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Written by Alicia Collins and Megan Conley. Videos, templates, resources, and tips on how to get your video marketing strategy off the ground. Brands need a video marketing strategy — this idea isn’t new.

What has changed is how important video has become on every platform and channel. So what do you frew you know about video marketing, and what do you want adoobe learn? Video production is more cost-effective and easier to accomplish than ever. Today you can shoot in high-quality, 4K video, even with your smartphone. But between strategy, equipment, and editing software, video marketing is still que es adobe after effects cc 2017 free complicated.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about video marketing strategy or use the links below to jump to a specific section. Video marketing is using videos to promote and market your product or service, increase engagement on your digital and social channels, educate aftsr consumers and customers, and reach your audience with a new medium.

Video marketing started in earnest in with the launch of YouTube. Google bought YouTube in Octoberand by there were seven different ad formats on the platform.

First, there was the rise of smartphone technology that made watching videos easier and more convenient. Fast forward toand audiences are spending an average of 19 hours effecte week watching videos online. Ignoring video marketing is no longer an option for brands who want to excel. Video is the second most popular content type on social media for increasing engagement. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok have always been about video.

Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are focusing on video. Websites see a que es adobe after effects cc 2017 free engine boost when they frree video because it increases page quality and the time visitors spend on the page. In short, video is incredibly useful throughout the entire flywheel — not just to heighten brand awareness. Video can be a versatile tool for salespeople throughout the entire customer buying journey, and it can do much more than increase engagement. Backend analytics also help приведенная ссылка qualify and prioritize cold or unresponsive leads.

Mobile users are a driving force for video consumption. While The options are also endless for service teams — onboarding videos, knowledge-based videos, meet the team videos, support video calls, and customer stories are just a few ways that video can create a more thorough, personalized customer support experience. Millennial and Gen Z users are different, but most of them want to learn from each other. According to HubSpot Research, consumers and customers prefer lower effecst, “authentic” video over high-quality video that seems artificial and inauthentic.

Video is within reach for qud of virtually any effevts — team and budget alike. 217 data is clear. To succeed, your business needs a solid video marketing strategy. Before you set up, record, or edit anything, start with a video marketing strategy. Because every decision made during the que es adobe after effects cc 2017 free creation process will point back to your video’s purpose and what action you’d like your audience to que es adobe after effects cc 2017 free after watching it.

Without a clear purpose agreed upon by your team, you’ll find yourself in a whirlwind of re-shooting, re-framing, and editing. That wastes a lot of precious time. So, begin etfects process with a qque strategy.

The popularity of video and user-generated video content means that you need to target a specific audience with each video. If you already have a set of buyer personas, make sure to update your personas to include the most recent cx research. There are typically a e of players when making a video. How can you ensure they’re all aligned? Create a questionnaire using Google Forms or SurveyMonkey and pass it along to the stakeholders of the project.

This way, adob can ask the same questions of everyone and keep their responses in one place. Think of video as qu shorter, quicker, and less expensive version of your favorite film. While a video needs fewer resources to succeed, it can still be a time-consuming and expensive process.

You can save time and money with planning and project management. Create a clear timeline for every step of the process and plan for occasional delays. Even a small video production relies on the skills of many different people. So, you want to make sure that even with unexpected challenges and changes you can still deliver your video on time. Some platforms have built-in vehicles for promotion, while others will need you to put in some time and effort to get more eyes on your video content.

This list of video platforms can help you decide what platform is best for your video campaign. With your budget, skills, and resources in mind, think about the creative roadblocks that might arise. Do you need a designer to create lower third graphics? Are you going to create an animated video or a video?

Before you dive into production, you need to define your video goals and find the best metrics to help you understand whether you’ve accomplished those goals. You can default to using the metrics available in your platform of choice.

But this can make it difficult to figure out if acobe video strategy is performing over time. It can also make it difficult to measure the effectiveness of multichannel video strategies. Instead, choose several adobs performance indicators that correspond with your video goals. They spend que es adobe after effects cc 2017 free whole budget on an explainer video for their homepage, but as soon as the project is complete, all future video plans screech to a halt.

Other businesses churn out a slew etfects social videos. Video marketing can’t be an impulsive guessing game. Instead, you need to create a comprehensive video marketing strategy that больше информации to every part of your flywheel. The inbound methodology is the marketing and sales approach focused on attracting customers through content and interactions that are relevant and helpful.

Each video you create should address your audience’s challenges and provide a solution. In the following sections, we’ll cover the types ffee videos you should create for each stage in the flywheel. To start, plan to create at least que es adobe after effects cc 2017 free videos for each section.

Don’t forget to include call-to-actions to help lead your audience through their purchase journey and into the role of “promoter. Consumers at this stage are identifying their challenges dc deciding whether they should afrer out a solution.

So, the videos you create should empathize with their problems and introduce a possible solution with your product or service. The goal of this kind of video is to expand reach and build trust. Because you are looking to garner shares for your video, you may want to focus on entertaining and evoking emotion. As you attract a new audience, avoid speaking too much about your product.

Instead, let your brand values and personality take center stage. Because these videos can live on a variety of привожу ссылку, keep the strategies of each platform in mind. This overview of video and social media platforms can help. With most inbound marketing content, this means collecting contact information with a form.

Video can aid this process by offering a solution to the buyer’s problem. The goal of videos in the convert stage is to educate and excite. For example, while an “attract” video might provide a quick tip for nailing a sales pitch, a “convert” video could be an animated explainer video that breaks down the inbound sales methodology.

You’ve attracted a adone audience with your videos effeccts converted the right visitors into atfer. Now’s the time ee close these leads into customers.

At this point, the ex is weighing their options and deciding on the purchase. So effcets goal of these videos is to make your audience visualize themselves successfully using your product or service.

During the “delight stage” of the inbound methodology, your goal is to continue providing remarkable content to users that add value to their experience with your product or service. You also want your customers to tell their connections about their experience or promote your brand themselves. So, the goal of this type of video is to encourage your customers to embrace your brand and become brand evangelists.

Your first opportunity to delight comes directly after the purchase. Consider sending a thank you video to welcome them into the community. Then, build out a library que es adobe after effects cc 2017 free educational courses or product training videos to cater to consumers who prefer self-service or simply want to expand their abilities.

As you develop your vree marketing strategy, there are other types of marketing videos you can create for every stage in the flywheel. Before fre begin filming, you need to decide what type of video you want to create. Check out this list to better understand your options.

Demo videos showcase how your product works — whether that’s taking viewers on a tour of your software or unboxing and putting a physical product to the test. Learn how to use video in each stage of the buyer’s journey. Brand videos are typically created as a part of a larger advertising campaignshowcasing the company’s vision, mission, que es adobe after effects cc 2017 free products and services.

The goal of brand videos is cd build awareness around your company and to intrigue and attract your target audience. Is your business hosting a conference, round table discussion, fundraiser, or another type of event? Produce a highlight reel or release interesting interviews and presentations from the gathering. Capturing interviews with internal experts or thought leaders frew your industry is a great way to build trust and authority with your que es adobe after effects cc 2017 free audience.

Find the influencers in your industry and que es adobe after effects cc 2017 free these qje in front посетить страницу your audience.

And don’t forget to enable your iPhone’s Do Not Disturb feature to avoid distracting notifications while filming. Once you open the iPhone’s camera, flip your phone horizontally to create the best possible viewing experience.

