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Microsoft outlook 2016 keeps asking for username and password free download

A very common problem is when Outlook starts asking for the user credentials, even if the correct password is specified. It looks like this: after starting Outlook successfully connects to the on-premises Exchange server or Office mailbox , the user sees a list of folders in the mailbox and new emails in the Inbox. But after a few minutes of normal work, a window appears for entering the user name and password.
The user enters the password and presses OK, but the window with the prompt to enter the credentials appears again. Most admins in this case try to recreate the mail profile, reinstall Office — but this usually does not help. Outlook with some periodicity still requires the user to enter a password. Consider several ways that can help you to remove the annoying password request window in Outlook.
Also, try to connect to your mailbox through the web interface OWA and log in. Perhaps the problem is that the user password has expired the password has expired according to the domain password policy settings and must be changed.
Check if you have Outlook saved passwords stored in the Windows Password Manager Credential Manager , try to delete them all. Clear the checkbox Always prompt for credentials in the User identification section. At the same time, you need to check the authentication type used for the IIS site on the Exchange server. If the computer with a problem Outlook is not joined to the Active Directory domain, then on the contrary, you should try to switc from NTLM authentication to Basic.
Somewhere in the fall of , an update was released for Outlook that enabled a mandatory check of the Office cloud connection point. You can verify this by using the Fiddler or TCPView tools and track the attempts to connect to the autodiscover-s.
Restart Outlook. In this case, your credentials are sent to Office instead of token. If all of these methods above did not help you get rid of the problem, try to delete and recreate your Outlook profile.
You can create a new Outlook profile using the Mail icon in the Control Panel or using the outlook. Perhaps the Exchange connection problem is caused by your anti-virus or firewall software. Try to temporarily disable it and check whether Outlook continues to prompts a password. You can test the network performance using the iperf tool.
Also check the computer time, it should differ from the time on the domain controller for no more than 5 minutes. If more, check the NTP time synchronization scheme in your domain. The random password box popping up has been driving me insane for months and your fix worked, thanks!
The trick was:. Alll above solutions did not work for me May Windows Pro update, Office fully updated June 19th However what worked for me was to set my default inbox to open Outlook with to my Windows account outlook.
As soon as I set it back, I get prompted for my outlook. Hope this willl help you guys and girls! Simply select the inbox of your microsoft e-mail account. There is a similar issue in Exchange CU3. OS Hub. Each time my Admins repair, reinstall or upgrade my Office, I have a recurring problem opening attachments from Outlook email.
Right now, one of my Admins had to spend more than an hour on this. And even though most of your articles are way above my skillset, I enjoy reading your website. This one worked for mine. Thank you! Just a quick note about my experience, as it had a bunch of consultants and Microsoft support scratching their heads for quite a while before we finally resolved it.
Scenario was that all mailboxes were in O, with a technically hybrid environment and on-prem AD. The hybrid part was an on-prem Exchange used for managing Exchange attributes that are not possible to change in EOL when your user accounts are synced from on-prem. What happened was the Exchange server had been updated to the latest CU a few weeks earlier and, over the weekend, had had Windows updates installed.
The initial credential prompt only initially was reported as affecting Outlook users, which sent us down the incorrect rabbit hole of Modern Authentication and Office updates.
What ended up being the case was that the IIS virtual directories used by Exchange had been corrupted by some combination of the CU update and Windows updates.
Running the UpdateCas. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Leave this field empty. Home About. The registry settings can be deployed to domain computers using a GPO.
If the Mail app icon is missing in Control Panel, it can be restored this way. Related Reading. June 16, June 15, June 7, Dave M. February 28, – am The random password box popping up has been driving me insane for months and your fix worked, thanks! Thank you!! Tom Partridge January 29, – pm This one worked for mine. Ralph June 30, – am Just a quick note about my experience, as it had a bunch of consultants and Microsoft support scratching their heads for quite a while before we finally resolved it.
Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.
If you cancel the credentials prompt, you receive the following error message:. The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action. This issue can occur if the Logon network security setting on the Security tab of the Microsoft Exchange dialog box is set to a value other than Anonymous Authentication. Microsoft Outlook and some recent builds of Outlook are not affected by this issue. Those versions have been updated to prevent the problem that is described in the “Symptoms” section.
These versions have the Logon network security setting disabled or removed from the Microsoft Exchange email account settings. You may be an Office customer who is experiencing the error that is described in the “Symptoms” section when you try to connect to an Exchange Online mailbox. You may also already be running newer versions of Outlook or Outlook If both conditions are true,it is highly recommended that you use the Outlook keeps asking for my password diagnostic to troubleshoot issues in which Outlook continually prompts for a password.
This is for us to know if it has something to do with the account itself or with the Outlook app. First of all, so far it has been working properly since Monday, but only time will tell if it starts acting up again. I’m being careful to keep restore points at times I know it is working properly. As for your questions, I usually only use Outlook on one device a Dell desktop and one e-mail account. I regularly connect to that e-mail account on my phone Samsung , but not with Outlook. That seems to be working fine at this moment, and I’ll try to use it more over coming days to see if it acts up at all.
Alright, just keep us posted for the result. If the issue still persists, don’t hesitate to inform us and we’ll be happy to further assist you. The problem occurred again this morning. For the record, that’s 10 days since the last time. There were no recent updates in the Update History, and there was no obvious reason for the change. Just, one time I went to check messages I do it manually rather than on a time schedule and Outlook prompted for my password, even though it had already been entered before.
I tried shutting down and restarting Outlook. I tried shutting down and restarting my computer. Outlook still wanted the password every time I tried to check messages. So I did a System Restore again and now Outlook is back to working properly. I don’t think this has anything to do with the Outlook problem because it has not happened previous times, but I’ll mention that since the System Restore I’m having some problems.
But Outlook is working! The box that pops up is already filled out with both and all I have to do is just click the “OK” button. My email will download without having to “OK” this request and it doesn’t seem to download anything new when I click “OK”. Does this indicate that my email has been hacked by someone else?
If not, how can I get this to stop happening without changing my credentials? As I am not very “computer literate”, specific instructions would be greatly appreciated Thank you for any help you can offer. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. Then, my “Notifications” asked me to verify my password – but when I put in my password for my Comcast email it told me the password was wrong – so I logged into Comcast using the same password proving that I had used the correct password.
I am getting my email downloaded from Comcast into Outlook so it’s not critical I fix this – but it sure is annoying to constantly have to “x” out of the little pop-up window or click on the “OK” button choice.
We have noticed that the post has been idle for quite some time now. We’d like to check and confirm if you’re still having an issue with your Outlook ? If so, what troubleshooting steps have you done so far? We apologize for any inconvenience this issue has caused and want to let you know that a fix has been released.
Please install the latest updates to resolve this issue. We love reading your suggestions on new features and feedback about how you use our products! Share your thoughts on the Outlook UserVoice site.
Oct 24, · I have Microsoft Office Pro Plus through a community college that uses office and I am getting a need password every time I go into outlook on my primary computer but on my surface 3 and my developer computer it works fine I have tried the Microsoft office recovery program that is · Hi, Outlook keeps prompting for password could be. Apr 07, · Open the Registry Editor. In Windows 10, Windows , or Windows 8, press the Windows logo key+R to open the Run dialog box, type replace.me, and then click OK. In Windows 7, click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then press Enter. If you’re prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password, or click Allow. Oct 16, · Since last week, a lot of our users are bothered by Outlook ‘s credentials prompt. Entering credentials just makes the prompt show again, only canceling it and clicking the “needs password” text in the bottom of Outlook’s main window allows them to keep working for a while. So far 15 out of our 42 active Windows Outlook users have been /5().
Solutions to the “Outlook continually prompts for password” problem. After conducting ample research across various technical forums and Outlook user communities, we’ve compiled the following list of solutions to the “Outlook keeps asking for password” problem that affects Outlook versions , , , and Nov 11, · Outlook keeps asking for password This is a recent development. Normally I log on in the morning and Outlook keeps my password as long as I am logged on, so that I just have to enter my password once a day. Apr 01, · Sometimes, these saved details can interfere with the workings of the app and can cause Outlook to keep on asking for the password. To fix it, all you need to do is clear your Outlook logins in the Credentials Manager on your PC. Use the Cortana search to search for and open Control Panel. Click on User Accounts on the following screen. Oct 24, · I have Microsoft Office Pro Plus through a community college that uses office and I am getting a need password every time I go into outlook on my primary computer but on my surface 3 and my developer computer it works fine I have tried the Microsoft office recovery program that is · Hi, Outlook keeps prompting for password could be.
Since http://replace.me/5384.txt week, a lot of our users are bothered by Outlook ‘s credentials prompt. Entering credentials just makes the prompt http://replace.me/4995.txt again, only canceling it and clicking the “needs password” text in the bottom of Outlook’s passworr window allows them to keep working for a while.
So far 15 out of our 42 active Windows Outlook users have been impacted not counting Mac Outlook, or holiday users. Everyone is using Outlook on Windows 10, Office hybrid setup with all user ffor in the cloud.
