
Body Contouring Surgery

Body Contouring | Body Contouring Surgery | Drpetertran


Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck as it is commonly referred to, is an operation that is designed to reshape the abdomen.

Body Contouring | Body Contouring Surgery | Drpetertran

Arm Lift

An Arm Lift, or brachioplasty, reshapes drooping, sagging skin and fat deposits underneath the arm from the underarm to the elbow.

Body Contouring | Body Contouring Surgery | Drpetertran


Liposuction, commonly known as liposculpture, involves removing unwanted pockets of subcutaneous fat.

Body Contouring | Body Contouring Surgery | Drpetertran

Male Breast Reduction

Men who have excess fat or glandular tissue (or a combination of both) in their chest area may feel self-conscious or embarrassed.

Body Contouring | Body Contouring Surgery | Drpetertran

Abdominoplasty with breast surgery

Every woman who has given birth can attest to changes her body has endured as a result. Fortunately, a skilled cosmetic surgeon can help to restore

Thigh Lift | Thighplasty | Cosmetic Surgery | Drpetertran


A Thigh Lift, or thighplasty, reshapes the contour of either the inner or outer thighs by removing excess fat and skin to form a well-proportioned, natural appearance.