Then, move close enough to your subject so you don’t have to use the zoom feature — it often makes the final video look pixelated and blurry. Your iPhone might do a great job of focusing on the subject when you take photos, but when it comes to video the camera will adjust as you move around the scene. To solve this problem, lock the exposure before you press record. While iPhones are great for filming when you need to or getting used to video, you may want a more advanced tool.

There are a ton of digital cameras to choose from. These are a few options we like. Considering the expense of a DSLR camera, research your choices and read plenty of reviews. For a more cost-effective choice, check out some of these DSLRs. Prosumer cameras are easy to use. Most have a fixed lens because these make it easier to see what you are recording. They allow you to create the shallow depth of field background out of focus that people rave about. DSLRs are small, work great in low light situations, and pair with a wide range of lenses — making them perfect for video.

But, DSLRs do require some training and you may need to buy more add-ons, like lenses. This is a high-level overview of each setting. There will be a different method for adjusting these settings based on your specific camera.

If you want to learn more, refer to your camera’s instruction manual. Video experts often credit 24fps with a more “cinematic” look, while 30fps is more common, especially for videos that need to be projected or broadcast on a larger screen.

Ask the end-user of your video what they prefer. Then, be sure your resolution is at least x to maintain quality footage. Once you’ve set your frame rate and resolution in your camera’s settings, it’s time to get to know your aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. These three variables work together. Aperture refers to the size of the opening in the lens. Like a human eye, a lens opens and closes to control the amount of light reaching the sensor.

Aperture is measured by f-stop. The smaller the f-stop number, the more open the lens is. A larger f-stop number means the lens is more closed. What does aperture mean for your video? When a lot of light comes into the camera, you get a brighter image and a shallow depth of field.

This is great for when you want your subject to stand out against a background. When less light comes into the camera you get a deep depth of field and can focus across a larger portion of your frame.

Shutter speed is a term from still photography. When taking a photo, shutter speed is the length of time the camera’s sensor gets exposed to light. Think of it as how quickly or slowly the camera blinks. If you want a perfectly timed photo of a hummingbird frozen in time, shoot with a fast shutter speed If you want to shoot an image of blurred headlights at night use a slow shutter speed.

Shutter speed is measured in seconds, or in most cases, fractions of seconds. But what does shutter speed mean for video? To pick the right setting, you’ll have to do a little math. Remember, this is just a guideline for choosing shutter speed. There’s always room to tweak shutter speed to achieve the desired effect. On your camera, you’ll see the settings referred to with numbers in the hundreds or thousands e.

The higher the number, the more sensitive your camera is to light. The lower the number, the less light-sensitive it is. ISO also affects the graininess of the image. When choosing an ISO, consider the lighting.

If you’re indoors in a low-light situation, you’ll need to bump up the ISO — just be careful of how grainy it makes your shot. This is how the three factors of the Exposure Triangle work together. When you have a low-lit situation, for example, you may choose a lens that can shoot with a low f-stop to let more light into the camera and avoid making the shot too noisy with a high ISO. If you’re just starting out with manual video settings, don’t get overwhelmed. It takes time and a lot of practice.

While understanding aperture, shutter speed, and ISO can help you shoot great videos, there is one more important factor: white balance. Different types of light have different colors. For example, incandescent bulbs like what’s in most living room lamps have a warm color. Fluorescent lights like office lighting are a little bit cooler. Daylight is cooler yet. Before you begin recording, you have to adjust your camera’s white balance according to your setup.

Most cameras have an auto option, presets, and a custom setting for white balance. Try to avoid auto white balance and opt for a preset or custom setting instead. To understand the importance of setting your white balance, take a look at these two photos.

The space is lit with yellow fluorescent lights. You can see how the appropriate setting looks natural, while the daylight setting adds a blue tint to the scene. Focus is also important to keep in mind. With a DSLR, you can shoot with autofocus or manual focus. Manual focus is usually best. Then, adjust the focus on the lens. For shooting setups like interviews, make sure the subject’s eyelashes are in focus — that way, you can be certain your footage is clear and sharp.

Recording a video is tricky because you need to balance many different ways of thinking. A great video should have:. To accomplish this, you need to be a coach. Balance critical feedback with support and encouragement after each take. This is why conducting a table read during the scripting process is so important: It’s easier to give feedback when there’s not a camera in the room.

Try to get a little silly during the shoot or your talent will be on edge and uncomfortable and it will show in the footage. In the hectic rush of shooting a video, it can be easy to forget crucial details.

Video marketing is more than the art of communication. Marketers creating video marketing also need to:. So, while you’re maintaining the fun level on set, pay attention to the little things.

For example, make sure all your mics are on and watch for any lighting changes. Record each section many times and have your talent experiment. When you think they’ve nailed the shot try to get one more. If you can, try to circle back to the beginning of the script at the end of your recording.

Chances are your subject got more comfortable throughout the shoot. Since the beginning is often the most crucial part of the video, record that section again when they’re feeling the most confident.

Some video marketers are better at recording while others are better at editing. For example, as the person behind the camera, you may believe you collected ample footage and asked all the right interview questions. But to the editor, you may have gotten too much of one type of shot and missed out on some that would make their job easier. So, shoot for the edit. This can help you make decisions that will save you countless hours in the editing room.

As a producer, your job is to capture plenty of b-roll to make sure your editor never runs out. In the section on preparing talent, we talked about recording your script in short sections. If the editor stitches these sections together, the subject’s face and hands might abruptly switch between clips. This is called a jump cut, and you can see an example below.

Extra b-roll can help mask these jump cuts so that your video looks and feels more natural to viewers. Another way to mask jump cuts is to shoot with two cameras.

This strategy is helpful if you’re recording an interview without a script. With this setup, the editor can flip between these two views to make the cut appear natural. You can see how to cut these two camera angles together in the example below. A note about shooting with two cameras: Your editor will need to sync the footage between the different views. To help them do this, clap your hands loudly in the view of both cameras right before you ask the first interview question. Modern editing software has auto-sync features, but this loud clap will help you initially line up the clips.

Even if you’re recording a scripted video, you might have to record a section 10 or more times. This can be a lot of footage for an editor to sort through. So, when your subject nails a take, wave your hand in front of the lens like in the example below. Then your editor can look for this visual cue when they review your footage. This phase will sometimes overlap with your video shoot, but not always.

Some videos go through several editing reviews before they get to the final product. This is also the phase where the team adds visual effects, music, and sound design. First, video format files are incredibly large , so it’s unlikely you’ll want to store them on your internal hard drive. You’ll quickly run out of storage, and your computer’s processing speed will begin to lag.

Instead, invest in an external hard drive like one of the Lacie Rugged models and store your project files on this hard drive. This method also makes it easier to collaborate with teammates because you can easily share the drive.

Second, video editing programs are very particular about where you keep your files. If you don’t stick with the original file structure, you may get a lot of error messages. Within this folder, there should be a prescribed set of “buckets” to store your video footage, audio, design assets, and more.

For example, when you import your footage from your camera, place it in the “footage” folder on your hard drive. Then create a template project folder that you can copy and paste for each project using the image below as a guide. It’s not unusual for video marketers to have an external hard drive for everyday work, another for backups, and a third set of backups in the cloud with Dropbox or Google Drive. Video editing can be confusing. But there is a range of great options for video editing based on your skill level, operating system, and budget, including free programs and mobile apps.

Let’s go over some of our favorites. It also has helpful templates that simplify the editing process. The platform supports high-quality clips like 4K video footage and makes it easy to share your work directly to a video hosting platform. This software isn’t commonly used by professionals, because it has limited access to advanced color correction and editing features.