Yesterday I’ve had everyone delete their stored Windows увидеть больше credentials. This looked like it solved it for a few hours, but today impacted users report the same behaviour.
All are on the same hardware, so it’s very odd that not everyone is impacted. There was no relevant change on our part afaik. Any leads to the cause по этому адресу welcome. I’ve logged a MS case, with not much feedback so far. Starting in build The regkey disables WAM use in Office, which can degrade the auth experience users passwrd microsoft outlook 2016 keeps asking for username and password free download legacy UI and may be prompted more in other cases, so it’s only recommended if the situation is blocking.
We highly recommend deleting the regkey once the fix is out. In a similar case some time ago, I put Outlook in online mode not cached and prompt disappeared. Put it back to cached mode and all was good. You may want to look at any updates that are out there too. Sometimes you fpr some, sometimes, you got some and they screwed everything up. When I was running migrations, I was getting what you are alot. Microsoft – its what keeps you employed.
We had that issue as well. It seems dirsync on our fimsync server had outdated credentials so it wasn’t syncing with O We finally got Microsoft to admit there is a problem and are now waiting on a resolution. Even though they say our tenant is no affected by it, but it obviously is.
This is also not showing up on the health report. Your patience is much appreciated and thank you for contacting Microsoft Partner Cloud Support. Have a nice day ahead. Rohit Hajare Technical Lead: Email: v-2rohaj microsoft. Chanchal Kadu Team Manager v-2chak microsoft. Our dirsync was fine, and the MS support team asked me to send them Outlook logs which I didthen asked me to do some packet sniffing.
Looking at Nicabus ‘ post, I assume some other team has found a solution and implemented it. Thanks for sharing this background! Checking with our users the issue seems fixed. We are now pursuing a report from Положение reaper themes logic pro x free мысль about what happened.
Forr upload it here if I get one. Final status: We’ve completed the validation process and have confirmed that the issue is resolved. Scope microsoft outlook 2016 keeps asking for username and password free download impact: Your organization was affected by this event, and this issue may have potentially affected any of your users attempting to access their Outlook Desktop client via a specific API.
Next steps: – We’re reviewing code data to determine why it caused the credential prompts and to ftee similar problems in the future. This is the final update for the event. Adding to what Nicabus mentioned, we also got asming same response back from Microsoft.
I found out that this problem appears in versions and above, so I’ve disabled automatic office updates and rolled back to version build Hoping Microsoft can по этому сообщению this soon so we can go back to automatic updates for Office.
You’re still experiencing this issue? For us, and I guess for Nicabus too, the issue was solved in August After a micfosoft change it may take a 22016 before our Hybrid setup catches on microsoft outlook 2016 keeps asking for username and password free download, but that’s usually solved in extreme cases inside 3hrs. Flr has been happening since last Thursday September Issue progressively got worse. At first accepting my credentials, microsoft outlook 2016 keeps asking for username and password free download not at all.
Keep keeps appearing. Outlook downloar not connect to the Exchange server. Now, this morning. Broken again. The pup-up askking for password keeps appearing and won’t accept password. I have ran into this with a customer running Exchange It will work for like a day. Then it will prompt the user for credentials with the full email and password.
It’s almost like Outlook is changing нажмите чтобы узнать больше credentials and won’t accept anything other than the email address and password as login. Please give some more info about your set-up. On-premises Exchange? O exchange? Are you the only one with that set-up? Have you tried reverting to another build?
Outlook is still synched with Exchange even though of the username password request. Exchange server is hosted by 3rd party company in another state. My HQ is in another microsoft outlook 2016 keeps asking for username and password free download also. Other folks had issue several months ago. No solution, just a temporary work-around. Had to create an additional pathway to Outlook e-mail box. At first, that an not work, but now seems to be working holding my breathe.
Microsoft outlook 2016 keeps asking for username and password free download here as well. We’ve got exchange on prem kewps the problem happens only on machines running outlook Now that we’ve read here that it started in versionwe’ve checking some user machines for version number and it shows as passwodd Same issue Devin, did you make any progress?
I rolled a few back revs but issue was still popping up. Users in my Org are now getting this, but it’s only affecting mobile users with Surface Pro 4’s. OST, removed everything from Credential Manager, and no joy. Microsoft has us going through the gamut of sending logs and finding nothing. We’ll fix it for a day or two, but then it’s back. Some users flr the pop-up a few times a day, others get keeeps a few times per hour.
Make no sense The issue most certainly is NOT resolved. Micdosoft to me countless times in the past hour. Has been on on-going issue for me ever since I installed Outlook on my Windows 10 laptop over a year ago now. As I have several different email accounts, I have Outlook configured to poll all accounts for new mail every minute.
Sometimes I think this issue has gone away as I may not be prompted for password sometimes for several weeks. But sooner ojtlook later it always starts back with a vengeance and is going berserk today! Renders Outlook basically useless when this is happening unless you don’t mind dealing with the multiple account password kreps every one minute!
I’m a private user, not on an exchange server. When the prompt shows up hit more choices. After you select more choices select other user option. Another screen will appear and prompt you for the username and password and below that it should have populated the domain already. This worked for me microsovt after trying everything that was suggested on these sites. Let me know if this works for you guys too. To continue this discussion, please ask a jicrosoft question.
Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks. Office Microsoft Outlook Best Answer. The foe for me was WAM. View this “Best Answer” in the replies below ».
Microsoft outlook 2016 keeps asking for username and password free download.How To Fix Outlook Keeps Asking For Password Issue
Click Tools , and then click Internet Options. Right-click the Temp folder, click Properties , and then click the Security tab. In the Look in list, click Select the Domain. Make sure that the check boxes for the following permissions are selected, and then click OK :. Click Local Intranet , click Sites , and then click Advanced. Click Tools , click Internet Options , and then click the Advanced tab.
Get support. Expand your Office skills. Was this information helpful? Yes No. With several methods available, you can hopefully fix the issue and never get any password prompts again in Outlook on your computer. Please let us know in the comments section below. Mahesh has been obsessed with technology since he got his first gadget a decade or so ago.
Over the last few years, he’s written a number of tech articles on various online publications including but not limited to MakeTechEasier and Android AppStorm. Read Mahesh’s Full Bio. As soon as I set it back, I get prompted for my outlook.
Hope this willl help you guys and girls! Simply select the inbox of your microsoft e-mail account. There is a similar issue in Exchange CU3. OS Hub. Each time my Admins repair, reinstall or upgrade my Office, I have a recurring problem opening attachments from Outlook email.
Right now, one of my Admins had to spend more than an hour on this. And even though most of your articles are way above my skillset, I enjoy reading your website. This one worked for mine. Thank you! Just a quick note about my experience, as it had a bunch of consultants and Microsoft support scratching their heads for quite a while before we finally resolved it.
Scenario was that all mailboxes were in O, with a technically hybrid environment and on-prem AD. The hybrid part was an on-prem Exchange used for managing Exchange attributes that are not possible to change in EOL when your user accounts are synced from on-prem. What happened was the Exchange server had been updated to the latest CU a few weeks earlier and, over the weekend, had had Windows updates installed.
The initial credential prompt only initially was reported as affecting Outlook users, which sent us down the incorrect rabbit hole of Modern Authentication and Office updates.
For about the last month, Outlook keeps asking me to “enter your user name and password for the following server” it never used to ask me this and it’s marked to “Save this password I have not changed my user name or password and do not want to change them.
The box that pops up is already filled out with both and all I have to do is just click the “OK” button. My email will download without having to “OK” this request and it doesn’t seem to download anything new when I click “OK”.
Does this indicate that my email has been hacked by someone else? If not, how can I get this to stop happening without changing my credentials? As I am not very “computer literate”, specific instructions would be greatly appreciated Thank you for any help you can offer. Was this reply helpful? Yes No.
Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. Then, my “Notifications” asked me to verify my password – but when I put in my password for my Comcast email it told me the password was wrong – so I logged into Comcast using the same password proving that I had used the correct password. I am getting my email downloaded from Comcast into Outlook so it’s not critical I fix this – but it sure is annoying to constantly have to “x” out of the little pop-up window or click on the “OK” button choice.
We have noticed that the post has been idle for quite some time now. We’d like to check and confirm if you’re still having an issue with your Outlook ? If so, what troubleshooting steps have you done so far? Also, what happened after you contact your ISP? This is for us to know the next course of action we need to take. As I understand it – the only way around this is for me to change my email password with Comcast and then with Outlook. Since I don’t want a new password, I’ll just keep clicking on the “x” to close the window when it asks for my password.
I also have the same problem I have changed my password and it still doesn’t help.. I had Gmail downloaded to my Outlook. This problem started happening after I got an email from Google recommending that I do not “allow access by less secure apps.
After a day, Google sent me another email having detected the problem with some options to fix it, and recommended that I try to allow access by less secure apps. Geez, Gmail, make up your mind! So I turned it back on, and voila–Outlook was once again able to access my Gmail. Here’s the link where you can find the settings in Gmail. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Vijay A. Verma Volunteer Moderator. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. For starters, would suggest contacting your ISP to determine if any changes have been made on their end.
