Breast Lift


As women age, the breasts lose shape and firmness. The skin gradually loses its elasticity and no longer holds the breasts in an upright position. Pregnancy, breast feeding, weight gain and loss also add to the tissue burden of loss of skin elasticity. Women who have sagging breasts (ptosis) may benefit from a breast lift (mastopexy). If there are also problems of excess volume or size of the breasts, a reduction may also be done at the same time. Volume loss may also be improved by breast augmentation at the same time. Asymmetries may also be improved. It is important to know these changes in the breast from ageing, breast feeding, weight gain and loss are considered normal. Surgery may be considered to improve the  appearance if these normal changes are a concern to patients.

Excess skin is removed, the nipple areolar (dark skin around the nipple) complex is lifted and the breasts are recontoured to create firmer breasts. Depending on preoperative size, appearance, and asymmetries, the nipple areolar complexes may also be reduced. There are incisions made directly on the breasts which may extend around the nipple areolar complex, into the front of the breast, and into the breast fold, depending on the degree of droop, asymmetry, and volume considerations.

Who is a Candidate for a Breast Lift?

Intended Results of a Breast Lift

Procedure Description for Breast Lift

Recuperation and Healing for Breast Lift Surgery

Other Options for Breast Lift Surgery

Risks of Surgery