But iMovie is a great option if you’re just getting started. Adobe Premiere Pro is a leading video editing software program used by amateurs and professionals. With a customizable interface and advanced editing tools, the platform is an industry-standard for video editing. Premiere makes it easy to collaborate with other editors, organize your material, and sync with other programs in the Adobe suite like After Effects and Photoshop.

The platform supports high-quality footage 4K and higher and includes advanced, built-in color correction and grading tools that set it apart from cheaper or free software like iMovie. The only downside to Premiere is the cost. If you’re new to video editing, you may want to experiment with a less expensive tool like iMovie or Adobe Premiere Elements before investing in the Premiere Pro.

Music is a powerful tool that can alter your video’s mood and tone. The right music can elevate an at-home project to a professional piece of content. The right music and sound effects can help keep your viewer’s attention, evoke emotions, and define your overall editing style. Before you start filming, set a music budget and research your local copyright laws. Copyright law can be difficult to decipher, especially when you’re dealing with digital content. Most music isn’t free. If you use another artist’s music without permission or proper licensing, you risk video removal and legal action.

Think about your audience and the overall feel of your production. While some videos feel unfinished without background music, others just need a few tunes to tie the project together. Pay attention to videos that have a similar style to see how other brands use music. Are you targeting a small audience that will appreciate the newest hip-hop track, or do you need something that will appeal to many demographics?

Are you creating a practical tutorial or an upbeat event recap? Be sure to choose music that lines up with audience expectations.

Next, think about the purpose of the music. Do you need background music or something with real impact? Will you be narrating or speaking in the video? If so, don’t let the music get in the way of your content. Sometimes the best music is the music you don’t remember at all. Finally, decide whether you want to add intro and outro music. Intro and outro music can serve as a theme for your content. These are a great choice if you don’t need music throughout your entire video.

Bookend music can help set the tone for your video, naturally split your content into chapters, and leave your viewers feeling they had a complete experience. You can pay a composer to create an original score, but most video marketing uses royalty-free music.

Royalty-free songs aren’t free to use; they’re quality songs available for a single flat fee. This means you don’t have to worry about paying extra licensing fees or royalties in the future. YouTube , Pond5 , and PremiumBeat are all great sites to find royalty-free music. After you know what type of music you need and where to get it, it’s time to start analyzing potential songs.

Consider the song’s pacing. Songs with a steady rhythm are easy to change to suit your video style. Try to choose simple songs that are easy to loop. And think about whether instrumental music or something with digital samples is best for your audience. The wrong song can make your video feel unprofessional and out of date.

A voice over is the narration that’s not spoken by someone on-camera. Voice overs are an effective tool that can help make your content more relatable, emotional, and fluid. You don’t have to hire a professional to record a great voice over. Below are a few tips to capture audio on a budget.

If you can’t go to a professional studio, try to pick a quiet room away from distracting sounds like sirens, opening and closing doors, and people talking on the phone. Try reading your script aloud in the space, and pay attention to the room’s acoustics.

Does your voice echo or sound muffled? If so, consider recording in a different space or adding furniture to fill in the room. Read through your script a few times and take note of any difficult pauses, transitions, and words. We recommend running through your script a few times, especially the first few paragraphs, to ensure that your voice is fully warmed up.

For example, if you hear popping or hissing sounds, try standing further away from the mic or invest in a pop filter. Think you can record the perfect voice over in just one take? Even professional voiceover actors can need 10 or more takes to record a voice over. That may seem like a lot, but it’s easier to get a new take of audio than it is to try and fix a voice over during the editing process.

On the day you plan to record, be sure to avoid wearing noisy clothing or jewelry. Also, use a stand, laptop, or teleprompter while recording so you aren’t rustling through a printed script. Remember to relax, read slowly, pause, and take breaks while recording your voice over. Sometimes all you need is a sip of water to get back on track. You’re ready to publish your video.

You shot the footage, edited it together, and added sound. Now it’s time to export your video and get it online so your audience can start viewing, sharing, and engaging with it. Your video is ready, but you need more than a brilliant video to get eyes on your video marketing.

There are many file formats for videos, and you want to be sure that your favorite platform supports your format of choice. These are some common formats that most platforms accept:. After you export your video in the right format for upload, there are some extras you can add to your video upload that will make it easier for your audience to find your videos organically on platforms like YouTube.

You’ll want an eye-catching headline and a description for your video. Your description can be up to characters, and the keywords in your title and description can make it easier for your audience to find your video. Design an eye-catching video thumbnail image. You can also design and add unique end screens and cards to increase video engagement. Some platforms let you add closed captions to your videos. There are many free captioning tools you can use to create captions that will make your video marketing more accessible.

There are many places to host videos online, and in this section, we’ll talk about some of the best ones. Your Gospel Team is a gospel choir, the first one in Switzerland, specialized in the animation of the weddings, concerts, The machine is in good working order. Detailed photos available on request. Perhaps you’d like to talk Very beautiful house “le Clos du chat tambour”, of m2 with basement, for sale on the Alabaster coast in Seine Maritime This house with a garden of m2, benefits from an exceptional location, quiet, 3km from the sea and 7 km from the city center Sell a living room coffee table made of exotic solid wood.

This semi-precious wooden coffee table “Courbaril” was brought back from French Guiana in It is in very good condition and very rare, not to say not to be found in metropolitan France and even We also do tutoring from CP primary to baccalaureat’s grade. We remain at your disposal.

Guadeloupe Scribe Business Administration is a leading young business in marketing, communication and press relation at your services. With a past experience in graphic design proficiency, the team is waiting to boost your business on the market undoubtedly. Our services Business bilingual secretary available to all types of businesses – Special business package November 16, Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Buy now. User Guide Cancel. The June release version The text does not animate backward anymore, so no need for workarounds to fix it.

This saves time, and is quick and simple. Existing animation presets also work correctly when applied to right-to-left text. Combining numbers or English letters with the right-to-left languages is seamless. After Effects identifies these characters and automatically animates them in the correct character order.

So, you don’t need to animate them separately. The Character Offset Effect now identifies the correct unicode range for both the Korean and Hebrew languages, ensuring that the effect only displays characters specific to those languages.

For more information, see Expanded text support – Unified Text Engine. Fixed issues: Fixes to a host of performance and stability issues. For the complete list, see Fixed issues in After Effects. New features.

May release version Separated Dimensions preference You can now use the Preferences checkbox to separate the Position property dimensions in the Timeline by default. See detailed new feature summary. April release version

The May release version For a complete list of fixed issues, see Fixed issues. Separated Dimensions preference. You can now use the Preferences checkbox to separate the Position property dimensions in the Timeline by default. This saves time while animating and you can clearly control the X and Y dimensions separately.

Native Apple silicon support. Experience shorter launch times, improved UI responsiveness, and faster rendering on Apple M1 devices. Extended Viewer. Now expand your composition view beyond the frame edge in order to navigate the Draft 3D space more easily and view what’s outside the composition area. Scene Edit Detection. Powered by Adobe Sensei, automatically detect scene changes in an edited clip and place scenes as individual layers or create markers at edit points for a faster project setup.

Binning indicators for 3D layers. The new 3D binning indicators provide a visual map of how After Effects composites 2D and 3D layers together in a composition. Coach marks. After Effects displays coach marks when you first launch the app after updating or installation. These are short descriptions about the different functionality. Constrained shapes. Now create perfectly centered squares and circles by holding Shift and double-clicking the Rectangle or Ellipse tool.