In reply to Vijay A. Verma’s post on February 21, Tried this – didn’t seem to help with my problem. Thanks for getting back to me.
User Moderator. In reply to Amma’s post on February 24, Hi Amma, We have noticed that the post has been idle for quite some time now. We will be waiting for your response. In reply to A. User’s post on March 1, Thank you for checking on me Yes – I am still having the problem of Outlook asking me for my credentials I did not change my password nor do I want to As I understand it – the only way around this is for me to change my email password with Comcast and then with Outlook Since I don’t want a new password, I’ll just keep clicking on the “x” to close the window when it asks for my password.
In reply to Amma’s post on March 1, ISP info is correct and able to download emails but the popup just keeps randomly popping up. I’ve looked everywhere online and this thread seems to be having the closest type of problem to me. Any ideas would be appreciated! In reply to jagoudeau’s post on March 8, Pauland Jill Campbell. In reply to AprilNaturale’s post on May 16, Hope it helps somehow for those of you who don’t use Gmail.
This site in other languages x.
I cannot figure what is causing it. At first I thought maybe it was a problem with a system update, but it is not associated with the regular updates as far as I can tell I also turned off the option to update other Microsoft products along with Windows, but that doesn’t seem to have helped.
I have done a bit of searching for an answer, but the only answers I have been able to find have to do with saving your password in Outlook which I don’t want to do and problems with credentials which I tried, but did not seem to have any effect. Additional information: I have Windows 10 64 bit and Office Was this reply helpful?
Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. We understand that you’re having an issue with your Outlook password. For us to isolate everything here, we would like to know if you tried signing in your Outlook account using a different device. Also, have you tried using a different account to see if the same issue persists? This is for us to know if it has something to do with the account itself or with the Outlook app. First of all, so far it has been working properly since Monday, but only time will tell if it starts acting up again.
I’m being careful to keep restore points at times I know it is working properly. As for your questions, I usually only use Outlook on one device a Dell desktop and one e-mail account. I regularly connect to that e-mail account on my phone Samsung , but not with Outlook. That seems to be working fine at this moment, and I’ll try to use it more over coming days to see if it acts up at all.
Alright, just keep us posted for the result. If the issue still persists, don’t hesitate to inform us and we’ll be happy to further assist you. The problem occurred again this morning. For the record, that’s 10 days since the last time. There were no recent updates in the Update History, and there was no obvious reason for the change.
Just, one time I went to check messages I do it manually rather than on a time schedule and Outlook prompted for my password, even though it had already been entered before.
I tried shutting down and restarting Outlook. I tried shutting down and restarting my computer. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Vijay A. Verma Volunteer Moderator. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.
For starters, would suggest contacting your ISP to determine if any changes have been made on their end. In reply to Vijay A. Verma’s post on February 21, Tried this – didn’t seem to help with my problem. Thanks for getting back to me. User Moderator.
In reply to Amma’s post on February 24, Hi Amma, We have noticed that the post has been idle for quite some time now. We will be waiting for your response. In reply to A. User’s post on March 1, Thank you for checking on me Yes – I am still having the problem of Outlook asking me for my credentials I did not change my password nor do I want to As I understand it – the only way around this is for me to change my email password with Comcast and then with Outlook Since I don’t want a new password, I’ll just keep clicking on the “x” to close the window when it asks for my password.
In reply to Amma’s post on March 1, Try each solution one at a time and proceed to the next solution only if the previous one fails to work. Ready to Start Your Career? Create Free Account.
Verify that your Outlook installation is working properly To ensure your Outlook application is working as it should take care of the following: Check if your Outlook installation is up-to-date. If not, update it by installing the latest service pack. Remove all previously saved Outlook credentials and force Outlook to use Windows Desktop based credentials so that it logs in to Outlook as soon as you login to your system.
Apr 01, · Sometimes, these saved details can interfere with the workings of the app and can cause Outlook to keep on asking for the password. To fix it, all you need to do is clear your Outlook logins in the Credentials Manager on your PC. Use the Cortana search to search for and open Control Panel. Click on User Accounts on the following screen. Apr 07, · Open the Registry Editor. In Windows 10, Windows , or Windows 8, press the Windows logo key+R to open the Run dialog box, type replace.me, and then click OK. In Windows 7, click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then press Enter. If you’re prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password, or click Allow. Solutions to the “Outlook continually prompts for password” problem. After conducting ample research across various technical forums and Outlook user communities, we’ve compiled the following list of solutions to the “Outlook keeps asking for password” problem that affects Outlook versions , , , and Oct 24, · I have Microsoft Office Pro Plus through a community college that uses office and I am getting a need password every time I go into outlook on my primary computer but on my surface 3 and my developer computer it works fine I have tried the Microsoft office recovery program that is · Hi, Outlook keeps prompting for password could be. Last updated: September Issue. If you’re connected to an Exchange server, you might be prompted to enter your user name and password in Outlook , even though you’re logged in to your computer with your network credentials and Outlook should silently log you in.
That forum article applies to Outlook In Outlook , I dont see one of the tabs it refers to under more settings, and I still have the problem. Sunday, July 17, PM. This was useful!
Scenario: Windows 10, Office Skype for Business configured to start automatically Skype and Outlook work fine; when the computer drifts off to sleep, and you authenticate back into Windows, OUtlook prompts for credentials If Skype for Business is NO T running automatically, and you repeat the above, Outlook doesn’t request credentials. Any root causes? Running July updates for Outlook and Skype for Business.
Thursday, July 21, PM. Thanks Bodsworth, this fixed my issue. I tried every other suggestion and nothing worked. Tuesday, July 26, AM. This killed my PST file and now corrupt. Tuesday, July 26, PM. It’s a straight forward fix. Friday, September 9, PM. I have windows 10 with Office , Following did not work: I tried to delete my outlook profile created a new one!
Deleted Credentials from Credential manager! Profile Security Settngs enhancements, Annoymous logins selection. Regards, Nipun. Wednesday, September 14, PM. I cant believe how long its taken me to find this answer, but am so thankful for it!!! Thanks Again. Tuesday, September 20, AM. Hi, The problem is AD side! You need to change users logon names to make them match with their email addresses. Then you need to change the logon name to make it match the email address. Thursday, September 29, AM.
I had this issue for a few weeks after enabling Outlook Anywhere. Some network captures were showing permission errors with autodiscover.
Monday, October 10, AM. Strangely enough this solution worked for me. Tuesday, November 1, AM. Sunday, November 20, AM. Hi, I have the same scenario, and we are working with the last november release, we tried the old realeases. Sunday, November 20, PM. Friday, November 25, AM. Monday, November 28, AM. Many thanks Bilboswagins – my IT people could not fix this but your solution worked.
Tuesday, December 13, AM. Hi all, I had been being pestered by Outlook to provide my credentials every few minutes Outlook , Windows 10 , Exchange Prior to finding this thread, I tried many suggestions without success, including blowing away the user profile! Then I changed my AD password, which worked. I wish I had thought to try that first! Friday, December 16, AM. You are grate Bilboswagins , this fix my problem Edited by bbr Tuesday, January 3, PM. Tuesday, January 3, PM.
I did exactly the opposite – I’ve unchecked the data encryption and Outlook stopped asking for credentials : Thanks for the hint. Monday, January 16, PM. Which one of them is so terrible and killed your PST? Tuesday, January 24, PM. Thursday, February 9, AM. I’ve only recently started getting this problem, since I’ce started having Outlook locking up, due to COM Add-ons being disabled, as Outlook thinks they slow the system down.
Trying to disable all the COM add-ons, but now keep getting asked to enter my security password. Tried the deleteing credentials thing on here, but to no avail, STILL getting this problem each time I open Outlook , even tho I tell it to remember them all the time.
Saturday, February 25, PM. Friday, March 3, AM. I can access my e-mails if i use a browser and goto the live. This is not a good program at all, too many problems since all the e-mail accounts were converted to the new format. Tuesday, March 7, AM. I have Microsoft Office Pro Plus through a community college that uses office and I am getting a need password every time I go into outlook on my primary computer but on my surface 3 and my developer computer it works fine I have tried the Microsoft office recovery program that is supposed to fix this issue with outlook I have had these issues before but not as bad because normally the program will fix itself after I use the recovery program The thing is I have my student email syncing into outlook through the exchange server through office Any help would be much appreciated So a bit late for answer but Try this Monday, March 13, PM.
This solution of going into Credential Manager, and typing over the passwords worked for me. I had tried to delete them, and other steps in this article.
We’ve only seen this issue in Windows 10, and we usually do a Full Online Repair, and then create a new Profile to fix it. Typing over the password is much easier! Proposed as answer by fixfinder Tuesday, April 4, AM. Tuesday, April 4, AM. Thursday, April 6, AM.
