges vied for supremacy until the Moderns promised to return to the ancient ritual. The Grand Lodge of Ireland and the Grand Lodge of Scotland were formed in and , respectively, although neither persuaded all of the existing lodges in their countries to join for many years. The earliest known American lodges were in Pennsylvania.

The Collector for the port of Pennsylvania, John Moore, wrote of attending lodges there in , two years before the putative formation of the first Grand Lodge in London. Other lodges in the colony of Pennsylvania obtained authorisations from the later Antient Grand Lodge of England , the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and the Grand Lodge of Ireland , which was particularly well represented in the travelling lodges of the British Army.

After the American Revolution , independent U. Grand Lodges developed within each state. Some thought was briefly given to organising an overarching “Grand Lodge of the United States,” with George Washington , who was a member of a Virginian lodge, as the first Grand Master, but the idea was short-lived.


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