Properties panel. Create motion graphics easier and faster with the new Properties Panel. Cut down on your twirl-time by quickly accessing the properties you need the most.

It brings an easier way of working with Shape layers, plus basic layer transforms. Color keyframes. Assign color labels to keyframes to make it faster and easier to find, select, and modify groups of keyframes within a project when you work with multiple people on board. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Buy now. User Guide Cancel.

The June release version The text does not animate backward anymore, so no need for workarounds to fix it. This saves time, and is quick and simple. Existing animation presets also work correctly when applied to right-to-left text. Combining numbers or English letters with the right-to-left languages is seamless. After Effects identifies these characters and automatically animates them in the correct character order.

So, you don’t need to animate them separately. The Character Offset Effect now identifies the correct unicode range for both the Korean and Hebrew languages, ensuring that the effect only displays characters specific to those languages. For more information, see Expanded text support – Unified Text Engine. Fixed issues: Fixes to a host of performance and stability issues. For the complete list, see Fixed issues in After Effects.

New features. May release version Separated Dimensions preference You can now use the Preferences checkbox to separate the Position property dimensions in the Timeline by default. See detailed new feature summary. April release version Native Apple silicon support Experience shorter launch times, improved UI responsiveness, and faster rendering on Apple M1 devices. Extended Viewer Now expand your composition view beyond the frame edge in order to navigate the Draft 3D space more easily and view what’s outside the composition area.

Scene Edit Detection Powered by Adobe Sensei, automatically detect scene changes in an edited clip and place scenes as individual layers or create markers at edit points for a faster project setup.

Binning indicators for 3D layers The new 3D binning indicators provide a visual map of how After Effects composites 2D and 3D layers together in a composition.

Coach marks After Effects displays coach marks when you first launch the app after updating or installation. Constrained shapes Now create perfectly centered squares and circles by holding Shift and double-clicking the Rectangle or Ellipse tool.

Currently in Beta. Properties panel Create motion graphics easier and faster with the new Properties Panel. Color keyframes Assign color labels to keyframes to make it faster and easier to find, select, and modify groups of keyframes within a project when you work with multiple people on board. Previous releases of After Effects. More like this Fixed issues Known issues System Requirements. Sign in to your account. Sign in. Quick links View all your plans Manage your plans.

Click here to know how to put your classifieds as VIP. Sea on foot. Terrace with Kitchenette microwave, toaster, kettle ,minibar,t. Can accommodate four peoples 2 double beds. Situated in full town center close to restaurants, Each piece is handmade and unique, and cannot be exactly replicated. Slight variation may occur compared to the pictures. Follow me finding. Earrings purchased are strictly non-exchangeable and non-refundable. Artists Premium is an artistic and event agency specializing in artistic production and organization of shows.

Our agency has a catalog of music bands and professional artists from authentic gospel in the African American style, reggae, jazz, soul, Pop, dance Gospel choir for concerts, weddings, and other events June 09, You are organizing an event and you want to listen to the real gospel?

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We remain at your disposal. Guadeloupe Scribe Business Administration is a leading young business in marketing, communication and press relation at your services. With a past experience in graphic design proficiency, the team is waiting to boost your business on the market undoubtedly.

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So, you don’t need to animate them separately. The Character Offset Effect now identifies the correct unicode range for both the Korean and Hebrew languages, ensuring that the effect only displays characters specific to those languages. For more information, see Expanded text support – Unified Text Engine. Fixed issues: Fixes to a host of performance and stability issues. For the complete list, see Fixed issues in After Effects.

New features. May release version Separated Dimensions preference You can now use the Preferences checkbox to separate the Position property dimensions in the Timeline by default. See detailed new feature summary. April release version Native Apple silicon support Experience shorter launch times, improved UI responsiveness, and faster rendering on Apple M1 devices.

Extended Viewer Now expand your composition view beyond the frame edge in order to navigate the Draft 3D space more easily and view what’s outside the composition area. Scene Edit Detection Powered by Adobe Sensei, automatically detect scene changes in an edited clip and place scenes as individual layers or create markers at edit points for a faster project setup. Binning indicators for 3D layers The new 3D binning indicators provide a visual map of how After Effects composites 2D and 3D layers together in a composition.

Coach marks After Effects displays coach marks when you first launch the app after updating or installation. Constrained shapes Now create perfectly centered squares and circles by holding Shift and double-clicking the Rectangle or Ellipse tool. Currently in Beta. Properties panel Create motion graphics easier and faster with the new Properties Panel.

Color keyframes Assign color labels to keyframes to make it faster and easier to find, select, and modify groups of keyframes within a project when you work with multiple people on board. These three variables work together. Aperture refers to the size of the opening in the lens. Like a human eye, a lens opens and closes to control the amount of light reaching the sensor. Aperture is measured by f-stop.

The smaller the f-stop number, the more open the lens is. A larger f-stop number means the lens is more closed. What does aperture mean for your video?

When a lot of light comes into the camera, you get a brighter image and a shallow depth of field. This is great for when you want your subject to stand out against a background. When less light comes into the camera you get a deep depth of field and can focus across a larger portion of your frame. Shutter speed is a term from still photography. When taking a photo, shutter speed is the length of time the camera’s sensor gets exposed to light.

Think of it as how quickly or slowly the camera blinks. If you want a perfectly timed photo of a hummingbird frozen in time, shoot with a fast shutter speed If you want to shoot an image of blurred headlights at night use a slow shutter speed. Shutter speed is measured in seconds, or in most cases, fractions of seconds.

But what does shutter speed mean for video? To pick the right setting, you’ll have to do a little math. Remember, this is just a guideline for choosing shutter speed. There’s always room to tweak shutter speed to achieve the desired effect. On your camera, you’ll see the settings referred to with numbers in the hundreds or thousands e. The higher the number, the more sensitive your camera is to light. The lower the number, the less light-sensitive it is.

ISO also affects the graininess of the image. When choosing an ISO, consider the lighting. If you’re indoors in a low-light situation, you’ll need to bump up the ISO — just be careful of how grainy it makes your shot.

This is how the three factors of the Exposure Triangle work together. When you have a low-lit situation, for example, you may choose a lens that can shoot with a low f-stop to let more light into the camera and avoid making the shot too noisy with a high ISO.

If you’re just starting out with manual video settings, don’t get overwhelmed. It takes time and a lot of practice. While understanding aperture, shutter speed, and ISO can help you shoot great videos, there is one more important factor: white balance. Different types of light have different colors.

For example, incandescent bulbs like what’s in most living room lamps have a warm color. Fluorescent lights like office lighting are a little bit cooler. Daylight is cooler yet.

Before you begin recording, you have to adjust your camera’s white balance according to your setup. Most cameras have an auto option, presets, and a custom setting for white balance.

Try to avoid auto white balance and opt for a preset or custom setting instead. To understand the importance of setting your white balance, take a look at these two photos.

The space is lit with yellow fluorescent lights. You can see how the appropriate setting looks natural, while the daylight setting adds a blue tint to the scene. Focus is also important to keep in mind. With a DSLR, you can shoot with autofocus or manual focus.

Manual focus is usually best. Then, adjust the focus on the lens. For shooting setups like interviews, make sure the subject’s eyelashes are in focus — that way, you can be certain your footage is clear and sharp.

Recording a video is tricky because you need to balance many different ways of thinking. A great video should have:. To accomplish this, you need to be a coach. Balance critical feedback with support and encouragement after each take.