I had this problem and it’s now fixed, the issue was the application password option. Your normal password will work fine in the web view Using the application password and not your normal email password solved it for me.
Sunday, April 23, AM. I have run the MS Support and recovery assistant for office that you can download. Selected the option for password prompting and all checked out apart from one issue. Tuesday, April 25, PM. Saturday, April 29, PM. Hi Clark, Thanks a lot for your post. It works!! Regards, Nithiya. Thursday, May 4, AM. Worked like a charm. Tuesday, May 9, PM. Thursday, May 11, PM. Cox 1. We had the exact same issue and here is the solution – works every time!
Thanks, DC. Friday, May 12, PM. Bilboswagins There are no XML files in that directory or any of its sub-directories. Running Outlook Edited by mmast Tuesday, May 30, AM. Tuesday, May 30, AM. This worked perfectly for me. Tuesday, May 30, PM. I get back to Generic credentials and edit the newly created entry and reenter user name. This solve the problem for me. Saturday, June 10, PM.
I had just discovered add a UPN solution on my own before I got down this far in the messages. I solved it when I realized although it passed using Microsoft Remote Connectivity Test Which asks you for the user name it kept failing when setting up Outlook which doesn’t ask for a user name but would keep popping up an authentication window showing the email address as the user name by default. Friday, June 16, PM. Spot on, thank you Clark Kent! Monday, June 26, PM. Outlook is working fine again.
Tuesday, June 27, PM. I’de the same problem. In my case the only solution was: 1 Remove office account from Outlook 2 Unistall office 3 Reinstall office 4 Recreate office account on Outlook. Tuesday, July 11, PM. Thank you – this worked for me, but there was an auto-generated hidden folder called 16 that I had to rename as well as the xml file: i.
Wednesday, July 19, PM. I face the same problem. Worst is outlook is not connecting with my yahoo mail in the setup. Please tell me have you solved your problem. Saturday, July 22, AM. Thursday, August 24, PM. This solution was spot on when all others failed. Saturday, September 30, AM. To get rid of this error follow these steps. Proposed as answer by rnenjoy Friday, October 13, PM. Wednesday, October 4, PM.
This worked for me! Friday, October 13, PM. Thursday, October 19, AM. I have another account same setup, no issue. Saturday, October 21, AM. The PDF opens, but the credential prompt immediately follows and despite what you type at it, it will not go away until you stop and restart Outlook The outlook version is Monday, October 23, PM. I’ve also seen this with just one email account.
Of course it doesn’t happen on all computers running , just some as with the other long technet issue i’m following where cached mode will sometimes just not update even though online mode works fine. I want to click the “Report as Abuse” button and report Outlook as abuse for all of us!
Wednesday, October 25, PM. Edited by ponyandcarriage Friday, October 27, PM. Friday, October 27, PM. Wednesday, November 1, PM.
Tuesday, November 14, AM. This worked for me. Wednesday, November 15, PM. I had the same issue. Thanks for your feedback. We understand that you’re having an issue with your Outlook password. For us to isolate everything here, we would like to know if you tried signing in your Outlook account using a different device. Also, have you tried using a different account to see if the same issue persists?
This is for us to know if it has something to do with the account itself or with the Outlook app. First of all, so far it has been working properly since Monday, but only time will tell if it starts acting up again. I’m being careful to keep restore points at times I know it is working properly. As for your questions, I usually only use Outlook on one device a Dell desktop and one e-mail account. I regularly connect to that e-mail account on my phone Samsung , but not with Outlook.
That seems to be working fine at this moment, and I’ll try to use it more over coming days to see if it acts up at all. Alright, just keep us posted for the result. If the issue still persists, don’t hesitate to inform us and we’ll be happy to further assist you.
The problem occurred again this morning. For the record, that’s 10 days since the last time. There were no recent updates in the Update History, and there was no obvious reason for the change. Just, one time I went to check messages I do it manually rather than on a time schedule and Outlook prompted for my password, even though it had already been entered before. I tried shutting down and restarting Outlook.
I tried shutting down and restarting my computer. Another screen will appear and prompt you for the username and password and below that it should have populated the domain already. This worked for me flawlessly after trying everything that was suggested on these sites. Let me know if this works for you guys too. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks.
Office Microsoft Outlook Best Answer. The issue for me was WAM. View this “Best Answer” in the replies below ». Popular Topics in Microsoft Office.
Spiceworks Help Desk. The help desk software for IT. Track users’ IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need. Learn More ». Do you have Dirsync with Office ? If so, on Office is Dirsync showing updated? Try removeing cached mode in Outlook, and see if issue happens. Rusty Platter This person is a verified professional. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional.
Same here. Tried wiping O credentials in credential manager; no joy. Will try the cached-mode switch. Rusty Platter wrote: Same here. Nicabus Aug 3, at UTC. This was the last response we got from them yesterday on the issue: Thank you for your time on call.
Before I could do that, the users reported the issue was solved. Nicabus Jalapeno. Nicabus Aug 4, at UTC. From Microsoft: I hope you are doing well. I would like to inform you that the issue is now seems to be resolved for few tenants.
Could you please confirm if the issue is resolved for your tenant as well? Waiting for your response. Regards, Arya Mishra. Thanks again for keeping us updated! Important: This issue is now closed with the fix indicated below.
For more information on other recent issues for your application, see Fixes or workarounds for recent Office issues. Last updated: September If you’re connected to an Exchange server, you might be prompted to enter your user name and password in Outlook , even though you’re logged in to your computer with your network credentials and Outlook should silently log you in.
When you try to create an Outlook profile or connect to a Microsoft Office mailbox, you’re continually prompted for credentials while the client displays a “trying to connect If you cancel the credentials prompt, you receive the following error message:. The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be otulook or connected microsoft outlook 2016 keeps asking for username and password free download complete this action. This issue can occur if the Logon network security setting on the Security tab microsoft outlook 2016 keeps asking for username and password free download the Microsoft Exchange dialog box is set to a value other than Anonymous Authentication.
Microsoft Outlook and some recent builds of Outlook are not affected by this issue. Those versions have been updated to prevent the problem that is described in the “Symptoms” section. These versions have the Logon network microsoft outlook 2016 keeps asking for username and password free download setting disabled or removed from the Microsoft Exchange email account settings.
You may be an Office customer who is experiencing the error that is described in the “Symptoms” section when you try to connect to an Exchange Online mailbox. You may also already be anx newer versions of Outlook or Outlook userna,e If both conditions are true,it is highly recommended that you use the Outlook keeps asking for my password diagnostic to troubleshoot issues in which Outlook continually prompts for a password.
Узнать больше здесь diagnostic does automated checks and returns possible solutions for you to use to try to fix any 10 pro kuyhaa issues. If you are connecting to an Exchange On-Premises mailbox, see the following articles for microsofr troubleshooting:. If you have an vownload version of Outlook, change the Logon network security setting to Anonymous Authentication to fix this issue.
To do this, follow these steps:. Click Show Profilesselect your Outlook profile, and then click Properties. To locate and view the registry setting for Anonymous Authentication in the Outlook profile, follow these steps. Modifying the Outlook profile by using the “Profiles” registry path is not supported microsoft outlook 2016 keeps asking for username and password free download may cause your Outlook profile to be in an unsupported state.
Follow the steps in this section carefully. Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Before you access it, back up the registry for restoration in case problems occur.
Select the first subfolderand then examine the data of the Account Name binary value by double-clicking the asikng. For example, the Account Name value points to guidopica contoso. It represents a GUID for example, c3 d1 9a 7b 80 1b c4 4a 96 0a e5 b6 3b f9 7c 7e. Under the subfolder that you found in step 7, examine the d0d binary value. It represents a GUID for example, 5f cf d5 f1 ba 5c 6f 45 b3 57 cc 5e 0d 16 94 Under the subkey found in step 9, examine the value of the binary value.
This value determines whether Outlook is using Anonymous Authentication. Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Privacy policy. Skip to main content. Contents Exit focus mode. If you cancel the credentials prompt, you читать the following error message: The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable.
Cause This issue can occur if the Logon network security setting on the Security tab of the Microsoft Exchange dialog box is set to a value other than Anonymous Authentication.
Resolution Note Microsoft Outlook источник статьи some recent builds of Outlook are not affected by this issue. Important Modifying the Outlook profile by using the “Profiles” жмите сюда path is not supported and may cause your Outlook profile to be in an unsupported state.
Is this page helpful? Yes No. Any additional feedback? Skip Submit. Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback.
We understand that you’re having an issue with your Outlook password. For us to isolate everything here, we would like to know if you tried signing in your Outlook account using a different device. Also, have you tried using a different account to see if the same issue persists? This is for us to know if it has something to do with the account itself or with the Outlook app.
First of all, so far it has been working properly since Monday, but only time will tell if it starts acting up again. I’m being careful to keep restore points at times I know it is working properly. As for your questions, I usually only use Outlook on one device a Dell desktop and one e-mail account.
I regularly connect to that e-mail account on my phone Samsung , but not with Outlook. That seems to be working fine at this moment, and I’ll try to use it more over coming days to see if it acts up at all.
