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Adobe photoshop cc 2014 id password free


Figure 4. Color palette In the Swatches palette Figure 5 you can choose a foreground or background color and add a customized color to the library. Figure 5. Swatches palette The Styles palette Figure 6 allows you to view, select, and apply preset layer styles. By default, a preset style replaces the current layer style.

You can use the styles in the palette or add your own using the Create New Style icon. Figure 6. The alterations should be created during the current working session. After saving or closing the document, the History palette clears all the contents. Each time you apply a change to an image, the new state of that image is added to the palette. It is important to know that once you click on any of the previ- ous stages, all the changes that were made after it will be lost.

Figure 7. History palette Adjustments The Adjustment layers palette give you the ability to apply an effect to a group of layers in Photoshop, and then you can edit that effect later, while preserving the original layers. Figure 8.

Every Photoshop CS6 document contains at least one layer. Creating multiple layers lets you easily control how your artwork is printed, displayed, and edited. You will use the Layers palette Figure 9 often while creating a docu- ment, so it is crucial to understand what it does and how to use it. A Layer Visibility -The eye shows that the selected layer is visible.

Click on or off to see or to hide a layer. B Layer Locking Options -Click the checkered square icon to lock Transparency, click the brush icon to lock the Image, click the arrow icon to lock the Position, and click the lock icon to lock all options. By choosing a particular blending mode from the drop-down menu you can create a variety of special effects. D Fill -By typing in a value or dragging the slider you can specify the transparency.

E Opacity -By typing in a value or dragging the slider, you can specify the transparency of the entire layer. Figure 9. Layer palette F Layer Lock -The icon shows when the layer is locked and disappears when it is unlocked.

Double-click the icon to unlock the layer. Some of the options are presented as icons at the bottom of the Layers palette. H Link Layers — Can be used to link layers together. Click the little black triangle to see style options. K Layer Set -This option helps to organize images with multiple layers.

Click the icon to create a folder for several layers. L Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer -Have the same opacity and blending mode options as image layers and can be rearranged, deleted, hidden and duplicated in the same manner as image layers.

Click the icon and select an option to create a new ill or adjustment layer. M Create New Layer -Click this icon to create a new layer. N Delete Layer -To delete a layer, select a layer in the Layers palette and drag it to the trash can icon, or select a layer and click the icon.

Toolbox If you used other Adobe products, such as Illustrator or InDesign, you should be familiar with the toolbox in Adobe Photoshop CC as it shares some of the tools from these applications. If you are a new user of Adobe products, you should keep in mind that you might not need to use all of the tools. In this tutorial, only the basic tools will be discussed in-depth. These tools have small black triangles in the right- hand corner.

Figure Selection Tools Move Used to select and move objects on the page. Click the tool button, then click on any object on the page you wish to move. Selects an object by drawing a rectangle or an ellipse around it. Marquee Click the tool button, choose a rectangular or an elliptical marquee. Drag the marquee over the area of the image you wish to select.

Lasso Selects an object by drawing a freehand border around it. Click the tool button, drag to draw a freehand border around the are of the image you wish to select. Magic Wand Selects all objects in a document with the same or similar ill color, stroke weight, stroke color, opacity or blending mode.

By specifying the color range or tolerance, you can control what the Magic Wand tool selects. Crop Click the tool button, then click and drag the tool over the part of the image that you want to keep. Resize the selected area dragging the squares at the sides and corners.

You can also accept it with the check box in the top toolbar. Eye Dropper Takes color samples from colors on the page and displays them in the Color Boxes.

Select the tool, click on the color in the image you wish to sample. The Color Box will display this color. To ill a shape or text, select them immediately after illing the dropper.

Alteration Tools Healing Brush Corrects small blemishes in scanned photos. Select the tool, hold down the ALT key and left-click on the base color you need to heal. Then left-click over the blemish. Brush Draws brush strokes of different thicknesses and colors. Select the tool. Then click on the selected area, drag to draw lines.

Use the Options bar to change the brush, mode, opacity and low. Clone Stamp Takes a sample of an image and applies over another image, or a part of the same image.

Hold down the ALT key and left-click on a certain point of the document where you want to start your copy point. Then, put your mouse over whatever part of the new document you want the picture to go to.

Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse across the page to copy the picture. Art History Brush Paints over an image using the source data from a speciied history state or snapshot. Select the tool, specify the brush, blending mode, opacity, style, area and tolerance. Eraser Removes part of an existing path or stroke.

You can use the Erase tool on paths. Text can only be erased when rasterized. Select the tool, click on the part of the image you wish to erase. Drag to erase pixels. Paint Bucket Applies a color ill to a selected part of the image or to an entire layer. Select a layer you wish to apply the paint bucket to, click the tool button, click on the starting point, and click the area you wish to ill. Blurs the sharp edges of an image. Blur Select an area where you wish to apply the tool.

Click the tool button and choose the brush, mode, and strength. Drag the brush along the edges. Select the tool, click anywhere on the path. Type Types text on a page. Every time you click the Type Tool on a new portion of the page, a new layer will be created. Select the type tool, click on the page and begin to type. You can specify the font and size in the Options bar. You can also resize and transform the text box by dragging the squares at the sides and corners.

Use the Move Tool to move the text on the page. Pen Draws smooth-edged paths. Select the tool, click on the page and drag to draw a path. Click and drag the anchor points to modify the path. Line Shape Draws a straight line. Trouble signing in with your Creative Cloud desktop app? See Troubleshoot Creative Cloud activation errors. Can’t sign in with your social media accounts? Did not receive your verification code on email? Check your email spam folder or wait a few minutes before requesting a new code again.

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Swatches palette The Styles palette Figure 6 нажмите для продолжения you to view, select, and apply preset layer styles. Click the icon to create a folder for several layers. The black triangle is for shadows, the gray is for midtones, the white is for highlights. What would you like to ask? Select a layer you wish to apply the paint нажмите сюда to, click the tool button, click on the starting if, and click the area you wish to ill. Debut Video Capture Software 8. Only adobe photoshop cc 2014 id password free information!

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