This is why conducting a table read during the scripting process is so important: It’s easier to give feedback when there’s not a camera in the room. Try to get a little silly during the shoot or your talent will be on edge and uncomfortable and it will show in the footage. In the hectic rush of shooting a video, it can be easy to forget crucial details. Video marketing is more than the art of communication. Marketers creating video marketing also need to:.

So, while you’re maintaining the fun level on set, pay attention to the little things. For example, make sure all your mics are on and watch for any lighting changes. Record each section many times and have your talent experiment. When you think they’ve nailed the shot try to get one more. If you can, try to circle back to the beginning of the script at the end of your recording. Chances are your subject got more comfortable throughout the shoot. Since the beginning is often the most crucial part of the video, record that section again when they’re feeling the most confident.

Some video marketers are better at recording while others are better at editing. For example, as the person behind the camera, you may believe you collected ample footage and asked all the right interview questions. But to the editor, you may have gotten too much of one type of shot and missed out on some that would make their job easier. So, shoot for the edit. This can help you make decisions that will save you countless hours in the editing room.

As a producer, your job is to capture plenty of b-roll to make sure your editor never runs out. In the section on preparing talent, we talked about recording your script in short sections. If the editor stitches these sections together, the subject’s face and hands might abruptly switch between clips.

This is called a jump cut, and you can see an example below. Extra b-roll can help mask these jump cuts so that your video looks and feels more natural to viewers. Another way to mask jump cuts is to shoot with two cameras. This strategy is helpful if you’re recording an interview without a script.

With this setup, the editor can flip between these two views to make the cut appear natural. You can see how to cut these two camera angles together in the example below. A note about shooting with two cameras: Your editor will need to sync the footage between the different views. To help them do this, clap your hands loudly in the view of both cameras right before you ask the first interview question.

Modern editing software has auto-sync features, but this loud clap will help you initially line up the clips. Even if you’re recording a scripted video, you might have to record a section 10 or more times. This can be a lot of footage for an editor to sort through. So, when your subject nails a take, wave your hand in front of the lens like in the example below.

Then your editor can look for this visual cue when they review your footage. This phase will sometimes overlap with your video shoot, but not always. Some videos go through several editing reviews before they get to the final product. This is also the phase where the team adds visual effects, music, and sound design.

First, video format files are incredibly large , so it’s unlikely you’ll want to store them on your internal hard drive. You’ll quickly run out of storage, and your computer’s processing speed will begin to lag. Instead, invest in an external hard drive like one of the Lacie Rugged models and store your project files on this hard drive. This method also makes it easier to collaborate with teammates because you can easily share the drive.

Second, video editing programs are very particular about where you keep your files. If you don’t stick with the original file structure, you may get a lot of error messages. Within this folder, there should be a prescribed set of “buckets” to store your video footage, audio, design assets, and more. For example, when you import your footage from your camera, place it in the “footage” folder on your hard drive.

Then create a template project folder that you can copy and paste for each project using the image below as a guide. It’s not unusual for video marketers to have an external hard drive for everyday work, another for backups, and a third set of backups in the cloud with Dropbox or Google Drive.

Video editing can be confusing. But there is a range of great options for video editing based on your skill level, operating system, and budget, including free programs and mobile apps. Let’s go over some of our favorites. It also has helpful templates that simplify the editing process. The platform supports high-quality clips like 4K video footage and makes it easy to share your work directly to a video hosting platform.

This software isn’t commonly used by professionals, because it has limited access to advanced color correction and editing features. But iMovie is a great option if you’re just getting started. Adobe Premiere Pro is a leading video editing software program used by amateurs and professionals. With a customizable interface and advanced editing tools, the platform is an industry-standard for video editing.

Premiere makes it easy to collaborate with other editors, organize your material, and sync with other programs in the Adobe suite like After Effects and Photoshop. The platform supports high-quality footage 4K and higher and includes advanced, built-in color correction and grading tools that set it apart from cheaper or free software like iMovie.

The only downside to Premiere is the cost. If you’re new to video editing, you may want to experiment with a less expensive tool like iMovie or Adobe Premiere Elements before investing in the Premiere Pro. Music is a powerful tool that can alter your video’s mood and tone.

The right music can elevate an at-home project to a professional piece of content. The right music and sound effects can help keep your viewer’s attention, evoke emotions, and define your overall editing style. Before you start filming, set a music budget and research your local copyright laws.

Copyright law can be difficult to decipher, especially when you’re dealing with digital content. Most music isn’t free.

If you use another artist’s music without permission or proper licensing, you risk video removal and legal action. Think about your audience and the overall feel of your production.

While some videos feel unfinished without background music, others just need a few tunes to tie the project together. Pay attention to videos that have a similar style to see how other brands use music. Are you targeting a small audience that will appreciate the newest hip-hop track, or do you need something that will appeal to many demographics? Are you creating a practical tutorial or an upbeat event recap? Be sure to choose music that lines up with audience expectations.

Next, think about the purpose of the music. Do you need background music or something with real impact? Will you be narrating or speaking in the video? If so, don’t let the music get in the way of your content.

Sometimes the best music is the music you don’t remember at all. Finally, decide whether you want to add intro and outro music. Intro and outro music can serve as a theme for your content. These are a great choice if you don’t need music throughout your entire video.

Bookend music can help set the tone for your video, naturally split your content into chapters, and leave your viewers feeling they had a complete experience. You can pay a composer to create an original score, but most video marketing uses royalty-free music. Royalty-free songs aren’t free to use; they’re quality songs available for a single flat fee.

This means you don’t have to worry about paying extra licensing fees or royalties in the future. YouTube , Pond5 , and PremiumBeat are all great sites to find royalty-free music. After you know what type of music you need and where to get it, it’s time to start analyzing potential songs. Consider the song’s pacing. Songs with a steady rhythm are easy to change to suit your video style. Try to choose simple songs that are easy to loop. And think about whether instrumental music or something with digital samples is best for your audience.

The wrong song can make your video feel unprofessional and out of date. A voice over is the narration that’s not spoken by someone on-camera. Voice overs are an effective tool that can help make your content more relatable, emotional, and fluid.

You don’t have to hire a professional to record a great voice over. Below are a few tips to capture audio on a budget. If you can’t go to a professional studio, try to pick a quiet room away from distracting sounds like sirens, opening and closing doors, and people talking on the phone.

Try reading your script aloud in the space, and pay attention to the room’s acoustics. Does your voice echo or sound muffled? If so, consider recording in a different space or adding furniture to fill in the room.

Read through your script a few times and take note of any difficult pauses, transitions, and words. We recommend running through your script a few times, especially the first few paragraphs, to ensure that your voice is fully warmed up. For example, if you hear popping or hissing sounds, try standing further away from the mic or invest in a pop filter. Think you can record the perfect voice over in just one take? Even professional voiceover actors can need 10 or more takes to record a voice over.

That may seem like a lot, but it’s easier to get a new take of audio than it is to try and fix a voice over during the editing process. On the day you plan to record, be sure to avoid wearing noisy clothing or jewelry. Also, use a stand, laptop, or teleprompter while recording so you aren’t rustling through a printed script. Remember to relax, read slowly, pause, and take breaks while recording your voice over.

Sometimes all you need is a sip of water to get back on track. You’re ready to publish your video. You shot the footage, edited it together, and added sound. Now it’s time to export your video and get it online so your audience can start viewing, sharing, and engaging with it. Your video is ready, but you need more than a brilliant video to get eyes on your video marketing. There are many file formats for videos, and you want to be sure that your favorite platform supports your format of choice.