Alright, just keep us posted for the result. If the issue still persists, don’t hesitate to inform us and we’ll be happy to further assist you. The problem occurred again this morning. For the record, that’s 10 days since the last time. There were no recent updates in the Update History, and there was no obvious reason for the change. Just, one time I went to check messages I do it manually rather than on a time schedule and Outlook prompted for my password, even though it had already been entered before.
I tried shutting down and restarting Outlook. I tried shutting down and restarting my computer. Outlook still wanted the password every time I tried to check messages. So I did a System Restore again and now Outlook is back to working properly. I don’t think this has anything to do with the Outlook problem because it has not happened previous times, but I’ll mention that since the System Restore I’m having some problems.
But Outlook is working! Good to know that your Outlook problem is now working. Sometimes this error can be quite critical as it could damage your hard disk, memory or in rare circumstances, your processor. In this case, we may need to perform some troubleshooting steps and see if it helps:. Step 1: Start your device in Safe mode. Select the first subfolder , and then examine the data of the Account Name binary value by double-clicking the value.
For example, the Account Name value points to guidopica contoso. It represents a GUID for example, c3 d1 9a 7b 80 1b c4 4a 96 0a e5 b6 3b f9 7c 7e.
Under the subfolder that you found in step 7, examine the d0d binary value. It represents a GUID for example, 5f cf d5 f1 ba 5c 6f 45 b3 57 cc 5e 0d 16 94 Under the subkey found in step 9, examine the value of the binary value.
This value determines whether Outlook is using Anonymous Authentication. Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Privacy policy. Skip to main content. Contents Exit focus mode. If you cancel the credentials prompt, you receive the following error message: The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable.
Cause This issue can occur if the Logon network security setting on the Security tab of the Microsoft Exchange dialog box is set to a value other than Anonymous Authentication.
Resolution Note Microsoft Outlook and some recent builds of Outlook are not affected by this issue. Click Tools , and then click Internet Options. Right-click the Temp folder, click Properties , and then click the Security tab. In the Look in list, click Select the Domain. Make sure that the check boxes for the following permissions are selected, and then click OK :. Click Local Intranet , click Sites , and then click Advanced. Click Tools , click Internet Options , and then click the Advanced tab.
Verify that the Enable Integrated Windows Authentication check box is selected. Click Tools , click Internet Options , and then click the Connections tab.
Click Tools , click Internet Options , and then click the Security tab. If your computer is connected to the Internet, click Internet , and then click Custom Level. If your computer is connected only to a local intranet, click Local Intranet , and then click Custom Level. In the Security Settings dialog box, make sure that Automatic logon with current username and password is enabled under User Authentication.
Click Tools , and then click Internet Options. Right-click the Temp folder, click Properties , and then click the Security tab. In the Look in list, click Select the Domain. Make sure that the check boxes for the following permissions are selected, and then click OK :. For more information on other recent issues for your application, see Fixes or workarounds for recent Office issues. Last updated: September If you’re connected to an Exchange server, you might be prompted to enter your user name and password in Outlook , even though you’re logged in to your computer with your network credentials and Outlook should silently log you in.
We apologize for any inconvenience this issue has caused and want to let you know that a fix has been released. Please install the latest updates to resolve this issue.
We love reading your suggestions on new features and feedback about how you use our products! To locate and view the registry setting for Anonymous Authentication in the Outlook profile, follow these steps.
Modifying the Outlook profile by using the “Profiles” registry path is not supported and may cause your Outlook profile to be in an unsupported state. Follow the steps in this section carefully. Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly.
Before you access it, back up the registry for restoration in case problems occur. Select the first subfolder , and then examine the data of the Account Name binary value by double-clicking the value. For example, the Account Name value points to guidopica contoso. It represents a GUID for example, c3 d1 9a 7b 80 1b c4 4a 96 0a e5 b6 3b f9 7c 7e.
Under the subfolder that you found in step 7, examine the d0d binary value. It represents a GUID for example, 5f cf d5 f1 ba 5c 6f 45 b3 57 cc 5e 0d 16 94 Under the subkey found in step 9, examine the value of the binary value.
This value determines whether Outlook is using Anonymous Authentication. Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services.
Privacy policy.
Microsoft outlook 2016 keeps asking for username and password free download.Outlook 2016 keeps asks for Internet Email user and password
Usually, the reason behind such erratic Outlook behavior is some problem with its settings and it can be rectified easily. In this post we will be discussing the possible reasons and solutions. When an operating system is upgraded, many system settings are reset, modified, or replaced with new ones.
This is meant to remove bugs and hidden glitches that user activity may have caused to system files, but sometimes, it overwrites the preference settings you may have deliberately made to installed programs. Follow the steps in this section carefully.
Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Before you access it, back up the registry for restoration in case problems occur. Select the first subfolder , and then examine the data of the Account Name binary value by double-clicking the value.
For example, the Account Name value points to guidopica contoso. It represents a GUID for example, c3 d1 9a 7b 80 1b c4 4a 96 0a e5 b6 3b f9 7c 7e. Under the subfolder that you found in step 7, examine the d0d binary value. It represents a GUID for example, 5f cf d5 f1 ba 5c 6f 45 b3 57 cc 5e 0d 16 94 Under the subkey found in step 9, examine the value of the binary value.
This value determines whether Outlook is using Anonymous Authentication. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Leave this field empty. Home About. The registry settings can be deployed to domain computers using a GPO. If the Mail app icon is missing in Control Panel, it can be restored this way.
Related Reading. June 16, June 15, June 7, Dave M. February 28, – am The random password box popping up has been driving me insane for months and your fix worked, thanks! Thank you!! Tom Partridge January 29, – pm This one worked for mine. Ralph June 30, – am Just a quick note about my experience, as it had a bunch of consultants and Microsoft support scratching their heads for quite a while before we finally resolved it.
If the issue still persists, don’t hesitate to inform us and we’ll be happy to further assist you. The problem occurred again this morning. For the record, that’s 10 days since the last time. There were no recent updates in the Update History, and there was no obvious reason for the change.
Just, one time I went to check messages I do it manually rather than on a time schedule and Outlook prompted for my password, even though it had already been entered before. I tried shutting down and restarting Outlook.
I tried shutting down and restarting my computer. Outlook still wanted the password every time I tried to check messages. So I did a System Restore again and now Outlook is back to working properly. I don’t think this has anything to do with the Outlook problem because it has not happened previous times, but I’ll mention that since the System Restore I’m having some problems. But Outlook is working! Good to know that your Outlook problem is now working. Sometimes this error can be quite critical as it could damage your hard disk, memory or in rare circumstances, your processor.
In this case, we may need to perform some troubleshooting steps and see if it helps:. Step 1: Start your device in Safe mode. Safe Mode starts Windows with a limited set of files and drivers. Startup programs don’t run in Safe Mode with Networking, and only the basic drivers needed to start Windows are installed. Step 2: Clean Boot.
It looks like this: after starting Outlook successfully connects to the on-premises Exchange server or Office mailbox , the user sees a list of folders in the mailbox and new emails in the Inbox.
But after a few minutes of normal work, a window appears for entering the user name and password. The user enters the password and presses OK, but the window with the prompt to enter the credentials appears again. Most admins in this case try to recreate the mail profile, reinstall Office — but this usually does not help. Outlook with some periodicity still requires the user to enter a password. Consider several ways that can help you to remove the annoying password request window in Outlook.
Also, try to connect to your mailbox through the web interface OWA and log in. Perhaps the problem is that the user password has expired the password has expired according to the domain password policy settings and must be changed.
Check if you have Outlook saved passwords stored in the Windows Password Manager Credential Manager , try to delete them all. Clear the checkbox Always prompt for credentials in the User identification section. At the same time, you need to check the authentication type used for the IIS site on the Exchange server.
If the computer with a problem Outlook is not joined to the Active Directory domain, then on the contrary, you should try to switc from NTLM authentication to Basic. Any other feedback? The more you tell us, the more we can help. How can we improve? Send No thanks. Thank you for your feedback! That may be why Outlook keeps asking for your password, and enabling the option should fix it for you. Outlook uses the profile method to differentiate one user from another. Creating a new profile for Outlook is fairly easy and it can be done from the app itself.
An old version of Outlook can also be one of the reasons why Outlook keeps asking for your password. Ready to Start Your Career? Create Free Account. Verify that your Outlook installation is working properly To ensure your Outlook application is working as it should take care of the following: Check if your Outlook installation is up-to-date.
The help desk software for IT. Track users’ IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need. Learn More ». Do you have Dirsync with Office ? If so, on Office is Dirsync showing updated? Try removeing cached mode in Outlook, and see if issue happens. Rusty Platter This person is a verified professional. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. Same here. Tried wiping O credentials in credential manager; no joy. Will try the cached-mode switch.
Rusty Platter wrote: Same here. Nicabus Aug 3, at UTC. This was the last response we got from them yesterday on the issue: Thank you for your time on call. Before I could do that, the users reported the issue was solved. Nicabus Jalapeno.
