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Microsoft Project Professional , free and safe download. Microsoft Project Professional latest version: A Comprehensive Management Tool That. Microsoft Office Professional Plus (bit) v Build Multilanguage. Noted: Version is inconsistent with the operating system Android Microsoft Office 1PC プロダクトキー [正規版 /永続ライセンス /ダウンロード版 /Office Professional Plus/ インストール完了までサポート致します]

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The app is available to download for free on iOS and Android. Microsoft Family subscribers get additional benefits in the Microsoft Family Safety mobile app like location and driving safety alerts. Learn about Microsoft Family. Note that Microsoft Apps for business and Microsoft Business Standard Product Keys purchased at a retail store, online, or through a partner are not available in Australia, Japan, China, and Thailand.

Once you have set up Microsoft , you can manage your account at the Microsoft setup page. If you purchase Microsoft Apps for business and Microsoft Business Standard you can visit the Microsoft setup page to install Microsoft in other languages. Learn about Microsoft for business. Core editing is available for free on Windows 10 devices with screen sizes of The extra features below are available on Windows 10 devices with a qualifying Microsoft subscription.

The app is included in Windows 10 and available for free for Mac. Your purchase of Microsoft Apps for enterprise provides access to additional OneNote features features vary. Office desktop versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, and Access. Windows 8 or higher required. Office Mobile apps Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook Mail, and Outlook Calendar require: Windows 10, a 1 GHz or faster processor, 1 GB bit or 2 GB bit of RAM, 16 GB of free hard disk space, Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver, a Microsoft account and Internet access.

Office apps are supported on the two most recent versions of iOS. When a new version of iOS is released, the Office Operating System requirement becomes the two most recent versions: the new version of iOS and the previous version. Core editing is available for free on Android devices with screen sizes of The extra features below are available on Android tablets and phones with a qualifying Microsoft subscription.

Starting on July 1, , support will be limited to only the last four major versions of Android. Create your best work with Microsoft With Microsoft subscription plans you can get premium versions of Office apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, and Access Publisher and Access are available on PC only. Microsoft works across multiple devices, and monthly updates are made available to help ensure your apps are always current.

Microsoft is designed to work with the latest browsers and versions of Office. If you use older browsers and versions of Office that are not in mainstream support:. Microsoft is supported under the Modern Lifecycle Policy. Windows OS: x screen resolution bit requires hardware acceleration for 4K and higher.

Windows OS: Graphics hardware acceleration requires DirectX 9 or later, with WDDM 2. macOS: One of the three most recent versions of macOS. When a new major version of macOS is released, the macOS and the previous two versions.

For the best experience, use the most current build of any operating system specified above. Product functionality and feature availability may vary on older systems Search Microsoft Lifecycle Policy. The current version of Microsoft Edge, Safari, Chrome, or Firefox. Get more details. In order to use some additional Outlook features, Microsoft Edge WebView2 must be installed. A touch-enabled device is required to use any multitouch functionality, but all features and functionality are always available by using a keyboard, mouse, or other standard or accessible input device.

Note that touch features are optimized for use with Windows 10 or Windows 8. Product functionality and graphics may vary based on your system configuration. Some features may require additional or advanced hardware or server connectivity. Skype requires a standard laptop camera or USB 2. The system requirements in the table below apply to Microsoft Apps for enterprise, as well as all business, education, and government plans 1.

They also apply to standalone plans for individual services, such as email-only or online-meetings-only plans. Apps such as Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Skype for Business, Yammer, Project, Visio, and Power BI are also covered by the table below. Effective October 13th, , Microsoft services for example Exchange Online, SharePoint Online will only support Office client connectivity from subscription clients for example, Microsoft Apps for enterprise , or the following Office perpetual clients: Office LSTC , Office and Office See the Microsoft support lifecycle policy site for Office mainstream support dates.

Windows OS: 1. Skype for Business requires DirectX 9 or later, MB graphics memory, and bits-per-pixel-capable format.

Windows OS: Windows 10 SAC, Windows 8. Please note Microsoft Apps for enterprise will be supported on Windows Server or Windows Server through October When a new version of macOS is released, the macOS requirement becomes one of the then-current three most recent versions: the new version of macOS and the previous two versions.

Product functionality and feature availability may vary on older systems Search Lifecycle Policy. Windows OS: Some features may require. NET 3. Microsoft Teams requires 4. For a better experience with video calls and online meetings, we recommend using a computer that has a 2. The optional Blur my background video effect requires a processor with Advanced Vector Extensions 2 AVX2 support. See Hardware decoder and encoder driver recommendations for a list of unsupported decoders and encoders.

Teams requires a USB 2. If you are producing a Teams live events, we recommend using a computer that has a Core i5 Kaby Lake processor, 4. Office suites for home are a one-time purchase that includes apps such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for use on a single PC or Mac.

Office suites for business are a one-time purchase that may be acquired for more than five computers through volume licensing. Office as a one-time purchase does not include any of the services included in Microsoft for example, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online. Office is supported under the Fixed Lifecycle Policy. macOS: Office for Mac is supported on the three most recent versions of macOS.

As new major versions of macOS are made generally available, Microsoft will drop support for the oldest version and support the newest and previous two versions of macOS.

Product functionality and feature availability may vary on older systems. For the best experience, use the latest version of any operating system specified above. The current version of Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, or Firefox. A touch-enabled device is required to use any multitouch functionality, But, all features and functionality are always available by using a keyboard, mouse, or other standard or accessible input device.

Note that touch features are optimized for use with Windows Installation requires a connection to the Internet or a local area network if installing over a network. Access to files stored on a SharePoint server requires connectivity to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server or later. Graphics hardware acceleration requires DirectX 9 or later, with WDDM 2. The current version of Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Firefox. Office connections to Microsoft services for example Exchange Online, SharePoint Online are supported while Office is in mainstream support, through October Professional Plus: Skype for Business requires DirectX 9 or later, MB graphics memory, and bits-per-pixel-capable format.

Office connections to Microsoft services for example, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online are supported while Office is in mainstream support, through October A touch-enabled device is required to use any multitouch functionality, but, all features and functionality are always available by using a keyboard, mouse, or other standard or accessible input device.

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