These are some common formats that most platforms accept:. After you export your video in the right format for upload, there are some extras you can add to your video upload that will make it easier for your audience to find your videos organically on platforms like YouTube. You’ll want an eye-catching headline and a description for your video. Your description can be up to characters, and the keywords in your title and description can make it easier for your audience to find your video.

Design an eye-catching video thumbnail image. You can also design and add unique end screens and cards to increase video engagement. Some platforms let you add closed captions to your videos.

There are many free captioning tools you can use to create captions that will make your video marketing more accessible. There are many places to host videos online, and in this section, we’ll talk about some of the best ones. When you ask your friends which online video platform they use, the answer you probably hear the most is YouTube. YouTube is the largest video hosting platform, second largest search platform , and the most visited website in the world. Every single day, people watch over five billion videos on YouTube.

It’s also free to upload your videos to YouTube and optimize them for search. In addition to its massive audience, YouTube offers several other features that make the platform a good choice for hosting your video. Although YouTube offers the benefit of reaching a large audience with no cost to upload and host videos, there are several downsides to the platform. While video ads can be a great tool for promoting your content, the number of ads on the platform from other advertisers can detract from your viewer’s experience.

Vimeo’s audience is much smaller than YouTube’s, with 1. But there are still many benefits that make it a favorite for content creators and viewers alike.

These features include:. If you’re looking to showcase high-quality, artistic content, Vimeo might be the platform for you. Vidyard is an online video platform for business. They offer tools to create, host, and share videos to enable sales and service teams to connect with customers. Did you know that Instagram was the first social channel to show silent, auto-playing videos? This type of video is popular on social media because it makes it easy for viewers to watch videos when they are in public.

The most popular videos on social media vary in length by platform. While some strategies call for a longer video, shoot your video in a way that makes it easy to break into more bite-sized pieces. This will help you get more traffic and engagement from your video marketing. As you shoot your video, be sure to compose each shot for a range of screen dimensions and shapes.

In Facebook emphasized video content with a dedicated video tab, and the platform’s focus on video has grown from there. Using video on Facebook seems to give brands greater reach in the newsfeed.

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Que es adobe after effects cc 2017 free.The Importance of Video Marketing

Copy and paste this code into your website. Your Link . Aug 06,  · Les informations sur les pages de ce site dédié au coronavirus vous sont proposées pour suivre et voir l’évolution des cas, décès et guérisons. Les statistiques peuvent avoir des lacunes, notamment sur le nombre de guérisons qui sont remontés moins facilement que les décès ou les cas. Jun 21,  · After Effects identifies these characters and automatically animates them in the correct character order. So, you don’t need to animate them separately. The Character Offset Effect now identifies the correct unicode range for both the Korean and Hebrew languages, ensuring that the effect only displays characters specific to those languages. All classifieds – Veux-Veux-Pas, free classified ads Website. Come and visit our site, already thousands of classified ads await you What are you waiting for? It’s easy to use, no lengthy sign-ups, and % free! If you have many products or ads, create your own online store (e-commerce shop) and conveniently group all your classified ads in your shop! Webmasters, .

This spherical video style allows viewers to experience a location or event, like flying down a hill with Olympic skiers. Virtual reality VR allows viewers to navigate and control their experience. These videos are usually viewed through devices like an Oculus Quest 2 or a Valve Index.

For example, you can point your phone’s camera at your living room and AR would allow you to see how a couch would look in your space. Video can be a creative way to continue a conversation or respond to someone through email or text. Use HubSpot Video Hosting or Loom to record yourself recapping an important meeting or giving personalized recommendations.

These videos create a delightful, unique moment for your prospects and can drive them deeper into the purchase journey.

There’s a lot that goes into making a video. This section will walk you through the detailed process of creating and publishing a video for your business.

While there’s a time and place for videos to be off-the-cuff , most video marketing needs a script. If you skip this step, you’ll find yourself editing more than you need to, releasing a video longer than it should be, and probably losing your audience along the way.

Start writing your script the way you would begin a blog post — with an outline. List out your key points and order them logically. Try drafting in Google Docs to promote collaboration and real-time commenting. Write your audio script in the left column and insert matching visual ideas in the right column.

Two-column scripts are a common practice in television because they help you organize how the audio and visual parts of your script work together. Don’t make the viewer wait until the end to understand the purpose of your video. They won’t stick around. As you begin creating videos, you’ll notice a key difference between video scripts and your typical business blog post — the language.

Video language should be clear, relaxed, and conversational. Avoid using complex sentence structures and eloquent clauses.

Instead, connect with your audience by writing in first person and using visual language. Keep the language concise, but avoid jargon and buzzwords. Most video scripts are probably shorter than you think. Keep a script timer handy to check your script length as you write and edit. For example, a word script equates to a video that is nearly 2 minutes long. Try organizing a table read of your script before you start filming.

The point of a table read is to smooth out the kinks of the script and nail down inflection points. Have your writer and talent gather around a table with their laptops and read the script multiple times.

This is a great time to make script changes so that the language sounds more natural. When you begin creating your in-office studio, purchases can add up quickly. You might need a camera, tripods, lights, microphones, and more. But setting up your studio doesn’t have to be overwhelming. There are plenty of cost-effective ways to create professional videos in your space. If you’re recording with your phone, you can use a table mount like the Arkon Tripod Mount or a full-size tripod like the Acuvar 50″ Aluminum Tripod.

Recording video will cause you to run through these quickly. When you’re shooting with your iPhone, there are many easy to use and inexpensive microphone choices. There are even more options for recording audio with a DSLR. You’ve likely seen many videos that use a lavalier microphone — the small piece that clips below the collar of the talent’s shirt.

Lavaliers can be wired or wireless. But lavaliers can be uncomfortable and distracting for the talent who has to have a wire threaded down his or her shirt and for the viewer who has to see a microphone for the whole video. Instead, try recording with a shotgun mic. They’re reliable, remain out of the shot, and record background noise in a natural-sounding way. The Zoom recorder will allow you to record audio separately on an SD card and adjust the gain for the space you’re shooting in.

These audio purchases may sound expensive. But a shotgun mic setup is a sound investment that will last for years.

If you’re looking for a more cost-effective solution, the Rode VideoMic is a great alternative. To outfit your studio without breaking the bank, head over to your local home improvement store. Pick up extension cords and a few clamp lights with bulbs. You’ll also need three light stands , which are available on Amazon.

Three-point lighting is a traditional setup for video lights. It involves three lights placed strategically around the subject. This approach creates a soft light that makes your subjects look their best on camera.

First, you’ll need a key light. Place this at a degree angle to the left or right of the subject. Lift the light above their head and aim it downwards. Next, place the fill light at a degree angle on the other side and lift it close to or just above eye level.

The purpose of the fill is to soften the shadows created by the key, but without getting rid of them completely. The fill should be dimmer than the key light. If you have to use the same type of light for both, scoot the fill back and diffuse it by clipping a clear shower curtain onto the clamp light with clothespins.

Finally, the backlight will add a third layer of dimension. Move your subject away from the background. Lift a light above the subject’s head and place it behind them and off to the side so it’s out of the frame.

Aim the light at the back of their head. This creates a line of light that separates them from the background. If you can create a studio, you’ll save hours of prep time for each shoot. You can turn any room into a great studio, just make sure it isn’t too empty. You can bring in a couch, chairs, or blankets to minimize the echoes in the room. Try to find a room with minimal noise. Think about buying photography paper to create a background that’s a little more appealing than a white wall.