Nicabus Aug 4, at UTC. From Microsoft: I hope you are doing well. I would like to inform you that the issue is now seems to be resolved for few tenants. Could you please confirm if the issue is resolved for your tenant as well? Waiting for your response. Regards, Arya Mishra. Thanks again for keeping us updated! I think it was solved at our end at the same date. Did you get a response from MS? Nicabus Aug 8, at UTC. Looks like a code issue in certain version of Outlook.
Thanx Nicabus!
Fixes or workarounds for recent issues in Outlook for Windows. Outlook keeps asking for username and password Outlook More Need more help?
Get support. Expand your Office skills. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Any other feedback? The more you tell us, the more we can help. This is a recent development. Normally I log on in the morning and Outlook keeps my password as long as I am logged on, so that I just have to enter my password once a day. I don’t want Outlook to save my password permanently, but recently I’ve started having a problem where I have to enter my password every single time I check for new messages, which is pretty annoying.
I can get back to the normal Outlook behavior if I do a System Restore to before the problem started, but it keeps coming back. I have done System Restore three or four times now. Each time things will be OK again for a week or so and then the problem comes back. I cannot figure what is causing it. At first I thought maybe it was a problem with a system update, but it is not associated with the regular updates as far as I can tell I also turned off the option to update other Microsoft products along with Windows, but that doesn’t seem to have helped.
I have done a bit of searching for an answer, but the only answers I have been able to find have to do with saving your password in Outlook which I don’t want to do and problems with credentials which I tried, but did not seem to have any effect.
Additional information: I have Windows 10 64 bit and Office Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. We understand that you’re having an issue with your Outlook password. For us to isolate everything here, we would like to know if you tried signing in your Outlook account using a different device. Also, have you tried using a different account to see if the same issue persists? This is for us to know if it has something to do with the account itself or with the Outlook app.
First of all, so far it has been working properly since Monday, but only time will tell if it starts acting up again. I’m being careful to keep restore points at times I know it is working properly. As for your questions, I usually only use Outlook on one device a Dell desktop and one e-mail account. I regularly connect to that e-mail account on my phone Samsung , but not with Outlook. That seems to be working fine at this moment, and I’ll try to use it more over coming days to see if it acts up at all.
Alright, just keep us posted for the result. If the issue still persists, don’t hesitate to inform us and we’ll be happy to further assist you. The problem occurred again this morning.
For the record, that’s 10 days since the last time. There were no recent updates in the Update History, and there was no obvious reason for the change. Just, one time I went to check messages I do it manually rather than on a time schedule and Outlook prompted for my password, even though it had already been entered before.
I tried shutting down and restarting Outlook. I tried shutting down and restarting my computer. Outlook still wanted the password every time I tried to check messages. So I did a System Restore again and now Outlook is back to working properly. I don’t think this has anything to do with the Outlook problem because it has not happened previous times, but I’ll mention that since the System Restore I’m having some problems. But Outlook is working! Good to know that your Outlook problem is now working.
Sometimes this error can be quite critical as it could damage your hard disk, memory or in rare circumstances, your processor.
Expand your Office skills. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Any other feedback? Click Tools , click Internet Options , and then click the Connections tab. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. A subscription to make the most of your time.
Try one month free. Friday, February 19, AM. What is the UPN? Tuesday, February 23, PM. I’ve experienced the same thing in my office. The first question I’d like to ask is, do you have Skype for Business set to automatically start when you boot your computer? I’ve had two users have this credential prompt issue, the moment I closed out their Skype program, had them re-enter their credentials, they were no longer prompted. I had them restart their Skype program and it continued to work properly.
I found this thread looking to see if others were having the same issue. This just started in the last 3 weeks. Friday, February 26, PM.
Wednesday, March 9, PM. I originally No good. Proposed as answer by muscleflex Wednesday, June 6, AM. Sunday, April 24, PM. In case it helps anyone else: I tried a lot of these things but it turned out to be an old shared calendar SharePoint list asking for the O login – I don’t need the calendar anymore so just deleted it – login prompts went away Rick Nelson.
Tuesday, April 26, PM. Here however is the correct fix after long time of looking You likely have thse two registry settings:. Proposed as answer by willstay Thursday, January 24, AM. Friday, May 6, PM. Thursday, June 9, PM.
This fixed it for me. Tuesday, June 28, PM. That forum article applies to Outlook In Outlook , I dont see one of the tabs it refers to under more settings, and I still have the problem.
Sunday, July 17, PM. This was useful! Scenario: Windows 10, Office Skype for Business configured to start automatically Skype and Outlook work fine; when the computer drifts off to sleep, and you authenticate back into Windows, OUtlook prompts for credentials If Skype for Business is NO T running automatically, and you repeat the above, Outlook doesn’t request credentials. Any root causes? Running July updates for Outlook and Skype for Business.
Thursday, July 21, PM. Thanks Bodsworth, this fixed my issue. I tried every other suggestion and nothing worked. Tuesday, July 26, AM. This killed my PST file and now corrupt. Tuesday, July 26, PM. It’s a straight forward fix. Friday, September 9, PM.
I have windows 10 with Office , Following did not work: I tried to delete my outlook profile created a new one! Deleted Credentials from Credential manager! Profile Security Settngs enhancements, Annoymous logins selection.
Regards, Nipun. Wednesday, September 14, PM. I cant believe how long its taken me to find this answer, but am so thankful for it!!!
Thanks Again. Tuesday, September 20, AM. Hi, The problem is AD side! You need to change users logon names to make them match with their email addresses. Then you need to change the logon name to make it match the email address. Thursday, September 29, AM. I had this issue for a few weeks after enabling Outlook Anywhere. Some network captures were showing permission errors with autodiscover.
Monday, October 10, AM. Strangely enough this solution worked for me. Tuesday, November 1, AM. Sunday, November 20, AM. Hi, I have the same scenario, and we are working with the last november release, we tried the old realeases. Sunday, November 20, PM. Friday, November 25, AM. Monday, November 28, AM. Many thanks Bilboswagins – my IT people could not fix this but your solution worked. Tuesday, December 13, AM. Hi all, I had been being pestered by Outlook to provide my credentials every few minutes Outlook , Windows 10 , Exchange Prior to finding this thread, I tried many suggestions without success, including blowing away the user profile!
Then I changed my AD password, which worked. I wish I had thought to try that first! Friday, December 16, AM. You are grate Bilboswagins , this fix my problem Edited by bbr Tuesday, January 3, PM. Tuesday, January 3, PM. I did exactly the opposite – I’ve unchecked the data encryption and Outlook stopped asking for credentials : Thanks for the hint. Monday, January 16, PM.
Which one of them is so terrible and killed your PST? Tuesday, January 24, PM. Thursday, February 9, AM. I’ve only recently started getting this problem, since I’ce started having Outlook locking up, due to COM Add-ons being disabled, as Outlook thinks they slow the system down.
Trying to disable all the COM add-ons, but now keep getting asked to enter my security password. Tried the deleteing credentials thing on here, but to no avail, STILL getting this problem each time I open Outlook , even tho I tell it to remember them all the time. Saturday, February 25, PM. Friday, March 3, AM. I can access my e-mails if i use a browser and goto the live. This is not a good program at all, too many problems since all the e-mail accounts were converted to the new format.
Tuesday, March 7, AM. I have Microsoft Office Pro Plus through a community college that uses office and I am getting a need password every time I go into outlook on my primary computer but on my surface 3 and my developer computer it works fine I have tried the Microsoft office recovery program that is supposed to fix this issue with outlook I have had these issues before but not as bad because normally the program will fix itself after I use the recovery program The thing is I have my student email syncing into outlook through the exchange server through office Any help would be much appreciated So a bit late for answer but Try this Monday, March 13, PM.
This solution of going into Credential Manager, and typing over the passwords worked for me. I had tried to delete them, and other steps in this article. We’ve only seen this issue in Windows 10, and we usually do a Full Online Repair, and then create a new Profile to fix it.
Typing over the password is much easier! Proposed as answer by fixfinder Tuesday, April 4, AM. Tuesday, April 4, AM. Thursday, April 6, AM. I had this problem and it’s now fixed, the issue was the application password option. Your normal password will work fine in the web view Using the application password and not your normal email password solved it for me.
Sunday, April 23, AM. I have run the MS Support and recovery assistant for office that you can download. Selected the option for password prompting and all checked out apart from one issue.
Tuesday, April 25, PM. Saturday, April 29, PM. Hi Clark, Thanks a lot for your post. It works!! Regards, Nithiya. Thursday, May 4, AM. Worked like a charm. Tuesday, May 9, PM. Thursday, May 11, PM. Cox 1. We had the exact same issue and here is the solution – works every time! Thanks, DC. Friday, May 12, PM. Bilboswagins There are no XML files in that directory or any of its sub-directories. Running Outlook Edited by mmast Tuesday, May 30, AM.
