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Pengembang game ini masih mengandalkan Pro Stick sabagai kontrol utamanya. Tetapi ada sedikit perubahan saja yang harus Anda pelajari setelah mengetahui kontrol di NBA seri sebelumnya. Sama seperti layaknya sebuah game seri terbaru lainnya, NBA 2K15 ini juga menawarkan pilihan team-team terbaru dari Euroleague Basketball.

Tim-tim yang dihadirkan kali ini tergolong lebih lengkap dan banyak dari seri sebelumnya. Bahkan ada juga team lawas dan ada dua tim All Star yang diambil berdasarkan All Star Weekend tahun yang lalu. Bagaimana, menarik sekali bukan? Cara main: 1. Mount file menggunakan PowerISO. Jalankan setup. Copy file dalam folder Crack dan paste di direktori game. Klik kanan pada NBA2K If you like this game then you will definitely like similar game in the series NBA 2K Download it free from our website.

Animations used in this game are also just amazing, some new animation have also been added in this version. Some other interesting soundtracks have also been added which increases players interest in the game.

The player gets addicted by playing it. Player can also train any of the team member as separate coaching classes are available for team members. You may also like similar game NBA 2K14 , you can download it free from our site. Each player is assigned a play card.

The game play is more or less same like the previous game series which was NBA 2K But some new features are added in NBA 2K15 version game. One of the important and interesting feature that has been added in NBA 2K15 is scanning process. Now the player will be able to scan his face and apply that scanned face to any of the team member in the game. This feature puts a realistic effect in the game where the person playing the game feels like he is playing in the ground in real.

Player has to follow some instructions while scanning his face like he has to put the face few inches from computer and has to move the face by few degrees. If you like this game then you will definitely like similar game in the series NBA 2K


Nba 2k15 download free pc tpb.NBA 2K15 torrent download for PC


Home Game Ringan Game Perang. By Hienzo June 19, 6 Comments. Start Download. Game NBA 2K15 mampu menawarkan pengalaman yang baru kepada para gamer, hal tersebut sudah terlihat jelas pada bagian tampilan menunya. Di mana menu tersebut terdapat sebuah video singkat yang menjelaskan konsep permainan ini sendiri. Click Here To Download. Share on: Twitter Facebook Pinterest. May 5, at am. Minato Hienzo says:. Shofiudin Ahmad says:.

May 7, at pm. Player has to follow some instructions while scanning his face like he has to put the face few inches from computer and has to move the face by few degrees. If you like this game then you will definitely like similar game in the series NBA 2K Download it free from our website. Animations used in this game are also just amazing, some new animation have also been added in this version.

Some other interesting soundtracks have also been added which increases players interest in the game. The player gets addicted by playing it. Player can also train any of the team member as separate coaching classes are available for team members. Each player is assigned a play card. The game play is more or less same like the previous game series which was NBA 2K But some new features are added in NBA 2K15 version game.

One of the important and interesting feature that has been added in NBA 2K15 is scanning process. Now the player will be able to scan his face and apply that scanned face to any of the team member in the game. This feature puts a realistic effect in the game where the person playing the game feels like he is playing in the ground in real.

Player has to follow some instructions while scanning his face like he has to put the face few inches from computer and has to move the face by few degrees. If you like this game then you will definitely like similar game in the series NBA 2K


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Dalam menu utama tersebut, sebenarnya Anda sudah bisa melihat dan mengetahui secara jelas gambaran dari permainan satu ini. Akan tetapi Game NBA 2K15 tidak hanya unggul pada bagian tampilan menu saja, game terbaru ini juga menawarkan beragam mode-mode seru dan menarik yang patut Anda coba mainkan.

Berbeda dengan seri sebelumnya yang menggunakan mode MyCareer , game terbaru ini menggunakan mode yang lebih lengkap. Masing-masing mode tersebut menawarkan sensasi bermain yang berbeda-beda.

Pengembang game ini masih mengandalkan Pro Stick sabagai kontrol utamanya. Tetapi ada sedikit perubahan saja yang harus Anda pelajari setelah mengetahui kontrol di NBA seri sebelumnya. Sama seperti layaknya sebuah game seri terbaru lainnya, NBA 2K15 ini juga menawarkan pilihan team-team terbaru dari Euroleague Basketball.

Tim-tim yang dihadirkan kali ini tergolong lebih lengkap dan banyak dari seri sebelumnya. Bahkan ada juga team lawas dan ada dua tim All Star yang diambil berdasarkan All Star Weekend tahun yang lalu. Bagaimana, menarik sekali bukan? Cara main: 1. Mount file menggunakan PowerISO. Jalankan setup. Copy file dalam folder Crack dan paste di direktori game. Klik kanan pada NBA2K Name Required. Mail will not be published Required.

Home Game Ringan Game Perang. By Hienzo June 19, 6 Comments. Start Download. Game NBA 2K15 mampu menawarkan pengalaman yang baru kepada para gamer, hal tersebut sudah terlihat jelas pada bagian tampilan menunya. Di mana menu tersebut terdapat sebuah video singkat yang menjelaskan konsep permainan ini sendiri.

Click Here To Download. Share on: Twitter Facebook Pinterest. May 5, at am. Minato Hienzo says:. Shofiudin Ahmad says:. May 7, at pm. May 8, at pm. M Rasyid Ali says:. May 28, at pm. May 30, at pm. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply.


Nba 2k15 download free pc tpb.Related Games:


It is a basketball simulation sports game with amazing 3D graphics. This is a real 3D game where downlad has to nba 2k15 download free pc tpb his team of players. The basketball play in this game is a full tournament where player select the place, location and schedule many other things before starting the play.

Each player is assigned a play card. The game play is more or less same like the previous game series which was NBA 2K But some new features are added in NBA 2K15 version 2j15. One of the important and interesting feature that has been added in NBA 2K15 is scanning process.

Now the player will be able to scan his face and apply that scanned face to any of читать больше team member in the game. This feature puts a realistic effect in the game where the person playing the game feels like he is playing in the nba 2k15 download free pc tpb in real. Player has to follow some instructions while scanning his face like he has to put the face few inches from computer and has to move the face by few degrees.

If you like this game then you will definitely like similar game in the series NBA 2K Download it free from our website. Animations in this game are also just amazing, some new animation have also been added in this version.

Some nba 2k15 download free pc tpb interesting soundtracks have also been added which increases players interest in the game. The player gets addicted by playing it. Player can also train any of the team dowhload as separate coaching classes are available for team members. You may also like similar game NBA 2K14you can download it free from our site.

It is a full and complete game. Just download and start playing it. We have provided direct link full setup of the game. Skip to content.

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