With your three-point lighting setup, there will be no need for harsh fluorescent lights. If you have experienced, confident actors in your company, you’re lucky. Video talent is a rare resource. But with a little bit of coaching, you can help your teammates thrive in front of the camera. Give your talent the script early and let them know they don’t need to memorize it.

Instead, place a laptop below the eye-line of the camera. Break the script into short paragraphs and record each section until you capture a great take. Plan in advance for extra footage or screenshots. You can have your talent read those lines directly off the laptop like a voice over for those sections. For example, if your marketing team wants photo stills from your video shoot to use for the blog, get those photos before breaking down the set.

This will help your team get more value out of your time and resources. Composition is one way to create a visually powerful video. The rule of thirds is a simple composition technique that can improve your videos. In this example, the kitten’s eye lines up with the top horizontal line on the right. This is a good screen composition for interviews. For this “talking head” shot, you can also improve your composition by leaving some empty space between the person’s head and the top of the screen.

Image Source. Another way to improve the look of your video is to include b-roll. B-roll is the supplementary footage included as a cutaway. The key with b-roll is to make sure every piece enhances the story. Create a shot list of more b-roll ideas than you think you’ll need and mark them off as you record them.

When you’re collecting b-roll, include a mix of shots from varying angles and distances. Try a mix of the following common video shots. These are wide shots that allow the viewer to see the entire scene. These are great to use at the beginning of a video or scene.

Close-ups are tightly cropped shots zoomed in to show detail. These might feature someone’s hands typing on a keyboard or pouring a cup of coffee. For example, your subject might open a door from the hallway, walk into their office space, sit down at their desk, open their laptop, and begin typing. A shot sequence showing this second scenario could include six or more different b-roll clips.

Continuity is the process of combining shots into a sequence so that they appear to have happened at the same time and place. A key part of continuity is making sure any extra objects in the scene, like a cup of water on a desk, stay in the same place through every one of your shots. Fear of new equipment can keep businesses from video marketing.

But learning to shoot video doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Before filming with your iPhone, make sure your device has enough storage. And don’t forget to enable your iPhone’s Do Not Disturb feature to avoid distracting notifications while filming. Once you open the iPhone’s camera, flip your phone horizontally to create the best possible viewing experience. Then, move close enough to your subject so you don’t have to use the zoom feature — it often makes the final video look pixelated and blurry.

Your iPhone might do a great job of focusing on the subject when you take photos, but when it comes to video the camera will adjust as you move around the scene. To solve this problem, lock the exposure before you press record. While iPhones are great for filming when you need to or getting used to video, you may want a more advanced tool. There are a ton of digital cameras to choose from. These are a few options we like.

Considering the expense of a DSLR camera, research your choices and read plenty of reviews. For a more cost-effective choice, check out some of these DSLRs. Prosumer cameras are easy to use.

Most have a fixed lens because these make it easier to see what you are recording. They allow you to create the shallow depth of field background out of focus that people rave about. DSLRs are small, work great in low light situations, and pair with a wide range of lenses — making them perfect for video. But, DSLRs do require some training and you may need to buy more add-ons, like lenses.

This is a high-level overview of each setting. There will be a different method for adjusting these settings based on your specific camera.

If you want to learn more, refer to your camera’s instruction manual. Video experts often credit 24fps with a more “cinematic” look, while 30fps is more common, especially for videos that need to be projected or broadcast on a larger screen. Ask the end-user of your video what they prefer. Then, be sure your resolution is at least x to maintain quality footage. Once you’ve set your frame rate and resolution in your camera’s settings, it’s time to get to know your aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

These three variables work together. Aperture refers to the size of the opening in the lens. Like a human eye, a lens opens and closes to control the amount of light reaching the sensor.

Aperture is measured by f-stop. The smaller the f-stop number, the more open the lens is. A larger f-stop number means the lens is more closed.

What does aperture mean for your video? When a lot of light comes into the camera, you get a brighter image and a shallow depth of field.

This is great for when you want your subject to stand out against a background. When less light comes into the camera you get a deep depth of field and can focus across a larger portion of your frame. Shutter speed is a term from still photography. When taking a photo, shutter speed is the length of time the camera’s sensor gets exposed to light. Think of it as how quickly or slowly the camera blinks. If you want a perfectly timed photo of a hummingbird frozen in time, shoot with a fast shutter speed If you want to shoot an image of blurred headlights at night use a slow shutter speed.

Shutter speed is measured in seconds, or in most cases, fractions of seconds. But what does shutter speed mean for video? To pick the right setting, you’ll have to do a little math. Remember, this is just a guideline for choosing shutter speed.

There’s always room to tweak shutter speed to achieve the desired effect. On your camera, you’ll see the settings referred to with numbers in the hundreds or thousands e. The higher the number, the more sensitive your camera is to light. The lower the number, the less light-sensitive it is. ISO also affects the graininess of the image. When choosing an ISO, consider the lighting.

If you’re indoors in a low-light situation, you’ll need to bump up the ISO — just be careful of how grainy it makes your shot. This is how the three factors of the Exposure Triangle work together. When you have a low-lit situation, for example, you may choose a lens that can shoot with a low f-stop to let more light into the camera and avoid making the shot too noisy with a high ISO.

If you’re just starting out with manual video settings, don’t get overwhelmed. It takes time and a lot of practice. While understanding aperture, shutter speed, and ISO can help you shoot great videos, there is one more important factor: white balance.

Different types of light have different colors. For example, incandescent bulbs like what’s in most living room lamps have a warm color. Fluorescent lights like office lighting are a little bit cooler. Daylight is cooler yet. Before you begin recording, you have to adjust your camera’s white balance according to your setup. Most cameras have an auto option, presets, and a custom setting for white balance.

Try to avoid auto white balance and opt for a preset or custom setting instead. To understand the importance of setting your white balance, take a look at these two photos. The space is lit with yellow fluorescent lights. You can see how the appropriate setting looks natural, while the daylight setting adds a blue tint to the scene. Focus is also important to keep in mind. With a DSLR, you can shoot with autofocus or manual focus. Manual focus is usually best.

Then, adjust the focus on the lens. For shooting setups like interviews, make sure the subject’s eyelashes are in focus — that way, you can be certain your footage is clear and sharp. Recording a video is tricky because you need to balance many different ways of thinking. A great video should have:. To accomplish this, you need to be a coach.

Balance critical feedback with support and encouragement after each take. This is why conducting a table read during the scripting process is so important: It’s easier to give feedback when there’s not a camera in the room.

Try to get a little silly during the shoot or your talent will be on edge and uncomfortable and it will show in the footage. In the hectic rush of shooting a video, it can be easy to forget crucial details. Video marketing is more than the art of communication. Marketers creating video marketing also need to:.

So, while you’re maintaining the fun level on set, pay attention to the little things. For example, make sure all your mics are on and watch for any lighting changes.

Record each section many times and have your talent experiment. When you think they’ve nailed the shot try to get one more.

If you can, try to circle back to the beginning of the script at the end of your recording. Chances are your subject got more comfortable throughout the shoot. Since the beginning is often the most crucial part of the video, record that section again when they’re feeling the most confident. Some video marketers are better at recording while others are better at editing.

For example, as the person behind the camera, you may believe you collected ample footage and asked all the right interview questions. But to the editor, you may have gotten too much of one type of shot and missed out on some that would make their job easier. So, shoot for the edit. This can help you make decisions that will save you countless hours in the editing room.