Tuesday, May 30, AM. This worked perfectly for me. Tuesday, May 30, PM. I get back to Generic credentials and edit the newly created entry and reenter user name. This solve the problem for me. Saturday, June 10, PM. I had just discovered add a UPN solution on my own before I got down this far in the messages.
I solved it when I realized although it passed using Microsoft Remote Connectivity Test Which asks you for the user name it kept failing when setting up Outlook which doesn’t ask for a user name but would keep popping up an authentication window showing the email address as the user name by default.
Friday, June 16, PM. Spot on, thank you Clark Kent! Monday, June 26, PM. Outlook is working fine again. Tuesday, June 27, PM. I’de the same problem. In my case the only solution was: 1 Remove office account from Outlook 2 Unistall office 3 Reinstall office 4 Recreate office account on Outlook. Tuesday, July 11, PM.
Thank you – this worked for me, but there was an auto-generated hidden folder called 16 that I had to rename as well as the xml file: i. Wednesday, July 19, PM. I face the same problem. Worst is outlook is not connecting with my yahoo mail in the setup. Please tell me have you solved your problem. Saturday, July 22, AM. As I have several different email accounts, I have Outlook configured to poll all accounts for new mail every minute. Sometimes I think this issue has gone away as I may not be prompted for password sometimes for several weeks.
But sooner or later it always starts back with a vengeance and is going berserk today! Renders Outlook basically useless when this is happening unless you don’t mind dealing with the multiple account password prompts every one minute!
I’m a private user, not on an exchange server. When the prompt shows up hit more choices. After you select more choices select other user option. Another screen will appear and prompt you for the username and password and below that it should have populated the domain already. This worked for me flawlessly after trying everything that was suggested on these sites. Let me know if this works for you guys too.
To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks. Office Microsoft Outlook Best Answer. The issue for me was WAM. View this “Best Answer” in the replies below ». Popular Topics in Microsoft Office. Spiceworks Help Desk. The help desk software for IT. Track users’ IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need.
Learn More ». Do you have Dirsync with Office ? If so, on Office is Dirsync showing updated? Try removeing cached mode in Outlook, and see if issue happens. Rusty Platter This person is a verified professional. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional.
Same here. Tried wiping O credentials in credential manager; no joy. Will try the cached-mode switch. Rusty Platter wrote: Same here. Nicabus Aug 3, at UTC. This was the last response we got from them yesterday on the issue: Thank you for your time on call. Before I could do that, the users reported the issue was solved.
Nicabus Jalapeno.
Whenever I change my gmail password, I have to change it in the Outlook account settings as well. Today I did not change my password, but I had reconfigured a few things in gmail regarding security. Besides changing my phone number, I had turned off “access for less secure apps. After that, Outlook kept asking for a password and nothing worked. Looking at my gmail account online, there was a message from gmail that someone had turned off “access for less secure apps.
Thank you – this worked for me, but there was an auto-generated hidden folder called 16 that I had to rename as well as the xml file:. Nothing was broken, why did they try and fix it?
I’ve tried every suggestion on this and other threads: clearing credential manager, running the Office troubleshooting tools, deleting and trying to recreate profiles, registry edits, etc – nothing works. I even sat on the phone with Microsoft technical support for 90 minutes until that tech gave up and kicked it up a level.
I’m now waiting for a callback. I decided to try one last thing. For reference, I have two email accounts and both were causing problems. I tried one more time to recreate my account in Outlook – no luck. Then I fired up the Windows 10 mail app and added the account – it worked.
I then immediately tried to go back to Outlook and recreate the account it had failed not 10 minutes prior – and it worked. I could not believe it. Just to make sure I tried my other account. I tried to create it in Outlook – failed. Created it in the Windows 10 mail app – success. Went back to Outlook – it worked right away.
I removed the entry and moved the folder it was pointing to , then recreated the profile and no more prompting for password. NONE of the items outlined worked. It seems to be an issue with sending mail not receiving. ALSO if I ignore the problem it disappears after some time.
TWO of them use the same username, with different domains. The domain account name is otherdomainxx ourdomain. BOTH are domain accounts in ourdomain. The PDF opens, but the credential prompt immediately follows and despite what you type at it, it will not go away until you stop and restart Outlook. Outlook On Premise users are prompted for credentials when opening email attachments. This occurs after updating to Current Channel build Note: If Could please anybody from Microsoft fix this?
I tried all the 20 steps to fix these Outlook on Windows 10 on an Exchange on premise Server, meaning SBS pop ups when opening attachments. Nothing helped till the last answer from ponyandcarriage. The problem with a downgrade is that I cannot downgrade all computers and stop them from upgrading. What happens is that computers eventually do updates after the next reboot if you don’t prevent this in outlook. But without updates Not a good situation SBS doesn’t seem to set up autodiscovery by default.
Add a new primary zone to your forward DNS called autodiscover. If that doesn’t solve your issue I had already updated the users UPN to maildomain.
This is done by adding maildomain. We all had patched the Exchange to be up to date recently in case that is also a factor SP3 rollup 18 form memory. Thank you! Okay so first of all, I tried all the solution bellow, and then I finally figured out what was going on :. You are only prompted for your password once, then it works normaly! We had similar Outlook client prompt for password issues with all mailboxes at Office in an Exchange hybrid scenario. We did not have public folders and had recently swapped over from an Exchange on premise server to so the settings were different and that caused the password prompt issue is apparently difficult to diagnose with all the possible issues.
I have Windows 10 Home and Office Personal. I formerly had Office 16 installed through an employer. When I left the employer, I switched to Office I use the downloaded apps, not the online apps. Got OneDrive and the Office apps working just fine, but couldn’t get the Outlook app to stop asking me for a credential that looked like it was using my Laptop name as a domain name. Tried my Microsoft password, tried getting and using an app password, tried the Windows password I use to log onto the laptop.
I was pulling my hair out and wasting many hours and losing significant sleep. Then I remembered I had created an alias for my outlook. So instead of setting up an account in Outlook with my primary outlook. And even better, in Outlook it displays my primary outlook. I just upgraded from Office Pro to Office Pro and suddenly my Exchange account kept prompting for password.
Prompted for password once more and this time it received it, no more promptings. I then turned Encryption back on and it’s fine.
Come back and mark replies as answer if they help, and help others with the same problem. If this post is helpful please vote it as Helpful on the left side. You have to log into your Office. It’s not the password you enter when logging in normally or online. I had to do the same for my Xbox account once MFA was activated which was much worse because I couldn’t copy and paste the password and had to use the controller to enter it.
Blog Facebook Twitter. Basics: My mailbox was migrated from Exchange to O a few days ago. This evening, I was prompted to change my work password which I did from my work laptop. For my work laptop – everything worked fine. Personal PC on a lab domain had the issue : Outlook connecting to my work email using work domain credentials. Outlook prompted for password as it should but would never take.
Found this Thread: Closed Outlook. I updated the password and saved. I Opened Outlook and all is working fine. Using the primary email instead of the alias worked for me. The alias used to work fine but occasionally got into a state where it kept re-prompting for the password.
Today I gave up and deleted the account and re-added it with the primary email and it worked. It does display the alias in Outlook which is what I want.
This is backwards from your situation, Candreva. For testing purposes, you should read this article:. Add to that list, adding your enterprise outlook account to the microsoft mail app on your work computer. I did this a few days ago for testing purposes and today my outlook went really pear shaped, had to remove my account completely from the mail app.
In this case, it basically means to use your email address. At our company that takes the form of Firstname. Windows 10 shutdown from the start menu may not work as it hibernates the computer to make it appear that it starts up faster from shutdown.
Then again, I think it also signs you out so maybe it will work. Changing the AD password may help too instead of clearing credentials as that causes the new password to overwrite the one that’s there.
Exit back, and there should now be an orange circle On with an exclamation point. Open up Outlook. If the Inbox does not populate, then open up your email settings and make sure that your gmail User ID and Password are entered correctly. I have this problem with Exchange Outlook clients prompt for password upon launch.
Prior versions of outlook and do not do this in testing. It’s only This is impacting our deployment plans for Office In the event that this reply goes to the bottom of this feed, here is what the instructions were:. Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Resources for IT Professionals. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads.
Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Outlook IT Pro Discussions. This forum is for general questions and feedback related to Outlook all versions as they pertain to the IT Pro community.
Sign in to vote. I have Microsoft Office Pro Plus through a community college that uses office and I am getting a need password every time I go into outlook on my primary computer but on my surface 3 and my developer computer it works fine I have tried the Microsoft office recovery program that is supposed to fix this issue with outlook I have had these issues before but not as bad because normally the program will fix itself after I use the recovery program The thing is I have my student email syncing into outlook through the exchange server through office Any help would be much appreciated.
Sunday, October 25, AM. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact tnmff microsoft. Tuesday, November 10, AM. Delete it. In fact, you can delete all the entries in Generic Credentials if you like.
If it asks for a password, enter the password and check for it to remember the password. A new entry will be created in the credential vault with your latest login and password.