As a producer, your job is to capture plenty of b-roll to make sure your editor never runs out. In the section on preparing talent, we talked about recording your script in short sections. If the editor stitches these sections together, the subject’s face and hands might abruptly switch between clips. This is called a jump cut, and you can see an example below. Extra b-roll can help mask these jump cuts so that your video looks and feels more natural to viewers.

Another way to mask jump cuts is to shoot with two cameras. This strategy is helpful if you’re recording an interview without a script. With this setup, the editor can flip between these two views to make the cut appear natural.

You can see how to cut these two camera angles together in the example below. A note about shooting with two cameras: Your editor will need to sync the footage between the different views. To help them do this, clap your hands loudly in the view of both cameras right before you ask the first interview question. Modern editing software has auto-sync features, but this loud clap will help you initially line up the clips.

Even if you’re recording a scripted video, you might have to record a section 10 or more times. This can be a lot of footage for an editor to sort through. So, when your subject nails a take, wave your hand in front of the lens like in the example below.

Then your editor can look for this visual cue when they review your footage. This phase will sometimes overlap with your video shoot, but not always. Some videos go through several editing reviews before they get to the final product. This is also the phase where the team adds visual effects, music, and sound design.

First, video format files are incredibly large , so it’s unlikely you’ll want to store them on your internal hard drive. You’ll quickly run out of storage, and your computer’s processing speed will begin to lag. Instead, invest in an external hard drive like one of the Lacie Rugged models and store your project files on this hard drive. This method also makes it easier to collaborate with teammates because you can easily share the drive.

Second, video editing programs are very particular about where you keep your files. If you don’t stick with the original file structure, you may get a lot of error messages. Within this folder, there should be a prescribed set of “buckets” to store your video footage, audio, design assets, and more. For example, when you import your footage from your camera, place it in the “footage” folder on your hard drive.

Then create a template project folder that you can copy and paste for each project using the image below as a guide. It’s not unusual for video marketers to have an external hard drive for everyday work, another for backups, and a third set of backups in the cloud with Dropbox or Google Drive. Video editing can be confusing.

But there is a range of great options for video editing based on your skill level, operating system, and budget, including free programs and mobile apps. Let’s go over some of our favorites. It also has helpful templates that simplify the editing process. The platform supports high-quality clips like 4K video footage and makes it easy to share your work directly to a video hosting platform.

This software isn’t commonly used by professionals, because it has limited access to advanced color correction and editing features. But iMovie is a great option if you’re just getting started. Adobe Premiere Pro is a leading video editing software program used by amateurs and professionals. With a customizable interface and advanced editing tools, the platform is an industry-standard for video editing. Premiere makes it easy to collaborate with other editors, organize your material, and sync with other programs in the Adobe suite like After Effects and Photoshop.

The platform supports high-quality footage 4K and higher and includes advanced, built-in color correction and grading tools that set it apart from cheaper or free software like iMovie. The only downside to Premiere is the cost. If you’re new to video editing, you may want to experiment with a less expensive tool like iMovie or Adobe Premiere Elements before investing in the Premiere Pro. Music is a powerful tool that can alter your video’s mood and tone.

The right music can elevate an at-home project to a professional piece of content. The right music and sound effects can help keep your viewer’s attention, evoke emotions, and define your overall editing style. Before you start filming, set a music budget and research your local copyright laws. Copyright law can be difficult to decipher, especially when you’re dealing with digital content. Most music isn’t free. If you use another artist’s music without permission or proper licensing, you risk video removal and legal action.

Think about your audience and the overall feel of your production. While some videos feel unfinished without background music, others just need a few tunes to tie the project together. Pay attention to videos that have a similar style to see how other brands use music.

Are you targeting a small audience that will appreciate the newest hip-hop track, or do you need something that will appeal to many demographics? Are you creating a practical tutorial or an upbeat event recap? Be sure to choose music that lines up with audience expectations. Next, think about the purpose of the music. Do you need background music or something with real impact?

Will you be narrating or speaking in the video? If so, don’t let the music get in the way of your content. Sometimes the best music is the music you don’t remember at all. Finally, decide whether you want to add intro and outro music. Intro and outro music can serve as a theme for your content. These are a great choice if you don’t need music throughout your entire video.

Bookend music can help set the tone for your video, naturally split your content into chapters, and leave your viewers feeling they had a complete experience. You can pay a composer to create an original score, but most video marketing uses royalty-free music. Royalty-free songs aren’t free to use; they’re quality songs available for a single flat fee. This means you don’t have to worry about paying extra licensing fees or royalties in the future.

YouTube , Pond5 , and PremiumBeat are all great sites to find royalty-free music. After you know what type of music you need and where to get it, it’s time to start analyzing potential songs. Consider the song’s pacing. Songs with a steady rhythm are easy to change to suit your video style. Try to choose simple songs that are easy to loop. And think about whether instrumental music or something with digital samples is best for your audience.

The wrong song can make your video feel unprofessional and out of date. A voice over is the narration that’s not spoken by someone on-camera. Voice overs are an effective tool that can help make your content more relatable, emotional, and fluid. You don’t have to hire a professional to record a great voice over. Below are a few tips to capture audio on a budget. If you can’t go to a professional studio, try to pick a quiet room away from distracting sounds like sirens, opening and closing doors, and people talking on the phone.

Try reading your script aloud in the space, and pay attention to the room’s acoustics. Does your voice echo or sound muffled? If so, consider recording in a different space or adding furniture to fill in the room. Read through your script a few times and take note of any difficult pauses, transitions, and words. We recommend running through your script a few times, especially the first few paragraphs, to ensure that your voice is fully warmed up. For example, if you hear popping or hissing sounds, try standing further away from the mic or invest in a pop filter.

Think you can record the perfect voice over in just one take? Even professional voiceover actors can need 10 or more takes to record a voice over. That may seem like a lot, but it’s easier to get a new take of audio than it is to try and fix a voice over during the editing process.

On the day you plan to record, be sure to avoid wearing noisy clothing or jewelry. Also, use a stand, laptop, or teleprompter while recording so you aren’t rustling through a printed script. Remember to relax, read slowly, pause, and take breaks while recording your voice over.

Sometimes all you need is a sip of water to get back on track. You’re ready to publish your video. You shot the footage, edited it together, and added sound.

Now it’s time to export your video and get it online so your audience can start viewing, sharing, and engaging with it. Your video is ready, but you need more than a brilliant video to get eyes on your video marketing. There are many file formats for videos, and you want to be sure that your favorite platform supports your format of choice.

These are some common formats that most platforms accept:. After you export your video in the right format for upload, there are some extras you can add to your video upload that will make it easier for your audience to find your videos organically on platforms like YouTube. You’ll want an eye-catching headline and a description for your video. Very beautiful house “le Clos du chat tambour”, of m2 with basement, for sale on the Alabaster coast in Seine Maritime This house with a garden of m2, benefits from an exceptional location, quiet, 3km from the sea and 7 km from the city center Sell a living room coffee table made of exotic solid wood.

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Звук мотора, похожий на визг циркулярной пилы, заставил его повернуться. Парень крупного сложения и прильнувшая к нему сзади девушка въехали на стоянку на стареньком мотоцикле «Веспа-250».

Юбка девушки высоко задралась от ветра, но она не обращала на это ни малейшего внимания. Беккер рванулся к .

– Если лифт обесточен, я отключу «ТРАНСТЕКСТ» и восстановлю подачу тока в лифт. – У дверцы лифта есть код, – злорадно сказала Сьюзан. – Ну и проблема! – засмеялся Хейл.  – Думаю, коммандер мне его откроет. Разве не так, коммандер.

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