Problem solved. Monday, October 26, PM. Wednesday, January 13, PM. Still drawing a blank. Tuesday, January 19, PM. This sounds totally stupid, but it appears it was an issue with a credential sync between the user’s laptop and the local AD.
I found out in the end that the user had changed their password this morning and it just somehow hadn’t sync’d with local AD from the laptop. A simple reboot was all it took to correct the problem.
Yea that’s not the problem here RD We have this impacting every user – not an isolated user as in your case. Thursday, January 21, PM. Tuesday, February 2, PM. Hi Clark, Thanks for the tip. Thank you!! Thursday, February 4, PM. Close your outlook.
Click on Windows Credentials. Find entry for your email account and click on Edit. Open Outlook and when you prompted to enter credentials — enter password and click on Save Password. Monday, February 8, PM. Saved credentials in the credentials manager is not the problem here. I have no saved credentials at all. But thanks for the suggestion.
It was the first thing I thought of myself when troubleshooting. Tuesday, February 9, PM. We use basic authentication with a Load Balancer in front of our Exchange Servers. Proposed as answer by mdaas Friday, March 3, AM. Monday, February 15, PM. Tuesday, February 16, PM.
Friday, February 19, AM. What is the UPN? Tuesday, February 23, PM. I’ve experienced the same thing in my office. The first question I’d like to ask is, do you have Skype for Business set to automatically start when you boot your computer? I’ve had two users have this credential prompt issue, the moment I closed out their Skype program, had them re-enter their credentials, they were no longer prompted.
I had them restart their Skype program and it continued to work properly. I found this thread looking to see if others were having the same issue. This just started in the last 3 weeks. Friday, February 26, PM. Wednesday, March 9, PM. I originally No good. Proposed as answer by muscleflex Wednesday, June 6, AM. Sunday, April 24, PM. In case it helps anyone else: I tried a lot of these things but it turned out to be an old shared calendar SharePoint list asking for the O login – I don’t need the calendar anymore so just deleted it – login prompts went away Rick Nelson.
Tuesday, April 26, PM. Here however is the correct fix after long time of looking You likely have thse two registry settings:. Proposed as answer by willstay Thursday, January 24, AM. Friday, May 6, PM. Thursday, June 9, PM. This fixed it for me. Tuesday, June 28, PM. That forum article applies to Outlook In Outlook , I dont see one of the tabs it refers to under more settings, and I still have the problem.
Sunday, July 17, PM. This was useful! Scenario: Windows 10, Office Skype for Business configured to start automatically Skype and Outlook work fine; when the computer drifts off to sleep, and you authenticate back into Windows, OUtlook prompts for credentials If Skype for Business is NO T running automatically, and you repeat the above, Outlook doesn’t request credentials.
Any root causes? Running July updates for Outlook and Skype for Business. Thursday, July 21, PM. Thanks Bodsworth, this fixed my issue. I tried every other suggestion and nothing worked. Tuesday, July 26, AM. This killed my PST file and now corrupt. Tuesday, July 26, PM. It’s a straight forward fix.
Friday, September 9, PM. I have windows 10 with Office , Following did not work: I tried to delete my outlook profile created a new one! Deleted Credentials from Credential manager! Profile Security Settngs enhancements, Annoymous logins selection. Regards, Nipun. Wednesday, September 14, PM. I cant believe how long its taken me to find this answer, but am so thankful for it!!!
Thanks Again. Tuesday, September 20, AM. Hi, The problem is AD side! You need to change users logon names to make them match with their email addresses. Then you need to change the logon name to make it match the email address. Thursday, September 29, AM.
I had this issue for a few weeks after enabling Outlook Anywhere. Some network captures were showing permission errors with autodiscover. Monday, October 10, AM. Strangely enough this solution worked for me. Tuesday, November 1, AM. Sunday, November 20, AM. Hi, I have the same scenario, and we are working with the last november release, we tried the old realeases. Sunday, November 20, PM. Friday, November 25, AM. Monday, November 28, AM.
Many thanks Bilboswagins – my IT people could not fix this but your solution worked. Tuesday, December 13, AM. Hi all, I had been being pestered by Outlook to provide my credentials every few minutes Outlook , Windows 10 , Exchange Prior to finding this thread, I tried many suggestions without success, including blowing away the user profile!
Then I changed my AD password, which worked. I wish I had thought to try that first! Friday, December 16, AM. You are grate Bilboswagins , this fix my problem Edited by bbr Tuesday, January 3, PM.
Tuesday, January 3, PM. I did exactly the opposite – I’ve unchecked the data encryption and Outlook stopped asking for credentials : Thanks for the hint. Monday, January 16, PM. Which one of them is so terrible and killed your PST? Tuesday, January 24, PM. Thursday, February 9, AM. I’ve only recently started getting this problem, since I’ce started having Outlook locking up, due to COM Add-ons being disabled, as Outlook thinks they slow the system down.
Trying to disable all the COM add-ons, but now keep getting asked to enter my security password. Tried the deleteing credentials thing on here, but to no avail, STILL getting this problem each time I open Outlook , even tho I tell it to remember them all the time. Saturday, February 25, PM.
Friday, March 3, AM. I can access my e-mails if i use a browser and goto the live. This is not a good program at all, too many problems since all the e-mail accounts were converted to the new format.
Tuesday, March 7, AM. I have Microsoft Office Pro Plus through a community college that uses office and I am getting a need password every time I go into outlook on my primary computer but on my surface 3 and my developer computer it works fine I have tried the Microsoft office recovery program that is supposed to fix this issue with outlook I have had these issues before but not as bad because normally the program will fix itself after I use the recovery program The thing is I have my student email syncing into outlook through the exchange server through office Any help would be much appreciated So a bit late for answer but Try this Monday, March 13, PM.
This solution of going into Credential Manager, and typing over the passwords worked for me. I had tried to delete them, and other steps in this article. We’ve only seen this issue in Windows 10, and we usually do a Full Online Repair, and then create a new Profile to fix it. Typing over the password is much easier! Proposed as answer by fixfinder Tuesday, April 4, AM. Tuesday, April 4, AM. Thursday, April 6, AM. I had this problem and it’s now fixed, the issue was the application password option.
Your normal password will work fine in the web view Using the application password and not your normal email password solved it for me. Sunday, April 23, AM.
I have run the MS Support and recovery assistant for office that you can download. Selected the option for password prompting and all checked out apart from one issue. Tuesday, April 25, PM. Saturday, April 29, PM. Hi Clark, Thanks a lot for your post. It works!! Regards, Nithiya. Thursday, May 4, AM. Worked like a charm. Tuesday, May 9, PM. Thursday, May 11, PM. Cox 1. We had the exact same issue and here is the solution – works every time!
Thanks, DC. Friday, May 12, PM. Bilboswagins There are no XML files in that directory or any of its sub-directories. Running Outlook Edited by mmast Tuesday, May 30, AM. Tuesday, May 30, AM. This worked perfectly for me. Tuesday, May 30, PM.
I get back to Generic credentials and edit the newly created entry and reenter user name. This solve the problem for me. Saturday, June 10, PM. I had just discovered add a UPN solution on my own before I got down this far in the messages. I solved it when I realized although it passed using Microsoft Remote Connectivity Test Which asks you for the user name it kept failing when setting up Outlook which doesn’t ask for a user name but would keep popping up an authentication window showing the email address as the user name by default.
Friday, June 16, PM. Spot on, thank you Clark Kent! The random password box popping up has been driving me insane for months and your fix worked, thanks! The trick was:. Alll above solutions did not work for me May Windows Pro update, Office fully updated June 19th However what worked for me was to set my default inbox to open Outlook with to my Windows account outlook.
As soon as I set it back, I get prompted for my outlook. Hope this willl help you guys and girls! Simply select the inbox of your microsoft e-mail account. There is a similar issue in Exchange CU3. OS Hub. Each time my Admins repair, reinstall or upgrade my Office, I have a recurring problem opening attachments from Outlook email.
Right now, one of my Admins had to spend more than an hour on this. And even though most of your articles are way above my skillset, I enjoy reading your website.
This one worked for mine. Thank you! Just a quick note about my experience, as it had a bunch of consultants and Microsoft support scratching their heads for quite a while before we finally resolved it. Scenario was that all mailboxes were in O, with a technically hybrid environment and on-prem AD.
The hybrid part was an on-prem Exchange used for managing Exchange attributes that are not possible to change in EOL when your user accounts are synced from on-prem.
What happened was the Exchange server had been updated to the latest CU a few weeks earlier and, over the weekend, had had Windows updates installed. The initial credential prompt only initially was reported as affecting Outlook users, which sent us down the incorrect rabbit hole of Modern Authentication and Office updates. What ended up being the case was that the IIS virtual directories used by Exchange had been corrupted by some combination of the CU update and Windows updates.
Running the UpdateCas. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Leave this field empty. Home About. The registry settings can be deployed to domain computers using a GPO. If the Mail app icon is missing in Control Panel, it can be restored this way. Related Reading. June 16, June 15,